00:00:00.090 --> 00:00:01.790
Rachel, I'll
hand it off to you.
00:00:04.680 --> 00:00:07.520
Thank you very much, Monica.
00:00:07.520 --> 00:00:10.080
Good morning, everyone and hello.
00:00:10.080 --> 00:00:14.010
I am very glad, very grateful to be here
00:00:14.010 --> 00:00:15.420
to welcome everyone,
00:00:15.420 --> 00:00:18.580
say hello and help
kick off this workshop.
00:00:18.580 --> 00:00:21.373
I wanna relate a story to start off.
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Well, many of you I've gotten to know
00:00:24.690 --> 00:00:28.510
as colleagues during my
time at the Commission
00:00:28.510 --> 00:00:30.450
there is actually a person
00:00:30.450 --> 00:00:33.520
who through the power of social media,
00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:37.020
we've realized that we
are professional relationship
00:00:37.020 --> 00:00:38.840
predates the Commission.
00:00:38.840 --> 00:00:42.340
Charles Mason works in
our news and outreach team,
00:00:42.340 --> 00:00:45.990
and he and I realized that
we both held nonprofit jobs
00:00:45.990 --> 00:00:50.320
around the same time
at... In the Bay area.
00:00:50.320 --> 00:00:53.670
And we're colleagues in these jobs
00:00:53.670 --> 00:00:57.910
where we were focused on
environmental and social justice.
00:00:57.910 --> 00:01:00.420
The place where I worked thought changed
00:01:00.420 --> 00:01:03.150
by advocating in front
of local governments
00:01:03.150 --> 00:01:06.360
for more equitable community planning,
00:01:06.360 --> 00:01:08.730
and Charles' group addressed inequity
00:01:08.730 --> 00:01:10.853
at the regional policy level,
00:01:14.563 --> 00:01:17.840
advocating for reallocating
transportation funding
00:01:17.840 --> 00:01:19.660
for example.
00:01:19.660 --> 00:01:22.750
That worked was definitely
not easy at the time,
00:01:22.750 --> 00:01:25.340
because we were trying to point out
00:01:25.340 --> 00:01:28.580
and reframe the subtleties
of policy decisions
00:01:28.580 --> 00:01:32.453
that can result in environmental
and social injustice.
00:01:33.340 --> 00:01:35.163
That was about 20 years ago,
00:01:36.020 --> 00:01:37.860
fast forward to 2021.
00:01:37.860 --> 00:01:42.860
And here both Charles and
I are working at the CPUC,
00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:47.930
a statewide agency with
a substantial policy brief.
00:01:47.930 --> 00:01:50.430
We regulate investor owned utilities
00:01:50.430 --> 00:01:53.540
that serve California with electricity,
00:01:53.540 --> 00:01:56.400
gas, water, telecommunications,
00:01:56.400 --> 00:01:59.700
rail and passenger transportation.
00:01:59.700 --> 00:02:02.470
We are responsible for
the mandates and goals
00:02:02.470 --> 00:02:05.750
set out in the Public Utilities Code.
00:02:05.750 --> 00:02:09.170
We're meant to achieve clean, reliable
00:02:09.170 --> 00:02:11.520
and safe electricity,
00:02:11.520 --> 00:02:14.350
quality communication services,
00:02:14.350 --> 00:02:16.910
affordable and safe drinking water,
00:02:16.910 --> 00:02:19.410
and safe rail and
transportation systems,
00:02:19.410 --> 00:02:21.573
just to name a few of our goals.
00:02:22.590 --> 00:02:25.280
And really what's so
impressive to me as someone
00:02:25.280 --> 00:02:27.970
who has roots in this work
00:02:27.970 --> 00:02:30.730
is that we have not
left it at the mandates
00:02:30.730 --> 00:02:32.913
of the Public Utilities Code.
00:02:34.080 --> 00:02:37.610
We have adopted our
own stretch goal in 2019
00:02:37.610 --> 00:02:41.360
with the Environmental and
Social Justice Action Plan.
00:02:41.360 --> 00:02:43.600
And we are pushing ourselves to think
00:02:43.600 --> 00:02:46.063
about how we engage communities,
00:02:47.070 --> 00:02:49.680
the data that we gather considering
00:02:49.680 --> 00:02:53.390
where and how our
enforcement work happens,
00:02:53.390 --> 00:02:57.890
and analyzing community
access to the services we regulate.
00:02:57.890 --> 00:02:59.560
That is the work that you,
00:02:59.560 --> 00:03:03.010
all of you and Monica and all the staff
00:03:03.010 --> 00:03:05.910
are going to engage in
over the next two days.
00:03:05.910 --> 00:03:08.750
And I'm really so glad
to be part of an agency
00:03:08.750 --> 00:03:11.540
that is willing to not just stop
00:03:11.540 --> 00:03:13.510
at the legislative mandates
00:03:13.510 --> 00:03:16.590
which are significant
in and of themselves,
00:03:16.590 --> 00:03:21.123
but to add that to
our work plate as well.
00:03:21.970 --> 00:03:24.990
So Charles and I had early training
00:03:24.990 --> 00:03:28.210
in this type of work
when we were advocating
00:03:28.210 --> 00:03:31.530
in front of local and
regional government bodies.
00:03:31.530 --> 00:03:34.710
And here we are now
part of the state body,
00:03:34.710 --> 00:03:37.230
and we are the people operationalizing
00:03:37.230 --> 00:03:40.390
the Environmental and
Social Justice Action Plan.
00:03:40.390 --> 00:03:41.980
And I just wanna reiterate
00:03:41.980 --> 00:03:45.183
how proud I am of the
CPUCs commitment to this.
00:03:46.140 --> 00:03:47.810
I know that everyone's speaking
00:03:47.810 --> 00:03:50.800
and facilitating and attending
over the next two days
00:03:50.800 --> 00:03:53.010
will bring their best ideas,
00:03:53.010 --> 00:03:55.660
and their best dialogue
to this workshop,
00:03:55.660 --> 00:03:57.870
and I really look
forward to the discussion
00:03:57.870 --> 00:04:00.310
and of course to the results.
00:04:00.310 --> 00:04:02.513
Thank you so much,
Monica, and back to you.
00:04:06.840 --> 00:04:09.174
Thanks so much and
that's such a great story.
00:04:09.174 --> 00:04:10.630
(indistinct) my colleague Charles Nathan
00:04:10.630 --> 00:04:13.010
in the news and outreach office too.
00:04:13.010 --> 00:04:14.230
Thank you.
00:04:14.230 --> 00:04:18.420
Next, we're so lucky to also
have President Marybel Batjer
00:04:18.420 --> 00:04:20.150
welcome us this morning.
00:04:20.150 --> 00:04:22.123
President Batjer, take it away.
00:04:26.319 --> 00:04:29.652
President Batjer I think you're on mute.
00:04:31.660 --> 00:04:32.600
Thank you, Monica.
00:04:32.600 --> 00:04:35.290
And before we get underway
and I welcome everyone,
00:04:35.290 --> 00:04:39.593
I do want to remind everyone
that this is recorded today.
00:04:40.950 --> 00:04:43.570
So with that, thank you so much, Monica.
00:04:43.570 --> 00:04:45.400
And thank you, Rachel,
00:04:45.400 --> 00:04:48.870
that was a great story
and a wonderful welcome,
00:04:48.870 --> 00:04:51.280
and it shows your personal
00:04:51.280 --> 00:04:53.880
and Charles' personal commitment
00:04:53.880 --> 00:04:56.010
and a shared commitment
that we all have.
00:04:56.010 --> 00:04:58.870
So welcome everyone to the start
00:04:58.870 --> 00:05:01.630
of a two-day
environmental social justice,
00:05:01.630 --> 00:05:04.900
ESJ Action Plan workshop.
00:05:04.900 --> 00:05:08.560
The CPUC adopted the ESJ Action Plan
00:05:08.560 --> 00:05:12.470
as Rachel mentioned in February of 2019,
00:05:12.470 --> 00:05:15.460
And it serves as the operating framework
00:05:15.460 --> 00:05:19.210
for which the CPUC furthers
principles of environmental
00:05:19.210 --> 00:05:20.930
and social justice.
00:05:20.930 --> 00:05:22.470
Today's workshop will allow us
00:05:22.470 --> 00:05:23.960
to have an interactive.
00:05:23.960 --> 00:05:26.550
And I really hope for that discussion
00:05:26.550 --> 00:05:29.120
on how we can build
upon these principles
00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:32.060
in our two-year update of the plan.
00:05:32.060 --> 00:05:33.770
Since the plan's adoption,
00:05:33.770 --> 00:05:37.070
the CPUC has strived
to incorporate the goals
00:05:37.070 --> 00:05:40.410
as set forth in the ESJ Plan
00:05:40.410 --> 00:05:43.990
as part of our ethos
of the organization.
00:05:43.990 --> 00:05:47.140
The Commission has a responsibility
00:05:47.140 --> 00:05:49.700
to consider environmental
and social costs
00:05:49.700 --> 00:05:53.970
to the rate payers when
conducting oversight of utilities
00:05:53.970 --> 00:05:56.050
and the services we regulate.
00:05:56.050 --> 00:05:59.000
We take this
responsibility very seriously,
00:05:59.000 --> 00:06:01.150
and hope that the two year updates
00:06:01.150 --> 00:06:04.090
to the plan can help us
continue to incorporate
00:06:04.090 --> 00:06:07.940
the goals of the plan in
all aspects of our work.
00:06:07.940 --> 00:06:10.980
Environmental and social justice
00:06:10.980 --> 00:06:14.830
is the fair treatment and
meaningful involvement
00:06:14.830 --> 00:06:18.220
of all people especially
those that have historically
00:06:18.220 --> 00:06:21.580
been left out of
environmental decision-making,
00:06:21.580 --> 00:06:25.253
which directly impacts
their health and wellbeing.
00:06:26.440 --> 00:06:30.520
Practices such as redlining
and placing industrial centers
00:06:30.520 --> 00:06:34.410
in low income communities
have caused indigenous,
00:06:34.410 --> 00:06:37.030
black and Latino communities
00:06:38.230 --> 00:06:43.230
to carry an extremely
high environmental burden
00:06:43.850 --> 00:06:45.840
resulting in desperate,
00:06:45.840 --> 00:06:49.260
despair, excuse me, health
and financial outcomes
00:06:49.260 --> 00:06:51.490
in comparison to other communities
00:06:51.490 --> 00:06:53.773
largely along racial lines.
00:06:54.940 --> 00:06:58.650
These same communities also
end up spending a large portion
00:06:58.650 --> 00:07:01.350
of their monthly
income in utility bills.
00:07:01.350 --> 00:07:06.143
A dynamic which has been
exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.
00:07:07.190 --> 00:07:09.210
We also know that certain regions
00:07:09.210 --> 00:07:12.480
are disproportionately
impacted by industries,
00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:15.170
which create much of Californians carbon
00:07:15.170 --> 00:07:17.340
and methane emissions.
00:07:17.340 --> 00:07:21.710
The Central Valley is often
poor air quality, for example,
00:07:21.710 --> 00:07:25.070
is largely a result of
agricultural industry
00:07:25.070 --> 00:07:27.810
and heavy duty vehicle emissions.
00:07:27.810 --> 00:07:31.770
These regions also
suffer from water shortages
00:07:31.770 --> 00:07:34.940
and pollution in addition
to other consequences
00:07:34.940 --> 00:07:36.203
of climate change.
00:07:37.070 --> 00:07:41.980
In 2019 the CPUC
adopted the ESJ Action Plan
00:07:41.980 --> 00:07:44.910
under the leadership of
Commissioner Guzman Aceves
00:07:44.910 --> 00:07:48.480
and Commissioner Rechtschaffen, (laughs)
00:07:48.480 --> 00:07:49.840
excuse me.
00:07:49.840 --> 00:07:52.980
Both of whom have advocated
00:07:52.980 --> 00:07:56.030
strongly for environmental
social issues,
00:07:56.030 --> 00:07:58.490
and have worked hard
much of their careers
00:07:58.490 --> 00:08:00.760
towards a greater representation
00:08:00.760 --> 00:08:03.533
of some of our most
underrepresented communities.
00:08:04.900 --> 00:08:09.710
I greatly appreciate their
leadership for this initiative
00:08:09.710 --> 00:08:13.290
as well as their ongoing
support to institutionalize
00:08:13.290 --> 00:08:16.850
the principles adopted under this plan.
00:08:16.850 --> 00:08:18.660
We have made considerable strides
00:08:18.660 --> 00:08:21.860
to incorporate the strategic
directives in the plan
00:08:21.860 --> 00:08:25.450
into our regulatory work
from including environmental
00:08:25.450 --> 00:08:27.870
and social justice considerations
00:08:27.870 --> 00:08:31.900
into scoping memos to
allocating funding especially
00:08:32.887 --> 00:08:36.500
to specific vulnerable communities.
00:08:36.500 --> 00:08:38.740
Our work, however is far from over.
00:08:38.740 --> 00:08:41.730
Today's workshop is an
effort to further develop
00:08:41.730 --> 00:08:45.597
the principles and
the actions in the plan
00:08:45.597 --> 00:08:47.730
to ensure that we take lessons
00:08:47.730 --> 00:08:51.010
from our previous two
years of implementation,
00:08:51.010 --> 00:08:53.760
as well as current
thinking into consideration
00:08:53.760 --> 00:08:56.380
during our regulatory processes.
00:08:56.380 --> 00:09:00.170
We want to ensure that
this plan contains meaningful
00:09:00.170 --> 00:09:04.030
and actionable steps to both proactively
00:09:04.030 --> 00:09:05.880
include vulnerable communities
00:09:05.880 --> 00:09:09.010
in our challenging
decision-making processes,
00:09:09.010 --> 00:09:11.630
as well as develop policies and programs
00:09:11.630 --> 00:09:14.590
that directly benefit these communities.
00:09:14.590 --> 00:09:18.500
In addition to Commissioner
Guzman Aceves and Rechtschaffen,
00:09:18.500 --> 00:09:21.180
I would like to thank Monica Palmera,
00:09:21.180 --> 00:09:23.920
Sarah Sharpe, Yuliya Schmidt
00:09:23.920 --> 00:09:27.010
Nicole Cropper, Amy Mesrobian
00:09:27.010 --> 00:09:31.593
and Kathleen Yip for organizing
this outstanding workshop.
00:09:33.240 --> 00:09:35.130
The effort to increase accessibility
00:09:35.130 --> 00:09:38.910
by live streaming today's
event on Twitter and Facebook
00:09:38.910 --> 00:09:42.500
as well as providing
real-time translation services
00:09:42.500 --> 00:09:46.060
during portions of this
workshop is greatly appreciated
00:09:46.060 --> 00:09:49.340
and models we will like to continue
00:09:49.340 --> 00:09:52.020
to encourage greater accessibility
00:09:52.020 --> 00:09:55.083
and participation in all
of our public processes.
00:09:56.040 --> 00:09:58.270
I would also like to thank our group
00:09:58.270 --> 00:10:02.690
of industry division staff ESJ liaisons
00:10:02.690 --> 00:10:04.330
for leading the implementation
00:10:04.330 --> 00:10:07.660
of environmental and
social justice efforts
00:10:07.660 --> 00:10:09.440
in their respective divisions,
00:10:09.440 --> 00:10:13.113
and engaging on a daily
basis with these issues.
00:10:14.010 --> 00:10:17.270
This workshop is one of a
growing number of examples
00:10:17.270 --> 00:10:21.010
of how the CPUC is
improving accessibility
00:10:21.010 --> 00:10:22.840
to our decision-making process,
00:10:22.840 --> 00:10:26.360
and we look forward to
brainstorming with you
00:10:26.360 --> 00:10:28.230
and hearing from you,
00:10:28.230 --> 00:10:30.750
your input on ways that we can continue
00:10:30.750 --> 00:10:32.880
to build upon these principles.
00:10:32.880 --> 00:10:34.520
Thank you for joining us today
00:10:34.520 --> 00:10:36.110
and we really look forward
00:10:36.110 --> 00:10:37.770
to all the public comments
00:10:37.770 --> 00:10:40.150
that we receive about ideas and actions
00:10:40.150 --> 00:10:44.370
that we must incorporate
into the update of the ESJ Plan.
00:10:44.370 --> 00:10:46.280
And I welcome my fellow Commissioners
00:10:46.280 --> 00:10:47.920
who have joined us today
00:10:47.920 --> 00:10:49.730
and thank you for
being here and everyone,
00:10:49.730 --> 00:10:51.620
please participate strongly.
00:10:51.620 --> 00:10:52.453
Thank you.
00:10:55.120 --> 00:10:57.320
Thanks so much,
President Batjer.
00:10:57.320 --> 00:11:00.150
We're really lucky to
have you here today.
00:11:00.150 --> 00:11:02.350
We also have (indistinct) and
Commissioner Guzman Aceves,
00:11:02.350 --> 00:11:05.040
and also Commissioner Shiroma here.
00:11:05.040 --> 00:11:06.250
You all are scheduled to speak
00:11:06.250 --> 00:11:08.020
at other times throughout
the two-day workshop,
00:11:08.020 --> 00:11:09.830
I wanna invite you all if
you'd like to say anything
00:11:09.830 --> 00:11:11.533
at this point before we dive in,
00:11:12.370 --> 00:11:13.870
if you'd like to say anything.
00:11:16.300 --> 00:11:17.700
Nothing from me, Monica
00:11:17.700 --> 00:11:18.620
just happy to be here,
00:11:18.620 --> 00:11:20.170
look forward to the discussion.
00:11:23.070 --> 00:11:24.880
Maybe just briefly
wanted to respond (giggles)
00:11:24.880 --> 00:11:26.270
to one of the comments that,
00:11:26.270 --> 00:11:28.860
is there any concerns around ex parte
00:11:29.750 --> 00:11:31.630
do not have any concerns with that?
00:11:31.630 --> 00:11:33.360
This is a publicly noticed meeting
00:11:33.360 --> 00:11:36.980
so you're welcome to
speak about all issues
00:11:38.046 --> 00:11:41.580
and that is why we followed
all of those bagley-keen rules
00:11:41.580 --> 00:11:43.440
and properly noticing this.
00:11:43.440 --> 00:11:45.890
So I look forward to the discussion.
00:11:48.329 --> 00:11:52.570
And likewise thank
you for coordinating
00:11:52.570 --> 00:11:55.645
the two-day workshop to the team.
00:11:55.645 --> 00:11:57.590
I look forward to learning,
00:11:57.590 --> 00:12:00.460
and looking at what
else we can and must do
00:12:00.460 --> 00:12:03.670
as a Commission for
Environmental and Social Justice.
00:12:03.670 --> 00:12:04.503
Thank you.
00:12:07.060 --> 00:12:08.990
Thank you all so much.
00:12:08.990 --> 00:12:12.160
Okay, so I'm gonna dive
into kind of the format
00:12:12.160 --> 00:12:14.770
of the workshop and
what you all can expect
00:12:14.770 --> 00:12:16.300
and how to participate.
00:12:16.300 --> 00:12:17.570
And then we'll spend some time
00:12:17.570 --> 00:12:20.490
doing a bit more of an
overview of what the plan is,
00:12:20.490 --> 00:12:21.883
and the purpose of today.
00:12:22.860 --> 00:12:25.820
So if I can just get the (indistinct)
00:12:25.820 --> 00:12:27.233
and we can dive into that.
00:12:32.020 --> 00:12:32.970
All right, perfect.
00:12:34.550 --> 00:12:35.383
Next slide.
00:12:38.010 --> 00:12:39.800
Okay, so for today's workshop
00:12:39.800 --> 00:12:42.080
we're doing two half-day workshop,
00:12:42.080 --> 00:12:44.270
a two day half-day workshop.
00:12:44.270 --> 00:12:45.910
And the intention is that folks
00:12:45.910 --> 00:12:47.730
be in of different sections,
00:12:47.730 --> 00:12:50.450
but the overall purpose
of the workshop is,
00:12:50.450 --> 00:12:52.360
we have three main
goals with the workshop.
00:12:52.360 --> 00:12:55.110
And the first is to increase
awareness and knowledge
00:12:55.110 --> 00:12:58.040
about this plan that
we have it, that it exists,
00:12:58.040 --> 00:13:02.010
that it's in place amongst
CPUC stakeholders and staff.
00:13:02.010 --> 00:13:03.810
So folks can reference it,
00:13:03.810 --> 00:13:06.740
look back at it and
hold us accountable to it.
00:13:06.740 --> 00:13:09.240
The second purpose for this workshop
00:13:09.240 --> 00:13:12.900
is to foster dialogue and get
CPUC back regarding ways
00:13:12.900 --> 00:13:14.650
that we can deepen our work
00:13:14.650 --> 00:13:17.820
around environmental social
justice issues at the CPUC.
00:13:17.820 --> 00:13:21.140
And third is to collect as
much concrete information,
00:13:21.140 --> 00:13:22.670
suggestions and action items
00:13:22.670 --> 00:13:25.330
that we can incorporate into the update
00:13:25.330 --> 00:13:27.870
of the Environmental and
Social Justice Action Plan.
00:13:27.870 --> 00:13:28.703
We'll talk a little bit more
00:13:28.703 --> 00:13:30.830
about this when we give
an overview of the plan,
00:13:30.830 --> 00:13:33.110
but the plan was adopted in 2019
00:13:33.110 --> 00:13:35.460
and calls for us to
update it every two years.
00:13:35.460 --> 00:13:38.340
So here we find ourselves in 2021,
00:13:38.340 --> 00:13:40.655
and we're looking for fresh action items
00:13:40.655 --> 00:13:43.150
to incorporate into the plan.
00:13:43.150 --> 00:13:44.083
Next slide please.
00:13:45.990 --> 00:13:46.950
All right.
00:13:46.950 --> 00:13:49.410
So in order to get at those goals,
00:13:49.410 --> 00:13:51.050
the format of today's workshop
00:13:51.050 --> 00:13:53.060
will be primarily discussion-based.
00:13:53.060 --> 00:13:55.770
So you're hearing some
presentations right now
00:13:55.770 --> 00:13:58.060
at the beginning just to level set.
00:13:58.060 --> 00:14:00.210
And one of the panel tomorrow morning
00:14:00.210 --> 00:14:01.320
that's about data collection
00:14:01.320 --> 00:14:04.500
will be a little bit more
presentation oriented.
00:14:04.500 --> 00:14:06.430
But for the most part
all of the sessions
00:14:06.430 --> 00:14:08.610
will be discussion oriented.
00:14:08.610 --> 00:14:12.110
So how they will work is that
you will have two facilitators
00:14:12.110 --> 00:14:14.760
who will be co-leading
a session together.
00:14:14.760 --> 00:14:16.370
They will frame up some of the issues
00:14:16.370 --> 00:14:17.820
at the beginning of the session,
00:14:17.820 --> 00:14:19.580
kind of provide some background
00:14:19.580 --> 00:14:22.700
and their perspective
on the issue at hand.
00:14:22.700 --> 00:14:24.780
From there, they will pose questions
00:14:24.780 --> 00:14:27.300
to all of you, the attendees,
00:14:27.300 --> 00:14:28.280
to get the dialogue going,
00:14:28.280 --> 00:14:29.520
to get the conversation going.
00:14:29.520 --> 00:14:31.557
You could almost think
about this as a (indistinct).
00:14:33.366 --> 00:14:34.199
So we wanna hear from you,
00:14:34.199 --> 00:14:36.813
your ideas, your feedback,
and your comments.
00:14:38.860 --> 00:14:40.660
(indistinct) structure
00:14:40.660 --> 00:14:43.200
most of the sessions will
be here in WebEx events
00:14:43.200 --> 00:14:46.890
and they're two different
links for each day.
00:14:46.890 --> 00:14:49.810
At 1:00 p.m each day we will
have some breakout sessions
00:14:49.810 --> 00:14:53.120
where we will focus on
specific industry divisions
00:14:53.120 --> 00:14:54.770
at the CPUC.
00:14:54.770 --> 00:14:58.180
So we can dive into
issues related to water,
00:14:58.180 --> 00:15:02.710
energy, transportation,
wildfire, et cetera.
00:15:02.710 --> 00:15:06.070
So those will also be
a part of the workshop.
00:15:06.070 --> 00:15:07.020
Next slide, please.
00:15:11.030 --> 00:15:14.087
All right, so this is how
participation will work
00:15:14.087 --> 00:15:18.600
and also kind of how it looks
on your WebEx event space.
00:15:18.600 --> 00:15:20.050
So at the bottom of your space
00:15:20.050 --> 00:15:22.070
you should be able to
see where you can click
00:15:22.070 --> 00:15:24.250
and you can see a participant list,
00:15:24.250 --> 00:15:26.840
and you also can see a chat icon.
00:15:26.840 --> 00:15:28.100
We encourage you to have both
00:15:28.100 --> 00:15:30.890
of those up on your events space.
00:15:30.890 --> 00:15:33.590
And the way that we're
gonna ask folks attendees
00:15:33.590 --> 00:15:36.970
to participate is if you're
were in one of the sessions
00:15:36.970 --> 00:15:38.980
and you have a
comment you'd like to give
00:15:38.980 --> 00:15:40.760
or a question to ask,
00:15:40.760 --> 00:15:43.420
we're gonna ask you to raise your hand
00:15:43.420 --> 00:15:45.210
by clicking the hand icon
00:15:45.210 --> 00:15:47.500
that will let us know
that you want to speak
00:15:47.500 --> 00:15:49.410
and say something,
00:15:49.410 --> 00:15:51.750
and that will notify us of that.
00:15:51.750 --> 00:15:55.530
What will happen is
somebody will call your name
00:15:55.530 --> 00:15:58.570
and unmute you and allow
you to give a comment out loud.
00:15:58.570 --> 00:16:00.190
in the session.
00:16:00.190 --> 00:16:01.770
Once you're complete with your comment,
00:16:01.770 --> 00:16:04.113
you will be muted and
put back into the queue.
00:16:05.290 --> 00:16:07.090
We also... Because
we may not be able
00:16:07.090 --> 00:16:08.940
to get to everybody's comment.
00:16:08.940 --> 00:16:11.260
We also are utilizing the chat function
00:16:11.260 --> 00:16:14.490
to be able to get feedback and
your ideas and your thoughts.
00:16:14.490 --> 00:16:16.410
So if you look at your chat function
00:16:16.410 --> 00:16:18.070
you'll see there's different options
00:16:18.070 --> 00:16:21.430
that you can take to who
to message in the chat.
00:16:21.430 --> 00:16:23.570
If you want the message
to go to everybody
00:16:23.570 --> 00:16:26.440
that's here all 250 of us or so,
00:16:26.440 --> 00:16:29.000
make sure you mark all
00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:30.270
and make sure I have the language right
00:16:30.270 --> 00:16:31.240
'cause I can't see it.
00:16:31.240 --> 00:16:32.590
It's all attendees.
00:16:32.590 --> 00:16:35.670
So all attendees, we
can all see your thoughts,
00:16:35.670 --> 00:16:38.950
your reflections on what's
happening in the session.
00:16:38.950 --> 00:16:40.920
If you have more of
like a logistical question,
00:16:40.920 --> 00:16:44.050
or a technical issue feel
free to message all panelists.
00:16:44.050 --> 00:16:46.670
Panelists or the folks you
see at the bottom of the screen
00:16:46.670 --> 00:16:48.830
like myself and the other speakers.
00:16:48.830 --> 00:16:51.920
And we can help sort of triage an issue
00:16:51.920 --> 00:16:54.540
in that space if that's
more appropriate space.
00:16:54.540 --> 00:16:56.040
But we wanna have the chat open
00:16:56.040 --> 00:16:59.040
so if we're not able to get
everybody a verbal comment
00:16:59.040 --> 00:17:00.810
then we can have that chat feature
00:17:00.810 --> 00:17:03.193
and get ideas flowing there.
00:17:04.180 --> 00:17:05.143
Next slide, please.
00:17:08.830 --> 00:17:09.663
All right.
00:17:09.663 --> 00:17:11.310
So just to reiterate a
little what I mentioned
00:17:11.310 --> 00:17:13.470
and just highlight those
the three main ways
00:17:13.470 --> 00:17:15.650
to participate and provide feedback
00:17:15.650 --> 00:17:17.240
through the two-day workshop.
00:17:17.240 --> 00:17:19.900
The verbal comment or
question click your hand
00:17:19.900 --> 00:17:21.590
to raise your hand.
00:17:21.590 --> 00:17:23.130
When we are able to call on you,
00:17:23.130 --> 00:17:24.680
the event host we'll call your name,
00:17:24.680 --> 00:17:27.820
unmute you when it
is your turn to speak.
00:17:27.820 --> 00:17:28.930
And again, just keep in mind
00:17:28.930 --> 00:17:30.810
we are gonna do our best to incorporate
00:17:30.810 --> 00:17:33.980
as many people as many voices as we can.
00:17:33.980 --> 00:17:37.590
But we may not get to everybody
depending on the volume.
00:17:37.590 --> 00:17:39.160
Therefore, you also have the option
00:17:39.160 --> 00:17:40.750
of the written comment
00:17:40.750 --> 00:17:44.320
or question in the
chat box to everybody,
00:17:44.320 --> 00:17:45.330
all attendees.
00:17:45.330 --> 00:17:47.010
We will be trying to weave in as much
00:17:47.010 --> 00:17:49.410
as we can from the chat
box into the discussion.
00:17:50.260 --> 00:17:52.490
One final option that you have is,
00:17:52.490 --> 00:17:53.960
if you would like to email comments,
00:17:53.960 --> 00:17:55.920
if you have something more substantive
00:17:55.920 --> 00:17:58.160
or if something doesn't
get incorporated in,
00:17:58.160 --> 00:17:59.730
please feel free to email us.
00:17:59.730 --> 00:18:03.040
We will also be taking
your feedback there.
00:18:03.040 --> 00:18:08.040
The email address is
00:18:08.450 --> 00:18:11.630
So at any point, if you just
wanna put anything in an email,
00:18:11.630 --> 00:18:12.630
feel free to send it there,
00:18:12.630 --> 00:18:15.520
and we'll also be part of
the whole body of feedback
00:18:15.520 --> 00:18:18.360
that we're getting
through this workshop.
00:18:18.360 --> 00:18:19.193
Next slide.
00:18:22.660 --> 00:18:24.840
All right, and a few final reminders
00:18:24.840 --> 00:18:27.780
before we dive into
the to the need of this.
00:18:27.780 --> 00:18:29.470
It's come up in the chat
and it's been mentioned
00:18:29.470 --> 00:18:31.040
but just to emphasize again.
00:18:31.040 --> 00:18:33.160
This workshop is being recorded,
00:18:33.160 --> 00:18:36.590
and the breakouts will
also be recorded as well.
00:18:36.590 --> 00:18:39.810
And we will make those
recordings available on our website
00:18:39.810 --> 00:18:40.910
after the workshop.
00:18:40.910 --> 00:18:41.780
It may take a few days,
00:18:41.780 --> 00:18:43.780
if you will, you can send
an email to everybody
00:18:43.780 --> 00:18:45.711
to let you know when those are posted.
00:18:45.711 --> 00:18:50.711
But yeah, all of those sessions
will be of made available.
00:18:52.140 --> 00:18:53.850
I (indistinct) if you will try
to capture the comments
00:18:53.850 --> 00:18:54.683
from the chat,
00:18:54.683 --> 00:18:56.970
even if they're not
incorporated into discussion.
00:18:56.970 --> 00:18:59.490
Again, feel free to use that as a venue
00:18:59.490 --> 00:19:01.690
to provide some of your feedback.
00:19:01.690 --> 00:19:03.010
And then just the occur to you
00:19:03.010 --> 00:19:05.520
that we ask our folks if
you're giving verbal comments
00:19:05.520 --> 00:19:07.757
at any point during the workshop.
00:19:07.757 --> 00:19:10.140
But we ask that we do try to
keep your spoken comments
00:19:10.140 --> 00:19:11.850
to about two minutes,
00:19:11.850 --> 00:19:13.830
so we can include as
many people as possible
00:19:13.830 --> 00:19:16.670
and get as much
feedback going as possible.
00:19:16.670 --> 00:19:18.390
Please understand,
and please be respectful
00:19:18.390 --> 00:19:22.330
if a facilitator may prompt
you to wrap up your comments,
00:19:22.330 --> 00:19:23.163
just know again,
00:19:23.163 --> 00:19:25.630
it's all in the spirit of
getting as many voices
00:19:25.630 --> 00:19:27.040
in as possible,
00:19:27.040 --> 00:19:29.070
and please make use
of the chat and the email
00:19:29.070 --> 00:19:30.480
if you would like to further elaborate
00:19:30.480 --> 00:19:32.203
on your thoughts and reflections.
00:19:33.900 --> 00:19:36.440
And then again, last
thing of the presentations
00:19:36.440 --> 00:19:38.153
and will be posted
like this presentation
00:19:38.153 --> 00:19:40.170
will be posted on the recordings
00:19:40.170 --> 00:19:44.087
at www.cpuc.ca.gov/esjactionplan.
00:19:45.720 --> 00:19:48.480
So that is it on that.
00:19:48.480 --> 00:19:49.810
Any questions?
00:19:49.810 --> 00:19:51.670
I'm gonna turn to participants,
00:19:51.670 --> 00:19:53.970
we're gonna give this a try right now.
00:19:53.970 --> 00:19:57.650
Any questions regarding
that participation.
00:19:57.650 --> 00:20:00.773
So feel free to type them in
the chat or raise your hand.
00:20:07.549 --> 00:20:10.132
Are we seeing anybody with a...
00:20:12.120 --> 00:20:13.230
I don't think we have any questions.
00:20:13.230 --> 00:20:14.063
Okay, straight forward,
00:20:14.063 --> 00:20:16.130
and we'll continue to reiterate those...
00:20:18.215 --> 00:20:20.130
The sort of protocol is
getting at each session
00:20:20.130 --> 00:20:22.350
as we have new people join us.
00:20:22.350 --> 00:20:23.970
Oh, I do see a question in the chat.
00:20:23.970 --> 00:20:26.280
How can the captions be turned on?
00:20:26.280 --> 00:20:27.900
So the captions are available
00:20:27.900 --> 00:20:30.493
on the stream on admin monitor.
00:20:33.040 --> 00:20:34.860
We will I'll type in the...
00:20:34.860 --> 00:20:39.010
How you can get the closed
captions on admin monitor,
00:20:39.010 --> 00:20:40.730
but that is where you
can have closed captions
00:20:40.730 --> 00:20:44.820
both in English and in
Spanish of the sessions,
00:20:44.820 --> 00:20:46.630
the WebEx sessions today.
00:20:46.630 --> 00:20:48.780
But I will add more detail there.
00:20:48.780 --> 00:20:51.460
And Joe actually has shared
that link in the chat now.
00:20:51.460 --> 00:20:53.243
So feel free to go there.
00:20:55.030 --> 00:20:58.763
All right, next slide please.
00:21:02.570 --> 00:21:06.540
Okay, so now we're gonna
dive into about the action plan,
00:21:06.540 --> 00:21:07.700
an overview and kind of where
00:21:07.700 --> 00:21:09.853
we're going with this
update to the plan.
00:21:11.070 --> 00:21:13.530
I really wanna thank the folks
00:21:13.530 --> 00:21:16.460
that are gonna be doing
this presentation with me,
00:21:16.460 --> 00:21:19.640
Yuliya Schmidt, Sarah
Sharpe, and Nicole Cropper.
00:21:19.640 --> 00:21:21.320
They have been instrumental
00:21:21.320 --> 00:21:22.750
in the creation of this workshop,
00:21:22.750 --> 00:21:24.970
alongside Amy Mesrobian and Kathleen Yip
00:21:24.970 --> 00:21:26.010
from the Energy Division.
00:21:26.010 --> 00:21:28.920
So you will see at other
points in this workshop
00:21:28.920 --> 00:21:30.340
in putting the vision together
00:21:30.340 --> 00:21:33.168
for this designing the sessions
00:21:33.168 --> 00:21:34.770
and helping to
coordinate all these details.
00:21:34.770 --> 00:21:38.072
So I'm glad to be able to do
this presentation with them.
00:21:38.072 --> 00:21:40.820
We're gonna talk a little bit
about the history of the plan,
00:21:40.820 --> 00:21:42.070
the goals,
00:21:42.070 --> 00:21:44.400
some accomplishments
that we've had this far,
00:21:44.400 --> 00:21:46.640
and what we hope to update,
00:21:46.640 --> 00:21:49.060
some of what we're
hoping for with the update.
00:21:49.060 --> 00:21:51.240
So to kick us off I'm
gonna have Yuliya Schmidt
00:21:51.240 --> 00:21:52.740
from Commissioner Rechtschaffen office
00:21:52.740 --> 00:21:54.877
give us a little
background about the plan
00:21:54.877 --> 00:21:55.710
and what it is.
00:21:57.770 --> 00:21:58.710
Great, thanks, Monica.
00:21:58.710 --> 00:22:00.412
Would you mind giving me a thumbs up
00:22:00.412 --> 00:22:02.160
that you can hear me?
00:22:02.160 --> 00:22:02.993
00:22:02.993 --> 00:22:04.210
00:22:04.210 --> 00:22:05.360
Thank you all.
00:22:05.360 --> 00:22:07.430
It's very heartening encouraging
00:22:07.430 --> 00:22:09.440
to see so many attendees today.
00:22:09.440 --> 00:22:13.980
I know there are well over
200 of us online right now,
00:22:13.980 --> 00:22:15.900
and the stakeholders represent
00:22:15.900 --> 00:22:17.300
a variety of communities,
00:22:17.300 --> 00:22:20.350
organizations interests
across the state.
00:22:20.350 --> 00:22:22.660
And we're thrilled to have you.
00:22:22.660 --> 00:22:25.160
I just wanted to give a couple
of minutes of background
00:22:25.160 --> 00:22:28.019
on how this action plan came to be.
00:22:28.019 --> 00:22:32.610
The Commission started
this effort actually in 2017
00:22:32.610 --> 00:22:36.130
because we noticed that our work
00:22:36.130 --> 00:22:38.980
and Sarah we'll touch
a little more on this,
00:22:38.980 --> 00:22:40.640
deals with environmental social justice
00:22:40.640 --> 00:22:44.500
issues across a huge number
of proceedings and initiatives,
00:22:44.500 --> 00:22:45.710
individual actions.
00:22:45.710 --> 00:22:49.350
But we did not have a
single coherent document
00:22:49.350 --> 00:22:52.340
that expressed our policy vision
00:22:52.340 --> 00:22:55.230
and sort of gathered all
these actions in one place.
00:22:55.230 --> 00:22:59.230
And so we undertook
a pretty lengthy effort,
00:22:59.230 --> 00:23:02.230
probably about two years of
drafting and getting feedback
00:23:02.230 --> 00:23:05.550
from internal and external stakeholders
00:23:05.550 --> 00:23:08.960
to publish this action plan in 2019.
00:23:08.960 --> 00:23:11.700
And it intends to serve two purposes.
00:23:11.700 --> 00:23:14.680
The first, and I sure
hope all 200 of you
00:23:14.680 --> 00:23:17.480
have read the plan,
but in case you haven't,
00:23:17.480 --> 00:23:20.470
the first part is a policy statement
00:23:20.470 --> 00:23:23.060
as to what the Commission views
00:23:23.060 --> 00:23:25.040
environmental social justice action
00:23:25.040 --> 00:23:27.750
excuse me, environmental
social justice issues to be,
00:23:27.750 --> 00:23:31.910
and our role, our
Commission's role within them.
00:23:31.910 --> 00:23:35.450
And the second is quite
a comprehensive list
00:23:35.450 --> 00:23:37.010
of those actions,
00:23:37.010 --> 00:23:39.370
as I said, across numerous proceedings
00:23:39.370 --> 00:23:41.600
and actually just
about all of the sectors
00:23:41.600 --> 00:23:43.570
that the CPCU works in.
00:23:43.570 --> 00:23:46.490
So we regulate aspects of energy,
00:23:46.490 --> 00:23:49.060
water, telecommunications
and transportation,
00:23:49.060 --> 00:23:50.730
just to name a few.
00:23:50.730 --> 00:23:53.370
And those decisions
have far reaching impacts
00:23:53.370 --> 00:23:56.473
on communities identified in the plan.
00:23:58.340 --> 00:24:02.120
So one final element
that we built into the plan
00:24:02.120 --> 00:24:03.060
that has already been mentioned,
00:24:03.060 --> 00:24:04.440
which is this regular update,
00:24:04.440 --> 00:24:07.750
a bi-annual updates that allows us
00:24:07.750 --> 00:24:10.550
to take a fresh look at the actions
00:24:10.550 --> 00:24:12.370
that are listed in the plan.
00:24:12.370 --> 00:24:15.110
That is the accountability
mechanism to you the public
00:24:15.110 --> 00:24:17.120
and to ourselves that we can report out
00:24:17.120 --> 00:24:18.900
on what progress has been made.
00:24:18.900 --> 00:24:22.200
It allows us to add new
actions as they arise
00:24:22.200 --> 00:24:25.510
that we would like to
undertake in the ESJ space,
00:24:25.510 --> 00:24:30.510
and to reflect on the policy
portion of the document.
00:24:30.530 --> 00:24:32.350
So as previous speakers have said
00:24:32.350 --> 00:24:34.800
we really look forward to
the feedback we get here.
00:24:34.800 --> 00:24:36.610
We'll be taking it very seriously
00:24:36.610 --> 00:24:39.773
as we revise the plan for
these upcoming two years.
00:24:48.790 --> 00:24:49.920
Should I just jump in?
00:24:49.920 --> 00:24:51.140
Yep, go for it, Sarah.
00:24:51.140 --> 00:24:52.273
Okay, next slide.
00:24:56.320 --> 00:24:57.153
Hi, everybody.
00:24:57.153 --> 00:24:57.986
I'm Sarah Sharpe.
00:24:57.986 --> 00:24:59.790
I'm an advisor for
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
00:24:59.790 --> 00:25:04.230
So the nine environmental
social justice goals
00:25:04.230 --> 00:25:06.340
that are included in the plan,
00:25:06.340 --> 00:25:09.840
the action plan are I think
kind of the bread and butter.
00:25:09.840 --> 00:25:14.600
They are the main substance of the plan.
00:25:14.600 --> 00:25:19.040
And so I'm going to read them aloud
00:25:19.040 --> 00:25:22.270
for those who are not
able to see the slides,
00:25:22.270 --> 00:25:24.570
as well as anybody who may be listening
00:25:24.570 --> 00:25:26.363
to the Spanish interpretation.
00:25:27.210 --> 00:25:28.340
But first I would just say
00:25:28.340 --> 00:25:31.780
that these nine goals were
intended to be comprehensive
00:25:31.780 --> 00:25:36.040
and inclusive of all the ways
the CPUC policy decisions,
00:25:36.040 --> 00:25:38.300
programs and administration
00:25:38.300 --> 00:25:40.470
can advance environmental
and social justice
00:25:40.470 --> 00:25:44.250
within our jurisdiction,
as Yuliya just mentioned.
00:25:44.250 --> 00:25:49.250
So goal one is to
consistently integrate equity
00:25:49.920 --> 00:25:51.650
and access considerations
00:25:51.650 --> 00:25:54.620
throughout CPUC proceedings and efforts.
00:25:54.620 --> 00:25:57.780
Goal two, is to increase investment
00:25:57.780 --> 00:26:02.410
and clean energy resources
to benefit ESJ communities.
00:26:02.410 --> 00:26:05.200
Goal three is to improve access
00:26:05.200 --> 00:26:07.800
to high quality water, communications
00:26:07.800 --> 00:26:11.770
and transportation services
or ESJ communities.
00:26:11.770 --> 00:26:15.160
Goal four is to increase
climate resiliency
00:26:15.160 --> 00:26:17.410
in ESJ communities.
00:26:17.410 --> 00:26:21.950
Goal five is to enhance
outreach and public participation.
00:26:21.950 --> 00:26:24.850
Goal six is to enhance enforcement.
00:26:24.850 --> 00:26:29.270
Rule seven is to promote economic
and workforce development.
00:26:29.270 --> 00:26:31.290
Goal eight is to improve training
00:26:31.290 --> 00:26:34.010
and staff development within the CPUC.
00:26:34.010 --> 00:26:38.790
And finally, goal nine is to
monitor the CPUCs ESJ efforts.
00:26:38.790 --> 00:26:41.623
As Yuliya mentioned, that
is our accountability goal.
00:26:42.480 --> 00:26:44.270
I did shorten all of those...
00:26:44.270 --> 00:26:47.330
The language of those
goals for the sake of time,
00:26:47.330 --> 00:26:48.670
but that's it.
00:26:48.670 --> 00:26:50.810
Now, you can get the gist of them.
00:26:50.810 --> 00:26:53.010
So while the goals are broad,
00:26:53.010 --> 00:26:56.170
we identified 95 discreet action items
00:26:56.170 --> 00:26:58.463
that are associated with these goals.
00:26:59.480 --> 00:27:02.970
The ESJ liaisons which I
think we'll talk about later.
00:27:02.970 --> 00:27:05.810
And the core team who is presenting now,
00:27:05.810 --> 00:27:08.100
are responsible for
monitoring our progress
00:27:08.100 --> 00:27:09.240
on these action items,
00:27:09.240 --> 00:27:10.970
and it status report on the items
00:27:10.970 --> 00:27:13.180
is presented to the
Commission every year
00:27:13.180 --> 00:27:16.010
in order to achieve goal nine.
00:27:16.010 --> 00:27:17.890
And the first status
report was presented
00:27:17.890 --> 00:27:20.820
on May 7th of 2020,
00:27:20.820 --> 00:27:23.560
which is also available
on the ESJ Action Plan
00:27:23.560 --> 00:27:26.960
landing page on our CPUC website.
00:27:26.960 --> 00:27:28.070
During this workshop,
00:27:28.070 --> 00:27:31.090
we hope to receive
feedback on the relevance,
00:27:31.090 --> 00:27:33.390
and any suggested edits
or additions to the goals
00:27:33.390 --> 00:27:36.380
and action plans and
the first ESJ Action Plan.
00:27:36.380 --> 00:27:38.650
And Nicole Cropper will be walking us
00:27:38.650 --> 00:27:40.700
through some of the
highlights of the implementation
00:27:40.700 --> 00:27:44.750
of these goals and action
items in the first two years.
00:27:44.750 --> 00:27:46.860
So with that, I'll pass it to Nicole,
00:27:46.860 --> 00:27:48.103
and the next slide.
00:27:50.860 --> 00:27:51.823
Thanks Sarah.
00:27:53.170 --> 00:27:54.370
00:27:54.370 --> 00:27:56.750
So as Sarah was saying
over the last two years
00:27:56.750 --> 00:27:58.710
we have taken many steps forward
00:27:58.710 --> 00:28:01.280
to include environmental
and social justice principles
00:28:01.280 --> 00:28:03.810
into our decision-making processes.
00:28:03.810 --> 00:28:06.580
One of the first action
items in the current iteration
00:28:06.580 --> 00:28:07.503
of the plan actions
00:28:07.503 --> 00:28:10.720
1.1 and 1.2 task the Commission
00:28:10.720 --> 00:28:13.480
with incorporating
environmental social justice issues
00:28:14.820 --> 00:28:18.330
and impacts into our
decision-making process.
00:28:18.330 --> 00:28:19.920
Before I get into that,
00:28:19.920 --> 00:28:21.770
like how we've managed to do that.
00:28:21.770 --> 00:28:24.353
I would like to personally
thank Assistant Chief
00:28:24.353 --> 00:28:27.150
Anthony Colbert and Judge Ava Tran
00:28:27.150 --> 00:28:29.010
along with Monica, Yuliya,
00:28:29.010 --> 00:28:32.020
Sarah and our previous legal intern
00:28:32.020 --> 00:28:34.860
and Commissioner Aceves
office Jessica (indistinct),
00:28:34.860 --> 00:28:36.290
who helps out in the early days
00:28:36.290 --> 00:28:39.023
to draft the broad policy statements.
00:28:40.570 --> 00:28:42.370
That we will use,
00:28:42.370 --> 00:28:44.450
and it will be considered
inappropriate proceedings
00:28:44.450 --> 00:28:46.650
as well as developing internal guidance
00:28:46.650 --> 00:28:48.423
to help us consider those impacts.
00:28:50.170 --> 00:28:51.253
Next slide please.
00:28:54.990 --> 00:28:57.480
So related to proceedings,
00:28:57.480 --> 00:29:00.800
we have actually had
quite a few highlights
00:29:00.800 --> 00:29:02.550
that I would like to talk about.
00:29:02.550 --> 00:29:05.260
In the wildfire mitigation
planning proceeding,
00:29:05.260 --> 00:29:07.810
we incorporated a new
enhanced requirements
00:29:07.810 --> 00:29:09.930
related to in-language outreach
00:29:09.930 --> 00:29:13.440
before, during and after a wildfire
00:29:13.440 --> 00:29:16.440
to communities with
limited English proficiency
00:29:17.560 --> 00:29:18.850
setting an important precedent
00:29:18.850 --> 00:29:21.840
for other proceedings
related to outreach.
00:29:21.840 --> 00:29:23.880
The climate adaptation proceeding
00:29:23.880 --> 00:29:26.770
adopted a definition of disadvantaged
00:29:26.770 --> 00:29:30.030
vulnerable community
to be utilized by utilities
00:29:30.030 --> 00:29:33.090
and their planning for
climate change impacts.
00:29:33.090 --> 00:29:35.410
Our affordability proceeding created
00:29:35.410 --> 00:29:37.380
the first of its kind metrics
00:29:37.380 --> 00:29:41.183
to assess the affordability
of essential utility.
00:29:42.150 --> 00:29:43.930
And we will be releasing report
00:29:43.930 --> 00:29:45.470
on the findings and conclusions.
00:29:45.470 --> 00:29:47.070
I believe by later this quarter.
00:29:48.300 --> 00:29:51.280
Across several proceedings
from electric vehicle charging,
00:29:51.280 --> 00:29:53.375
to battery storage technology
00:29:53.375 --> 00:29:55.080
more and more funds
are being prioritized
00:29:55.080 --> 00:29:57.333
for disadvantaged in
low-income community.
00:29:58.640 --> 00:30:02.460
A large portion of
environmental and social justice
00:30:02.460 --> 00:30:04.610
is included, is
including, excuse me
00:30:04.610 --> 00:30:08.140
impacted communities in
the decision making process,
00:30:08.140 --> 00:30:10.370
education as well as
meaningful engagement
00:30:10.370 --> 00:30:12.300
is crucial to this process,
00:30:12.300 --> 00:30:14.420
and requires forethought
on how to intentionally
00:30:14.420 --> 00:30:17.520
bring these communities
into the conversation.
00:30:17.520 --> 00:30:20.368
Several actions that task the news
00:30:20.368 --> 00:30:22.700
and outreach office primarily
00:30:22.700 --> 00:30:25.260
in facilitating access of environment
00:30:25.260 --> 00:30:26.960
and social justice communities
00:30:26.960 --> 00:30:29.763
to our processes and decision makers.
00:30:30.620 --> 00:30:32.730
Steps taken towards
implementing this goal
00:30:32.730 --> 00:30:34.420
include creating a new
public comment feature
00:30:34.420 --> 00:30:37.312
on the Docket Card,
which is very exciting.
00:30:37.312 --> 00:30:39.840
We have also started to
push out regional stakeholder
00:30:39.840 --> 00:30:42.430
lose newsletters and
increasing the focus
00:30:42.430 --> 00:30:45.510
on around social justice more broadly.
00:30:45.510 --> 00:30:47.990
News and outreach is also
working on increasing outreach
00:30:47.990 --> 00:30:49.300
to community based organizations
00:30:49.300 --> 00:30:51.180
that have not traditionally participated
00:30:51.180 --> 00:30:53.450
in the Commission's activities.
00:30:53.450 --> 00:30:55.940
And the virtual environment
has in some ways increase
00:30:55.940 --> 00:30:58.353
that participation in
our public meetings.
00:30:59.300 --> 00:31:01.850
And will continue to look
for ways to institutionalize
00:31:01.850 --> 00:31:02.853
these processes.
00:31:04.650 --> 00:31:07.633
Goal seven of the
Environmental Social Justice Plan,
00:31:08.570 --> 00:31:10.950
directed the Commission
to promote workforce
00:31:10.950 --> 00:31:12.630
development opportunities.
00:31:12.630 --> 00:31:14.510
I'm very happy to announce
00:31:14.510 --> 00:31:16.906
that we have signed and executed
00:31:16.906 --> 00:31:18.463
a memorandum of understanding
00:31:18.463 --> 00:31:21.210
that the California
Workforce Development Board
00:31:21.210 --> 00:31:24.523
to provide expertise and
recommendations on our program.
00:31:25.380 --> 00:31:27.450
We have chosen a
handful of existing programs
00:31:27.450 --> 00:31:28.990
such as energy efficiency,
00:31:28.990 --> 00:31:30.530
building electrification,
00:31:30.530 --> 00:31:32.410
renewable energy, transportation,
00:31:32.410 --> 00:31:35.240
electrification and Vegetation
Management Programs
00:31:35.240 --> 00:31:37.807
to either review the success
00:31:37.807 --> 00:31:41.350
of existing workforce
development initiatives
00:31:41.350 --> 00:31:44.463
or as opportunities to
develop workforce standards.
00:31:45.360 --> 00:31:47.610
The CWDB are experts in their fields
00:31:47.610 --> 00:31:50.090
and we'll definitely
leverage their expertise
00:31:50.090 --> 00:31:51.773
to continue work on this goal.
00:31:53.080 --> 00:31:56.840
Finally, a priority for the
yesterday working group
00:31:56.840 --> 00:31:58.700
it's to promote opportunities for staff
00:31:58.700 --> 00:32:01.130
to learn about issues and tool to adjust
00:32:01.130 --> 00:32:04.000
environmental and
social justice in their work.
00:32:04.000 --> 00:32:06.600
About a year ago, and
this was in pre-COVID days
00:32:07.500 --> 00:32:10.710
several ESJ liaison participate
in a community outreach
00:32:10.710 --> 00:32:13.490
and engagement training that
was hosted by a partnership
00:32:13.490 --> 00:32:16.520
with the agencies with
plans to adapt the training
00:32:16.520 --> 00:32:19.310
for our Commission specific audience.
00:32:19.310 --> 00:32:22.330
We also held a combat
CalEnviroScreen training
00:32:22.330 --> 00:32:24.530
which was open to all
staff this past summer
00:32:25.590 --> 00:32:27.420
to familiarize staff on the office
00:32:27.420 --> 00:32:30.783
of environmental health
equity assessment tool.
00:32:32.190 --> 00:32:33.740
While this certainly
is not the only tool
00:32:33.740 --> 00:32:35.950
to identify disadvantaged communities,
00:32:35.950 --> 00:32:36.783
it is a great resource.
00:32:36.783 --> 00:32:39.500
We want to encourage
folks to become comfortable
00:32:39.500 --> 00:32:42.640
in referencing this
tool in their daily work.
00:32:42.640 --> 00:32:45.350
In addition, we are
creating the (indistinct)
00:32:45.350 --> 00:32:48.460
an example of past
Commission proceedings
00:32:48.460 --> 00:32:51.290
which has had an environmental
and social justice impact
00:32:51.290 --> 00:32:53.910
so that staff has access
to real world example
00:32:53.910 --> 00:32:56.723
of how to apply these principles.
00:32:57.660 --> 00:33:00.100
Finally, in coordination
with our training office.
00:33:00.100 --> 00:33:01.730
And I would like to give
a little special shout out
00:33:01.730 --> 00:33:05.070
to Antoinette Sequenza
for helping this effort.
00:33:05.070 --> 00:33:06.340
We are in the process of creating
00:33:06.340 --> 00:33:08.490
a new employee training module,
00:33:08.490 --> 00:33:10.240
which focuses on
environmental and social justice
00:33:10.240 --> 00:33:13.310
and how they using
principles can be incorporated
00:33:13.310 --> 00:33:14.900
into our work.
00:33:14.900 --> 00:33:17.150
The efforts that I just highlighted
00:33:17.150 --> 00:33:18.530
are a very broad overview
00:33:18.530 --> 00:33:21.037
of what we've done over
the last couple of years.
00:33:21.037 --> 00:33:23.960
And we definitely look to
successes for takeaways
00:33:23.960 --> 00:33:27.770
and how to best incorporate ESJ items.
00:33:27.770 --> 00:33:29.570
And I look forward to the conversations
00:33:29.570 --> 00:33:31.800
that we're gonna have
over the next few days
00:33:31.800 --> 00:33:33.970
to kind of keep this
work moving forward.
00:33:33.970 --> 00:33:34.803
So thanks, Monica.
00:33:34.803 --> 00:33:36.000
I'll turn it back to you.
00:33:37.410 --> 00:33:38.830
Thank you, Nicole.
00:33:38.830 --> 00:33:41.833
I think I'm gonna go one or
two slides forward, please.
00:33:45.210 --> 00:33:46.130
One more.
00:33:46.130 --> 00:33:47.340
Yes, there we go.
00:33:47.340 --> 00:33:49.520
Great, so this was alluded to,
00:33:49.520 --> 00:33:52.357
in terms of how we were
implementing the action plan
00:33:52.357 --> 00:33:54.840
and just wanna
highlight it for everybody
00:33:54.840 --> 00:33:57.990
to know how we're operationalizing
this at the Commission.
00:33:57.990 --> 00:34:00.723
We've been so fortunate
to have strong leadership
00:34:00.723 --> 00:34:02.450
over the years with
Commissioner Rechtschaffen
00:34:02.450 --> 00:34:04.950
and Commissioner Guzman
Aceves really spearheading
00:34:04.950 --> 00:34:06.400
to create of this plan.
00:34:06.400 --> 00:34:08.470
And where we are now
is that we are really trying
00:34:08.470 --> 00:34:11.350
to operationalize it and systematize
00:34:11.350 --> 00:34:15.320
the actions and the intentions
across ourselves as staff.
00:34:15.320 --> 00:34:16.380
So the way we're implementing
00:34:16.380 --> 00:34:18.330
this is that we have the core team,
00:34:18.330 --> 00:34:21.200
which is myself,
Nicole, Yuliya and Sarah
00:34:21.200 --> 00:34:23.930
who helped to kind of direct and oversee
00:34:23.930 --> 00:34:25.167
what's happening within the plan
00:34:25.167 --> 00:34:27.257
and the action items that are within it,
00:34:27.257 --> 00:34:30.450
and try to move things
along across the Commission.
00:34:30.450 --> 00:34:32.327
But key to our work is our environmental
00:34:32.327 --> 00:34:35.100
and social justice
liaison or ESJ Liaison.
00:34:35.100 --> 00:34:37.270
We have one in each
division of the Commission,
00:34:37.270 --> 00:34:39.580
and we are meeting on a regular basis
00:34:39.580 --> 00:34:42.080
to talk about lessons
that we are learning
00:34:42.080 --> 00:34:46.780
across our work sharing best
practices amongst ourselves
00:34:46.780 --> 00:34:48.590
going to training and doing training
00:34:48.590 --> 00:34:52.400
like Nicole talked about so
that we can better understand
00:34:52.400 --> 00:34:56.610
how we can implement these
principles and these practices,
00:34:56.610 --> 00:34:58.220
and just generally working together
00:34:58.220 --> 00:35:01.300
in an across Commission kind of way
00:35:01.300 --> 00:35:02.513
to promote these issues.
00:35:03.440 --> 00:35:04.890
So that's been a really fun
00:35:04.890 --> 00:35:07.310
to get to know people
across the Commission
00:35:07.310 --> 00:35:10.900
and to really feel some
solidarity in this work.
00:35:10.900 --> 00:35:11.733
Next slide.
00:35:14.440 --> 00:35:15.273
All right.
00:35:15.273 --> 00:35:17.050
So now we're at that update to the plan.
00:35:17.050 --> 00:35:18.945
And I just wanna give you all a sense
00:35:18.945 --> 00:35:21.290
of some of what we're
looking at in terms
00:35:21.290 --> 00:35:23.387
of how to kind of structure the plan
00:35:23.387 --> 00:35:26.850
and what direction we
wanna take in this update.
00:35:26.850 --> 00:35:29.780
These are just ideas that
we've had as a core team
00:35:29.780 --> 00:35:33.680
and as ESJ Liaisons
and in where we are today
00:35:33.680 --> 00:35:34.857
in implementing these goals,
00:35:34.857 --> 00:35:36.480
and where we think we need to go,
00:35:36.480 --> 00:35:39.240
and how the plan can best do that.
00:35:39.240 --> 00:35:42.180
So first is in the spirit
of the working group
00:35:42.180 --> 00:35:44.760
being cross-divisional
and cross-Commission.
00:35:44.760 --> 00:35:46.950
We wanna prioritize
more cross-divisional
00:35:46.950 --> 00:35:49.700
and cross-organizational action items.
00:35:49.700 --> 00:35:51.060
If you look at the plan today,
00:35:51.060 --> 00:35:53.730
the action items are
very proceeding specific
00:35:53.730 --> 00:35:56.240
and do a really good job of cataloging
00:35:56.240 --> 00:35:58.970
all the different ways
that we are promoting
00:35:58.970 --> 00:36:00.470
investment in communities,
00:36:00.470 --> 00:36:03.190
or taking a look at
environmental and social justice
00:36:03.190 --> 00:36:04.880
communities in different ways.
00:36:04.880 --> 00:36:06.760
But we wanna to challenge ourselves
00:36:06.760 --> 00:36:08.960
to kind of do that in a
more cross-conditioned
00:36:08.960 --> 00:36:10.010
and coordinated fashion.
00:36:10.010 --> 00:36:12.540
So we're gonna be trying
to look at action items
00:36:12.540 --> 00:36:14.340
in that spirit.
00:36:14.340 --> 00:36:16.860
Second is that we wanna
ensure that the action plan
00:36:16.860 --> 00:36:20.320
is a resource to CPUC
staff and stakeholders.
00:36:20.320 --> 00:36:23.070
So we want it to be a
document that can be referenced
00:36:23.070 --> 00:36:25.130
in proceeding and resolutions,
00:36:25.130 --> 00:36:28.490
in advice letters with
definitions and key items
00:36:28.490 --> 00:36:30.340
that can help further the principles
00:36:31.240 --> 00:36:33.433
in the actual policy work that happens.
00:36:34.490 --> 00:36:36.710
The third goal we have
is to streamline the ability
00:36:36.710 --> 00:36:39.840
to track the actions and
increase accountability.
00:36:39.840 --> 00:36:43.360
Like Sarah mentioned we
have 95 action items in the plan
00:36:43.360 --> 00:36:46.680
which is a tremendous,
and we don't wanna...
00:36:46.680 --> 00:36:47.590
We're not trying to say
00:36:47.590 --> 00:36:50.120
that we wanna have less actions at all,
00:36:50.120 --> 00:36:51.510
but we do wanna make sure
00:36:51.510 --> 00:36:53.620
that we have action
items that we can track,
00:36:53.620 --> 00:36:55.180
and that we can hold
ourselves accountable
00:36:55.180 --> 00:36:58.350
to in a meaningful way.
00:36:58.350 --> 00:37:00.230
That's a goal of ours.
00:37:00.230 --> 00:37:02.370
And the fourth is to
distribute action items
00:37:02.370 --> 00:37:05.060
equitably across industry divisions.
00:37:05.060 --> 00:37:07.030
So we wanna make sure
that all of our divisions
00:37:07.030 --> 00:37:09.600
are taking on these issues,
00:37:09.600 --> 00:37:11.240
thinking about them thoughtfully,
00:37:11.240 --> 00:37:13.330
and it's not necessarily one division
00:37:13.330 --> 00:37:16.580
or two or three divisions
doing most of the thinking
00:37:16.580 --> 00:37:17.413
in this space.
00:37:17.413 --> 00:37:20.120
We wanna make sure
this is a whole Commission,
00:37:20.120 --> 00:37:21.650
whole organization effort
00:37:21.650 --> 00:37:25.140
and that the action
items represent that.
00:37:25.140 --> 00:37:25.973
Next slide.
00:37:27.220 --> 00:37:29.510
So as far as timeline and where we are.
00:37:29.510 --> 00:37:32.720
So just like anything with the pandemic
00:37:32.720 --> 00:37:35.210
we are trying to create timelines
00:37:35.210 --> 00:37:37.216
but things change so much,
00:37:37.216 --> 00:37:38.918
and there's so much uncertainty
00:37:38.918 --> 00:37:41.530
but here is what we're
hoping to hold ourselves
00:37:41.530 --> 00:37:43.930
to right now.
00:37:43.930 --> 00:37:47.500
So we continue to have
a liaison working groups
00:37:47.500 --> 00:37:49.171
on a regular basis.
00:37:49.171 --> 00:37:50.770
As Sarah, I think mentioned
00:37:50.770 --> 00:37:53.070
we did do a status report presentation
00:37:53.070 --> 00:37:56.100
to Commissioners back in May of 2020.
00:37:56.100 --> 00:37:57.780
And that presentation is available
00:37:57.780 --> 00:38:00.010
on our ESJ Action Plan webpage
00:38:00.010 --> 00:38:01.480
as well as the accompanying report
00:38:01.480 --> 00:38:03.080
if folks want to check that out.
00:38:04.330 --> 00:38:07.090
Now, we're here in
February doing this workshop
00:38:07.090 --> 00:38:09.833
to kick off the process for this update.
00:38:10.930 --> 00:38:14.810
Our plan is to revise
the plan and post a draft.
00:38:14.810 --> 00:38:17.400
Hopefully by no later than
early summer, hopefully
00:38:18.310 --> 00:38:21.020
to and we will allow
folks to comment on that,
00:38:21.020 --> 00:38:24.063
as was allowed in the
first iteration of the plan.
00:38:25.560 --> 00:38:27.020
I don't have it listed here,
00:38:27.020 --> 00:38:28.210
but I also wanna highlight
00:38:28.210 --> 00:38:31.540
the Disadvantaged
Community Advisory Group
00:38:31.540 --> 00:38:33.960
which we have at our at our Commission
00:38:33.960 --> 00:38:36.660
that Cathy helps to manage.
00:38:36.660 --> 00:38:38.330
They have also been really instrumental
00:38:38.330 --> 00:38:40.870
in providing important
feedback and leadership
00:38:40.870 --> 00:38:42.080
on the design of this plan,
00:38:42.080 --> 00:38:45.160
and we intend to have
them help us out too.
00:38:45.160 --> 00:38:47.657
So we definitely wanna have a plan
00:38:47.657 --> 00:38:50.870
and a revised plan up and
get some more feedback,
00:38:50.870 --> 00:38:52.580
before bringing it back
to the Commission.
00:38:52.580 --> 00:38:55.500
Hopefully by late summer,
early fall for an actual vote.
00:38:55.500 --> 00:38:58.280
So the Commissioners
will actually be able to vote
00:38:58.280 --> 00:39:02.240
and portify this and that
it has some teeth to it.
00:39:02.240 --> 00:39:04.380
So that's generally where we are going
00:39:04.380 --> 00:39:07.250
with it in the timing
that we were hoping for.
00:39:07.250 --> 00:39:08.083
Next slide.
00:39:11.020 --> 00:39:12.123
Then that's about it.
00:39:13.710 --> 00:39:15.210
We've had a couple of thank you so far
00:39:15.210 --> 00:39:18.360
but just a tremendous thank you
to so many dozens and dozens
00:39:18.360 --> 00:39:19.880
of people (chuckles) who have helped
00:39:19.880 --> 00:39:22.730
make those workshop possible
all across our Commission,
00:39:22.730 --> 00:39:25.490
our workshop planning
team, the IT team,
00:39:25.490 --> 00:39:27.570
all of the facilitators and summarizers
00:39:27.570 --> 00:39:29.280
and note takers and interpreters
00:39:29.280 --> 00:39:32.720
that you will see as
well as our ESJ liaison,
00:39:32.720 --> 00:39:35.780
all across the Commission
and our division directors,
00:39:35.780 --> 00:39:37.250
Administrative Law Judge division
00:39:37.250 --> 00:39:38.190
and our legal division
00:39:38.190 --> 00:39:41.183
that helps also with the
creation of this agenda.
00:39:42.030 --> 00:39:42.863
So thank you.
00:39:42.863 --> 00:39:44.660
That's pretty much what we're up to,
00:39:44.660 --> 00:39:46.530
and the overview of the plan.
00:39:46.530 --> 00:39:50.320
And we're pretty a
little ahead of schedule.
00:39:50.320 --> 00:39:53.870
If folks have any questions or comments
00:39:53.870 --> 00:39:55.180
feel free to raise your hand
00:39:55.180 --> 00:39:58.313
or put it into the chat and
we can take those now.
00:39:59.830 --> 00:40:00.663
20 minutes.
00:40:05.050 --> 00:40:06.783
Don't not see any hands.
00:40:09.340 --> 00:40:12.610
We have a question
from think Joe able to...
00:40:14.727 --> 00:40:17.000
Hi, this is Will Abrams.
00:40:17.000 --> 00:40:18.450
Hi, we can hear you.
00:40:18.450 --> 00:40:19.670
Great, thanks very much.
00:40:19.670 --> 00:40:21.200
And thank you to the Commission
00:40:21.200 --> 00:40:24.560
for holding this very important session.
00:40:24.560 --> 00:40:27.460
It's really heartening to
see the type of outreach
00:40:27.460 --> 00:40:30.880
you're doing and continually
impressed with the work
00:40:30.880 --> 00:40:32.663
that the Commission is doing.
00:40:33.540 --> 00:40:34.580
I just had a,
00:40:34.580 --> 00:40:38.440
I guess a question and a bit
of a comment regarding access,
00:40:38.440 --> 00:40:41.590
and you mentioned that
part of what you're trying to do
00:40:41.590 --> 00:40:43.670
is sort of develop a methodology
00:40:43.670 --> 00:40:46.550
for how you're moving forward,
00:40:46.550 --> 00:40:50.090
and wanted to sort of
understand the degree
00:40:50.090 --> 00:40:54.460
to which that's gonna be a
transparent (clears throat)
00:40:54.460 --> 00:40:56.130
evaluation criteria.
00:40:56.130 --> 00:41:00.000
So as an example, public comments
00:41:00.910 --> 00:41:04.626
that are really wonderful to
see now for each proceeding
00:41:04.626 --> 00:41:07.730
will there be a methodology
for how those comments
00:41:07.730 --> 00:41:12.210
are evaluated so that we understand
00:41:12.210 --> 00:41:15.960
how there'll be
leveraged in a proceeding,
00:41:15.960 --> 00:41:20.640
we'll the Administrative Law
Judge take those comments
00:41:20.640 --> 00:41:24.563
and use them in their rulings?
00:41:26.070 --> 00:41:29.900
Understanding if you're
coming to a public meeting
00:41:29.900 --> 00:41:32.210
and you take your two
minutes at the podium,
00:41:32.210 --> 00:41:35.190
how that information will be evaluated?
00:41:35.190 --> 00:41:39.540
I just really think it's a
wonderful step forward
00:41:39.540 --> 00:41:42.720
that you've presented
and just sort of putting
00:41:42.720 --> 00:41:47.720
some real specific
evaluation criteria methodology
00:41:48.250 --> 00:41:51.120
for how it's reviewed
within a proceeding,
00:41:51.120 --> 00:41:55.973
and more generally would
go a long way to action
00:41:57.230 --> 00:41:59.262
the plan that you've put forward.
00:41:59.262 --> 00:42:00.095
Thank you.
00:42:00.960 --> 00:42:02.410
Thank you so much for that.
00:42:03.550 --> 00:42:04.940
I can chime in on that,
00:42:04.940 --> 00:42:08.300
but I will invite any
of our Commissioners
00:42:08.300 --> 00:42:10.390
or executive director
not to put y'all on the spot
00:42:10.390 --> 00:42:11.840
but if you would like
to respond to that,
00:42:11.840 --> 00:42:14.690
please feel free. (chuckles)
00:42:19.892 --> 00:42:22.720
And I'm happy to do
so as well (indistinct).
00:42:22.720 --> 00:42:23.553
All right.
00:42:24.790 --> 00:42:27.963
Okay, yeah, I can go
ahead and take that then
00:42:27.963 --> 00:42:29.360
in terms of how we're
thinking about that.
00:42:29.360 --> 00:42:31.000
So, yes, correct.
00:42:31.000 --> 00:42:33.200
So we do have public comment available
00:42:33.200 --> 00:42:34.860
on the Docket Card now.
00:42:34.860 --> 00:42:35.840
And you're right.
00:42:35.840 --> 00:42:37.820
We are trying to get the word out
00:42:37.820 --> 00:42:39.950
about the availability of that,
00:42:39.950 --> 00:42:42.580
and incorporate it into our
decision-making process.
00:42:42.580 --> 00:42:44.610
I understand and we
don't have administrative
00:42:44.610 --> 00:42:47.760
law judge division on
the first session now,
00:42:47.760 --> 00:42:49.989
but encourage you to
bring that question back up
00:42:49.989 --> 00:42:51.880
at the 2:00 p.m session today
00:42:51.880 --> 00:42:54.180
where we will be talking
a little bit more about that,
00:42:54.180 --> 00:42:56.018
you know, that kind of topic.
00:42:56.018 --> 00:42:58.510
I think there's still a lot
of room and opportunity
00:42:58.510 --> 00:43:01.290
to think through and
inform how public comment
00:43:01.290 --> 00:43:03.380
can be incorporated into the record,
00:43:03.380 --> 00:43:05.320
and into the decision making process.
00:43:05.320 --> 00:43:08.030
I think there's an one
way that that's happening.
00:43:08.030 --> 00:43:10.120
And perhaps in conversation
00:43:10.120 --> 00:43:13.290
we can think through
what that should look like.
00:43:13.290 --> 00:43:14.500
But encourage you...
00:43:14.500 --> 00:43:17.270
If you're able to chime
in at the 2 p.m session,
00:43:17.270 --> 00:43:20.730
we will have Administrative
Law Judge representation there,
00:43:20.730 --> 00:43:22.620
and we'll definitely take
that comment and build on it.
00:43:22.620 --> 00:43:25.830
It's one of our really best avenues
00:43:25.830 --> 00:43:28.110
to support putting more environmental
00:43:28.110 --> 00:43:30.710
and social justice
considerations onto the record.
00:43:30.710 --> 00:43:32.620
And so it's definitely
a priority of ours
00:43:32.620 --> 00:43:34.770
to figure out how to
make the most of that.
00:43:36.240 --> 00:43:38.650
Great, thanks very much.
00:43:38.650 --> 00:43:39.483
Thank you.
00:43:40.693 --> 00:43:41.526
All right.
00:43:41.526 --> 00:43:42.359
We have about two or three more minutes.
00:43:42.359 --> 00:43:43.192
00:43:43.192 --> 00:43:45.440
It would look like I think
Rachel had a comment on that.
00:43:45.440 --> 00:43:47.620
Oh yes, go ahead Rachel.
00:43:47.620 --> 00:43:48.650
Hi Monica.
00:43:48.650 --> 00:43:49.483
Thank you.
00:43:49.483 --> 00:43:51.450
And thank you,
Mr. Abrams for the question.
00:43:51.450 --> 00:43:56.010
I only raised my hand to
second what Monica just said.
00:43:56.010 --> 00:43:59.350
First off, we're having a
test on on exactly that topic
00:43:59.350 --> 00:44:02.620
in as part of today's workshop.
00:44:02.620 --> 00:44:04.970
And then Monica is exactly right.
00:44:04.970 --> 00:44:08.880
It is one of the questions
that we have to think through
00:44:08.880 --> 00:44:13.880
and really be very thoughtful
and deliberate about,
00:44:15.230 --> 00:44:18.070
because well, we do want there is room
00:44:18.070 --> 00:44:20.960
for including more public comments
00:44:20.960 --> 00:44:23.780
in our decision-making process.
00:44:23.780 --> 00:44:25.860
We also definitely always have to take
00:44:25.860 --> 00:44:27.970
into consideration due process
00:44:27.970 --> 00:44:29.850
and other considerations as well.
00:44:29.850 --> 00:44:34.060
So largely to second what Monica said,
00:44:34.060 --> 00:44:38.130
it's an ongoing question
that we're all engaged in.
00:44:38.130 --> 00:44:38.963
Thank you.
00:44:44.025 --> 00:44:45.470
(indistinct) Rachel
00:44:45.470 --> 00:44:47.850
Okay, I'm not seeing
any other questions
00:44:47.850 --> 00:44:51.270
in either the chat, oh,
we have one hand up.
00:44:51.270 --> 00:44:52.913
I'm sure if we can.
00:44:54.127 --> 00:44:58.433
All right.
00:44:59.560 --> 00:45:00.450
Yeah, we can hear you.
00:45:00.450 --> 00:45:02.640
Okay, this is Abigail.
00:45:02.640 --> 00:45:04.900
Solis Self-Help Enterprises.
00:45:04.900 --> 00:45:06.250
Hi, Monica, Commissioners.
00:45:06.250 --> 00:45:07.390
Thank you for the time.
00:45:07.390 --> 00:45:10.110
And for allowing me
to ask this question.
00:45:10.110 --> 00:45:14.780
So I'm very pleased with everything
00:45:14.780 --> 00:45:17.730
that the CPUC has done to ensure equity
00:45:17.730 --> 00:45:22.097
and access considerations
throughout the CPUC proceedings
00:45:22.097 --> 00:45:24.080
and as well as staff.
00:45:24.080 --> 00:45:28.720
But I'm wondering what
are you doing to ensure
00:45:28.720 --> 00:45:31.290
that that same equity
of access considerations
00:45:31.290 --> 00:45:33.320
are reaching beyond proceedings
00:45:33.320 --> 00:45:35.960
and onto the projects and the program
00:45:35.960 --> 00:45:37.943
that come out of your proceedings?
00:45:41.810 --> 00:45:43.990
Once again, I'll invite
any Commissioner
00:45:43.990 --> 00:45:46.790
or our executive director to reply.
00:45:46.790 --> 00:45:48.573
If not, I'm happy to take that.
00:45:53.650 --> 00:45:54.483
Hi Abigail?
00:45:54.483 --> 00:45:56.360
This is Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
00:45:57.460 --> 00:46:02.030
One answer it's a partial
answer is as Nicole said,
00:46:02.030 --> 00:46:05.430
we have an MOU with the
Workforce Investment Board
00:46:06.400 --> 00:46:10.150
and we're discussing how to
incorporate workforce training
00:46:10.150 --> 00:46:14.590
and development standards into programs
00:46:14.590 --> 00:46:17.380
that the CPUC funds.
00:46:17.380 --> 00:46:20.860
That is one way where
we're trying to have an impact
00:46:20.860 --> 00:46:23.470
on the projects and the
communities that are affected.
00:46:23.470 --> 00:46:25.730
We've done this to some degree
00:46:25.730 --> 00:46:29.270
in our energy efficiency
portfolio spending
00:46:29.270 --> 00:46:32.800
but not across the board
for our other programs.
00:46:32.800 --> 00:46:35.460
So that is one concrete way
00:46:35.460 --> 00:46:38.670
we're trying to have a broader impact,
00:46:38.670 --> 00:46:42.600
but that doesn't answer your
other parts of your question.
00:46:42.600 --> 00:46:44.000
So I'll let others weigh in.
00:46:50.472 --> 00:46:51.490
Okay (indistinct)
00:46:51.490 --> 00:46:52.490
Oh, go ahead Rachel.
00:46:54.088 --> 00:46:56.740
I'll also offer a
personal answer.
00:46:56.740 --> 00:46:58.373
Here's another example.
00:46:59.830 --> 00:47:03.130
Another person who I
believe is on the panel
00:47:03.130 --> 00:47:05.790
during the workshop
is our new travel advisor
00:47:05.790 --> 00:47:07.650
Kenneth Holbrook.
00:47:07.650 --> 00:47:10.610
And with his appointment to the CPUC,
00:47:10.610 --> 00:47:14.330
we have been engaged in
a good amount of thinking
00:47:14.330 --> 00:47:17.800
and action on how the CPUC
00:47:17.800 --> 00:47:20.420
engages in our tribal consultation
00:47:20.420 --> 00:47:22.610
and where there are
additional opportunities
00:47:22.610 --> 00:47:24.530
for tribal consultation.
00:47:24.530 --> 00:47:27.090
Kenneth is working
with a couple of folks,
00:47:27.090 --> 00:47:30.870
Stephanie Green, who
was already implementing
00:47:30.870 --> 00:47:33.580
our tribal content consultation work.
00:47:33.580 --> 00:47:35.860
But Ken has really focused for example
00:47:35.860 --> 00:47:39.230
on ensuring that the electric utilities
00:47:39.230 --> 00:47:42.220
are in close contact with tribes
00:47:42.220 --> 00:47:44.410
when they conduct a deenergization
00:47:44.410 --> 00:47:46.050
the public safety power shut off,
00:47:46.050 --> 00:47:51.050
that they conduct when
fire risk conditions are high.
00:47:51.680 --> 00:47:53.470
And so that's another example
00:47:53.470 --> 00:47:57.150
of how we are looking to operationalize
00:47:57.150 --> 00:48:00.283
this commitment in the
programs that we offer.
00:48:01.800 --> 00:48:04.400
And I'll just chime in
to wrap up the question,
00:48:04.400 --> 00:48:06.690
and I thank you Abby, for that question.
00:48:06.690 --> 00:48:09.520
So Nicole mentioned
that we're trying to work
00:48:09.520 --> 00:48:11.420
on incorporating environmental
00:48:11.420 --> 00:48:13.120
and social justice considerations
00:48:13.120 --> 00:48:14.770
in things like scoping memos.
00:48:14.770 --> 00:48:17.000
So in our proceeding process,
00:48:17.000 --> 00:48:18.660
starting to scope in issues
00:48:18.660 --> 00:48:21.130
at the beginning of the proceeding
00:48:21.130 --> 00:48:22.739
so that it gets
incorporated into the record
00:48:22.739 --> 00:48:23.877
throughout the whole process
00:48:23.877 --> 00:48:26.220
and it's not something
that comes in at the end.
00:48:26.220 --> 00:48:29.908
So we're working on
trying to put in place,
00:48:29.908 --> 00:48:33.430
guidance and just a
systematic way of doing that.
00:48:33.430 --> 00:48:35.981
But one thing that is not...
00:48:35.981 --> 00:48:38.000
One thing that we wanna
do to take that further
00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:40.910
is not but also consider advice letters
00:48:40.910 --> 00:48:43.530
resolutions things that happen
on the implementation side
00:48:43.530 --> 00:48:45.090
exactly what you're leading to.
00:48:45.090 --> 00:48:46.760
So make sure that we
don't leave that behind.
00:48:46.760 --> 00:48:48.730
A lot of attention is on
the proceeding process
00:48:48.730 --> 00:48:49.620
and rightfully so,
00:48:49.620 --> 00:48:51.960
because that is where
a lot of policy gets made,
00:48:51.960 --> 00:48:54.230
but we haven't forgotten
about the advice letter process
00:48:54.230 --> 00:48:55.377
and all of these other things.
00:48:55.377 --> 00:48:57.130
And we intend to take the lessons
00:48:57.130 --> 00:48:59.377
that we're learning
in starting to do this,
00:48:59.377 --> 00:49:00.800
and scoping them up,
00:49:00.800 --> 00:49:03.780
and put it into some of these
other processes we have.
00:49:03.780 --> 00:49:06.506
We just haven't
admittedly gotten there yet.
00:49:06.506 --> 00:49:07.610
So that's the answer for me.
00:49:07.610 --> 00:49:09.520
And then I think
Commissioner Guzman Aceves
00:49:09.520 --> 00:49:11.023
wants to say something.
00:49:12.580 --> 00:49:13.413
Thank you, Abby.
00:49:13.413 --> 00:49:15.080
It's good to hear from you as well.
00:49:15.080 --> 00:49:16.853
And I just wanna recognize
00:49:16.853 --> 00:49:21.300
that this is a real
issue across the board
00:49:21.300 --> 00:49:26.300
for many of our decisions
and in a very parallel track.
00:49:26.330 --> 00:49:29.980
One of the things that
we've been looking at is,
00:49:29.980 --> 00:49:34.420
you know, we have these great policies
00:49:34.420 --> 00:49:36.150
that we set forward,
00:49:36.150 --> 00:49:38.610
great programs that we set forward.
00:49:38.610 --> 00:49:43.610
And many of those ensure
things from consumer protection
00:49:44.990 --> 00:49:47.690
to prioritize investments,
00:49:47.690 --> 00:49:50.830
and you know in the implementation
00:49:50.830 --> 00:49:54.240
it often results in a different outcome.
00:49:54.240 --> 00:49:58.031
And one of our major
focuses President Batjer
00:49:58.031 --> 00:49:59.280
and Commissioner Rechtschaffen
00:49:59.280 --> 00:50:02.761
have been leading is
our enforcement policy
00:50:02.761 --> 00:50:04.540
because one of the mechanisms
00:50:04.540 --> 00:50:07.700
for some of our programs and policies
00:50:07.700 --> 00:50:11.030
is having a citation program tied
00:50:11.030 --> 00:50:14.970
to the programs that we approve.
00:50:14.970 --> 00:50:18.790
And in some cases I'll give
the disconnections proceeding.
00:50:18.790 --> 00:50:20.537
Those are very clear rules,
00:50:20.537 --> 00:50:23.980
and you have to provide people a minimum
00:50:23.980 --> 00:50:25.190
a 12 month payment plan
00:50:25.190 --> 00:50:28.660
or you can't charge people
reconnection fees anymore.
00:50:28.660 --> 00:50:30.150
Those are clear rules,
00:50:30.150 --> 00:50:34.870
they can be guarded
through a citation program.
00:50:34.870 --> 00:50:37.760
Some of what we've learned
in the (indistinct) proceeding
00:50:37.760 --> 00:50:39.310
is different than that.
00:50:39.310 --> 00:50:41.120
And so we have a different challenge
00:50:41.120 --> 00:50:45.100
about how we make those
policies implementable.
00:50:45.100 --> 00:50:48.090
It's not gonna be through
a citation program. (giggles)
00:50:48.090 --> 00:50:50.620
It's a little more difficult
00:50:50.620 --> 00:50:54.890
because it's about almost to the verge
00:50:54.890 --> 00:50:57.650
of a cultural transformation.
00:50:57.650 --> 00:50:59.200
So just wanna recognize that,
00:50:59.200 --> 00:51:03.014
and I certainly am eager to
hear about recommendations
00:51:03.014 --> 00:51:08.014
about how we ensure that what we put out
00:51:08.040 --> 00:51:10.980
in our decisions are truly implemented.
00:51:10.980 --> 00:51:13.730
And so I just go to the citation example
00:51:13.730 --> 00:51:18.710
as something where we
have had a historical realization
00:51:18.710 --> 00:51:21.170
that some of our rules
are not being implemented
00:51:21.170 --> 00:51:24.850
and that was a mechanism
we did to ensure implementation
00:51:24.850 --> 00:51:26.280
for some of our programs
00:51:26.280 --> 00:51:28.650
particular incentive-based programs,
00:51:28.650 --> 00:51:30.260
we need a mechanism.
00:51:30.260 --> 00:51:32.330
And I certainly don't
know what it is today
00:51:32.330 --> 00:51:33.700
but I do wanna acknowledge
00:51:33.700 --> 00:51:36.700
that it's a very real issue
about what you're speaking to.
00:51:36.700 --> 00:51:38.620
So thank you very much.
00:51:38.620 --> 00:51:42.120
And I don't know if there's
a particular work sessions
00:51:42.120 --> 00:51:44.493
that can be dialogued
around (laughs) that.
00:51:44.493 --> 00:51:46.750
I'll leave that to Monica.
00:51:46.750 --> 00:51:47.583
Oh yeah.
00:51:47.583 --> 00:51:48.440
I mean, yeah.
00:51:48.440 --> 00:51:52.170
Implementation in every
session should be discussed.
00:51:52.170 --> 00:51:56.250
So and then enforcement
there is an enforcement breakout
00:51:56.250 --> 00:51:57.980
tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.
00:51:57.980 --> 00:51:58.813
Okay, everybody.
00:51:58.813 --> 00:51:59.646
So it is...
00:51:59.646 --> 00:52:02.060
I think 11 we had hoped
to take a five minute break
00:52:02.060 --> 00:52:03.780
but being that this is a virtual
00:52:03.780 --> 00:52:05.880
just encourage everybody
to kinda take (indistinct)
00:52:05.880 --> 00:52:07.140
break as you need,
00:52:07.140 --> 00:52:09.390
but we will take just a minute or two
00:52:09.390 --> 00:52:10.990
to transition to our next session
00:52:10.990 --> 00:52:12.808
and get make sure our facilitators
00:52:12.808 --> 00:52:14.620
are ready and have everything ready.
00:52:14.620 --> 00:52:17.060
So we will stop there,
00:52:17.060 --> 00:52:18.860
and get ready for our 11:00 a.m
00:52:18.860 --> 00:52:21.050
and start in just a minute or two.
00:52:21.050 --> 00:52:22.060
Thanks so much.
00:53:07.144 --> 00:53:09.337
(indistinct) and then Kathleen,
00:53:09.337 --> 00:53:12.880
and Amee if you guys are ready to start
00:53:12.880 --> 00:53:14.263
feel free to take it away.
00:53:16.600 --> 00:53:21.061
Awesome, Amee, Kapil
are you guys good to go?
00:53:21.061 --> 00:53:21.894
Please get your thumbs up.
00:53:21.894 --> 00:53:22.863
Okay, cool.
00:53:23.720 --> 00:53:27.190
All right, let's get started.
00:53:27.190 --> 00:53:28.173
Hi, everyone
00:53:29.407 --> 00:53:31.950
Feel free to trickle
in, get a cup of coffee.
00:53:31.950 --> 00:53:34.240
We're just gonna go
ahead and get started.
00:53:34.240 --> 00:53:36.680
Welcome to the defining
00:53:36.680 --> 00:53:39.290
environmental and
social justice session.
00:53:39.290 --> 00:53:41.280
I'm Kathleen.
00:53:41.280 --> 00:53:43.600
I work on a variety of
equity issues (indistinct)
00:53:43.600 --> 00:53:45.610
joined today by Amee Raval
00:53:45.610 --> 00:53:49.814
from the Asian Pacific
Environmental Network, APEN.
00:53:49.814 --> 00:53:51.880
And we are also joined by Kapil Kulkarni
00:53:51.880 --> 00:53:54.374
from the CPUC Energy Division.
00:53:54.374 --> 00:53:58.190
Me and Amee are the
facilitators for the session today.
00:53:58.190 --> 00:54:01.430
In this session we are
going to be talking about
00:54:01.430 --> 00:54:03.160
the different definitions and terms
00:54:03.160 --> 00:54:08.160
we use at the CPUC to
define and identify underserved
00:54:08.530 --> 00:54:10.610
and vulnerable communities.
00:54:10.610 --> 00:54:12.540
These definitions are important
00:54:12.540 --> 00:54:15.530
because they are
the basis for eligibility
00:54:15.530 --> 00:54:19.130
for many of our equity and
low income focus programs.
00:54:19.130 --> 00:54:21.707
And it's a question that
we're really constantly
00:54:21.707 --> 00:54:25.123
grappling with what counts
and what doesn't count?
00:54:25.970 --> 00:54:28.920
So the goal of the
session is really to raise
00:54:28.920 --> 00:54:32.120
the issues around the
different definitions that we have,
00:54:32.120 --> 00:54:35.260
and have discussion to
develop some potential
00:54:35.260 --> 00:54:39.399
new action items to put into
the ESJ Action Plan updates
00:54:39.399 --> 00:54:41.950
as it relates to definitions
of our underserved
00:54:41.950 --> 00:54:43.363
and vulnerable communities.
00:54:44.780 --> 00:54:46.180
Before we get into it,
00:54:46.180 --> 00:54:48.740
just a quick reminder
as many have mentioned,
00:54:48.740 --> 00:54:50.760
we are hoping to make this as much
00:54:50.760 --> 00:54:53.040
of an interactive
discussion as possible,
00:54:53.040 --> 00:54:56.280
and we really encourage
you to participate.
00:54:56.280 --> 00:54:58.340
A few reminders on ways to do that.
00:54:58.340 --> 00:55:02.500
The first is to give a verbal
comment or ask a question,
00:55:02.500 --> 00:55:05.340
click the hand next to your
name and the participant list.
00:55:05.340 --> 00:55:08.310
The event host Joe
will call on your name
00:55:08.310 --> 00:55:10.090
and unmute you when it is your turn
00:55:10.090 --> 00:55:12.300
and you'll be able to speak.
00:55:12.300 --> 00:55:14.160
As Monica and many
others have mentioned.
00:55:14.160 --> 00:55:14.993
Please keep in mind
00:55:14.993 --> 00:55:16.910
that we may not be
able to get to everyone
00:55:16.910 --> 00:55:19.063
but we'll do our best to
get as many comments
00:55:19.063 --> 00:55:21.963
and questions into the
discussion as possible.
00:55:23.270 --> 00:55:26.380
If you prefer to make a
written comment or question
00:55:27.320 --> 00:55:30.160
type your comments into the chat box,
00:55:30.160 --> 00:55:33.260
and please send to all participants
00:55:33.260 --> 00:55:35.700
and we will try to read
in as much as we can
00:55:35.700 --> 00:55:38.010
from the chat box into the discussion
00:55:38.010 --> 00:55:40.970
even if we can't bring your
comment into the discussion
00:55:40.970 --> 00:55:44.810
the chat will be saved and
we will record your feedback.
00:55:44.810 --> 00:55:47.157
Finally, if you'd like to
submit written comments
00:55:47.157 --> 00:55:50.750
are a little bit more
substantive via email,
00:55:50.750 --> 00:55:54.700
for example, you can email your thoughts
00:55:54.700 --> 00:55:58.813
to www.esjactionplan@cpuc.ca.gov.
00:55:59.710 --> 00:56:01.810
And lastly, before we
start another reminder
00:56:01.810 --> 00:56:03.390
that this session is being recorded
00:56:03.390 --> 00:56:06.517
so that we can save all
feedback and comments.
00:56:06.517 --> 00:56:09.740
I think that Joe mentioned
00:56:09.740 --> 00:56:11.720
just wanted to remind
us also that people
00:56:11.720 --> 00:56:13.320
that are only on the phone line
00:56:13.320 --> 00:56:16.550
you can dial star three on your
phones to make a comment.
00:56:16.550 --> 00:56:18.800
So that's another way
to participate as well.
00:56:19.690 --> 00:56:20.730
All right, let's get started.
00:56:20.730 --> 00:56:24.110
I'm gonna hand it over to Amee.
00:56:24.110 --> 00:56:24.943
00:56:24.943 --> 00:56:25.930
Thank you, Kathleen.
00:56:25.930 --> 00:56:29.072
And good morning, everyone.
00:56:29.072 --> 00:56:31.784
As mentioned My name is Amee Raval.
00:56:31.784 --> 00:56:32.840
I'm research director
00:56:32.840 --> 00:56:34.900
with the Asian Pacific
Environmental Network,
00:56:34.900 --> 00:56:37.040
and I'm really excited to be here
00:56:37.040 --> 00:56:38.670
facilitating the conversation,
00:56:38.670 --> 00:56:42.010
offering some of our
experience and expertise,
00:56:42.010 --> 00:56:45.180
as a community advocate
having been doing this work
00:56:45.180 --> 00:56:47.888
for about five years at APEN
00:56:47.888 --> 00:56:50.840
and really having learned
a lot along the way.
00:56:50.840 --> 00:56:53.710
So I'll just be doing
a little bit of framing
00:56:53.710 --> 00:56:56.800
before I pass it over back to Kathleen.
00:56:56.800 --> 00:56:57.870
And really again,
00:56:57.870 --> 00:57:00.670
grounding in the community perspective
00:57:00.670 --> 00:57:03.930
as an advocate engaging
in CPUC proceedings
00:57:03.930 --> 00:57:05.440
and legislative advocacy,
00:57:05.440 --> 00:57:08.263
and with many other agency programs.
00:57:09.280 --> 00:57:12.340
So some of the takeaways that I...
00:57:12.340 --> 00:57:17.080
Or sort of, I guess top
lines I'd like to offer for us
00:57:17.080 --> 00:57:18.980
to think through and discuss together.
00:57:20.330 --> 00:57:24.910
First, start with the just
how important definitions
00:57:24.910 --> 00:57:26.890
are in our work.
00:57:26.890 --> 00:57:29.523
Definitions really matter,
00:57:29.523 --> 00:57:32.044
if we're trying to achieve
targeted investments
00:57:32.044 --> 00:57:35.540
and protections, especially
for the pace places
00:57:35.540 --> 00:57:38.220
that have experienced historic burdens,
00:57:38.220 --> 00:57:42.033
historic inequalities, and
historic disinvestment.
00:57:43.000 --> 00:57:44.670
To make that more concrete.
00:57:44.670 --> 00:57:47.040
I wanna uplift CalEnviroScreen
00:57:47.040 --> 00:57:51.730
which many folks today
are likely familiar with.
00:57:51.730 --> 00:57:55.750
CalEnviroScreen is a
powerful tool that for,
00:57:55.750 --> 00:57:59.220
especially as environmental
justice advocates
00:57:59.220 --> 00:58:01.920
has helped us really policymakers
00:58:01.920 --> 00:58:06.050
identify where these
communities are in California
00:58:06.050 --> 00:58:08.610
in order to be able to sort of target
00:58:08.610 --> 00:58:11.300
those protections and investments.
00:58:11.300 --> 00:58:16.300
And I think while there
have been political dynamics
00:58:18.227 --> 00:58:22.000
and over the years
of in its implementation
00:58:22.000 --> 00:58:24.841
as it's been strengthened
and updated, you know,
00:58:24.841 --> 00:58:29.137
debate around sort of how
the tool has been applied,
00:58:29.137 --> 00:58:34.090
ways that it might manifest
in regional sort of dynamics.
00:58:34.090 --> 00:58:37.330
We assert that CalEnviroScreen
00:58:37.330 --> 00:58:40.230
is the sort of not only powerful
00:58:40.230 --> 00:58:42.570
but a scientific model for applying data
00:58:42.570 --> 00:58:44.210
and decision-making.
00:58:44.210 --> 00:58:46.230
Whether that not only
be around investments,
00:58:46.230 --> 00:58:49.610
but land use, permitting enforcement
00:58:50.600 --> 00:58:51.930
and other examples.
00:58:51.930 --> 00:58:53.960
So I just wanna say that that for us
00:58:53.960 --> 00:58:57.320
that tool is really an exemplary model,
00:58:57.320 --> 00:58:59.880
and it's one that we
really highlight and uplift
00:58:59.880 --> 00:59:00.720
that's robust.
00:59:00.720 --> 00:59:03.330
And again, over the
years has been updated
00:59:03.330 --> 00:59:05.530
and continues to be refined
00:59:05.530 --> 00:59:09.220
to be sort of accurate and aligned
00:59:09.220 --> 00:59:11.920
with the ground truthing
and the lived experiences
00:59:11.920 --> 00:59:14.420
of the communities we organize.
00:59:14.420 --> 00:59:16.700
So that's sort of one I wanna highlight.
00:59:16.700 --> 00:59:19.500
That's a foundation that
we've used in decision-making
00:59:19.500 --> 00:59:21.458
around environmental policy.
00:59:21.458 --> 00:59:24.663
But I also wanna uplift
some imaging work
00:59:24.663 --> 00:59:28.850
that APEN has been doing
around climate vulnerability
00:59:28.850 --> 00:59:29.823
and resilience.
00:59:30.740 --> 00:59:33.640
We really building off the work
00:59:33.640 --> 00:59:36.723
and strength of CalEnviroScreen
00:59:36.723 --> 00:59:39.140
want to answer a complimentary question
00:59:39.140 --> 00:59:42.400
around sort of who and
where are the communities
00:59:42.400 --> 00:59:46.700
disproportionally impacted
by climate change threats.
00:59:46.700 --> 00:59:49.300
And partly that's
because CalEnviroScreen
00:59:49.300 --> 00:59:53.210
was never designed to
really capture those threats
00:59:53.210 --> 00:59:57.630
like wildfires or sea
level rise or extreme heat.
00:59:57.630 --> 01:00:00.160
And to name that it's not a replacement,
01:00:00.160 --> 01:00:02.320
but it's a complimentary
set of questions,
01:00:02.320 --> 01:00:04.690
a complimentary set of mapping
01:00:04.690 --> 01:00:08.080
that can help us really
depict those challenges.
01:00:08.080 --> 01:00:09.600
Because what we know is that,
01:00:09.600 --> 01:00:13.420
our communities face a
multitude of challenges
01:00:13.420 --> 01:00:14.970
and they're complex.
01:00:14.970 --> 01:00:19.280
No single tool can really
depict all those complexities.
01:00:19.280 --> 01:00:22.430
And so our communities
really need a suite of tools
01:00:24.630 --> 01:00:29.023
to sort of uplift and
invisibilize those impacts.
01:00:30.150 --> 01:00:32.250
And so just as a preview,
01:00:32.250 --> 01:00:34.510
I wanna highlight that we are working
01:00:34.510 --> 01:00:37.480
with the office of planning and research
01:00:37.480 --> 01:00:39.270
to sort of make this vision
01:00:39.270 --> 01:00:42.050
for climate vulnerability platform real.
01:00:42.050 --> 01:00:43.840
It's come up in many spaces
01:00:43.840 --> 01:00:45.960
including at the CPUC around
01:00:45.960 --> 01:00:49.840
there's not a robust framework
for climate vulnerability,
01:00:49.840 --> 01:00:53.560
like there is for sort of
environmental health burdens
01:00:53.560 --> 01:00:54.800
and pollution.
01:00:54.800 --> 01:00:57.040
And so we wanna have something analogous
01:00:57.040 --> 01:00:59.090
that can be accessible
01:00:59.090 --> 01:01:02.593
and user-friendly for these
complimentary questions.
01:01:03.820 --> 01:01:06.120
So that's the piece on definitions.
01:01:06.120 --> 01:01:08.880
My second of three
points is around really
01:01:08.880 --> 01:01:11.260
having an adaptive approach.
01:01:11.260 --> 01:01:13.930
We have been learning along the way
01:01:13.930 --> 01:01:17.600
through our advocacy in different
proceedings and programs,
01:01:17.600 --> 01:01:19.230
particularly about the lessons
01:01:19.230 --> 01:01:21.533
that we're learning
through implementation.
01:01:22.640 --> 01:01:25.770
And different stakeholders
have different perspective.
01:01:25.770 --> 01:01:29.080
Whether a program should
take a more targeted approach,
01:01:29.080 --> 01:01:31.710
and really have a
narrowed set of definitions
01:01:31.710 --> 01:01:33.550
for eligibility,
01:01:33.550 --> 01:01:36.020
or whether we're trying
to be more inclusive
01:01:36.020 --> 01:01:39.873
and really sort of reach as
many communities as possible.
01:01:40.800 --> 01:01:42.973
From an environmental
justice perspective.
01:01:43.870 --> 01:01:44.910
You know, it depends,
01:01:44.910 --> 01:01:48.780
but when there is a
finite set of resources
01:01:48.780 --> 01:01:52.610
and we really wanna see
substantial investments
01:01:52.610 --> 01:01:55.220
that can deliver meaningful
community benefits.
01:01:55.220 --> 01:01:58.370
This is spreading
resources out too thin.
01:01:58.370 --> 01:02:01.010
And so that balance is tricky,
01:02:01.010 --> 01:02:03.100
and it's an elegant balance
01:02:03.100 --> 01:02:06.870
we have to strike between
inclusivity and targeting.
01:02:06.870 --> 01:02:08.720
But again, knowing that the communities
01:02:08.720 --> 01:02:11.800
that we organized working
class communities of color
01:02:11.800 --> 01:02:15.470
have experienced this
historic disinvestment.
01:02:15.470 --> 01:02:19.590
We really advocate for making sure
01:02:19.590 --> 01:02:21.890
we are being really
targeted to the places
01:02:21.890 --> 01:02:23.770
that need it the most.
01:02:23.770 --> 01:02:27.151
And so some of that thinking around
01:02:27.151 --> 01:02:30.050
sort of what that definition is?
01:02:30.050 --> 01:02:32.050
Really depends on the
problem the program
01:02:32.050 --> 01:02:33.540
is trying to solve.
01:02:33.540 --> 01:02:35.040
So you have to really start there
01:02:35.040 --> 01:02:38.429
when you think through
the right set of criteria.
01:02:38.429 --> 01:02:40.990
But there artist's set of considerations
01:02:40.990 --> 01:02:44.260
to evaluate those sort of set questions
01:02:44.260 --> 01:02:46.130
and landing the right answer.
01:02:46.130 --> 01:02:48.610
And we go through our
own process as advocates
01:02:48.610 --> 01:02:52.560
to sort of think through
that program by program.
01:02:52.560 --> 01:02:55.250
And so what could it look
like just to plant a seed
01:02:55.250 --> 01:02:58.400
for there should be
more guidance available
01:02:58.400 --> 01:03:00.410
through a framework to allow advocates
01:03:00.410 --> 01:03:02.250
and policy makers alike
01:03:02.250 --> 01:03:04.290
to have this set of
questions to think through
01:03:04.290 --> 01:03:06.910
when Chris (indistinct)
01:03:08.040 --> 01:03:11.370
definitely talk more about
sort of what that could look like
01:03:11.370 --> 01:03:13.810
and how it could be helpful
for policy makers as well.
01:03:13.810 --> 01:03:15.110
But from our end,
01:03:15.110 --> 01:03:19.850
we just do a mental
exercise of sort of like,
01:03:19.850 --> 01:03:21.990
is it focused on climate vulnerability
01:03:21.990 --> 01:03:22.990
and climate change impacts?
01:03:22.990 --> 01:03:23.973
Is it pollution?
01:03:25.750 --> 01:03:27.560
Is there a constraint on resources?
01:03:27.560 --> 01:03:30.150
Do we need to really like
capture a certain percentage
01:03:30.150 --> 01:03:32.410
of the state as some examples?
01:03:32.410 --> 01:03:35.080
And I'm sure folks here can name more.
01:03:35.080 --> 01:03:38.430
And then the last point
I'd like to make is just,
01:03:38.430 --> 01:03:41.400
again, the community perspective.
01:03:41.400 --> 01:03:44.693
So to speak to data sources,
01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:49.510
we really advocate for being holistic
01:03:49.510 --> 01:03:53.900
that we can't just rely on sort
of environmental exposures
01:03:53.900 --> 01:03:58.020
or climate projections alone
01:03:58.020 --> 01:04:00.850
that the science needs
to be complemented
01:04:00.850 --> 01:04:02.890
with socioeconomic factors,
01:04:02.890 --> 01:04:04.690
and neighborhood conditions
01:04:04.690 --> 01:04:07.610
that we know are closely intertwined
01:04:07.610 --> 01:04:11.650
and really relate to how
communities experience
01:04:11.650 --> 01:04:14.160
and accumulate accumulate risk
01:04:14.160 --> 01:04:17.020
whether that be from
pollution or climate change.
01:04:17.020 --> 01:04:18.730
And so that's a justice lens
01:04:18.730 --> 01:04:20.970
that really again takes into account
01:04:20.970 --> 01:04:23.360
those historic inequalities.
01:04:23.360 --> 01:04:25.660
And that's fundamental to our advocacy.
01:04:25.660 --> 01:04:28.750
So we're always trying to
bring the social, economic,
01:04:28.750 --> 01:04:30.610
the people centered factors
01:04:30.610 --> 01:04:33.283
as part of approaching definitions.
01:04:34.330 --> 01:04:38.050
But I will say through our advocacy
01:04:38.050 --> 01:04:40.173
and work in local implementation,
01:04:41.842 --> 01:04:44.240
it still continues to be hard
for communities to access
01:04:44.240 --> 01:04:46.620
the programs that we advocate for.
01:04:46.620 --> 01:04:48.380
And we often hear from partners
01:04:48.380 --> 01:04:50.910
that sometimes overly complicated
01:04:50.910 --> 01:04:53.880
or restrictive eligibility
can make it hard
01:04:53.880 --> 01:04:55.290
to access funding.
01:04:55.290 --> 01:04:58.050
And so we know we
need to keep that in mind,
01:04:58.050 --> 01:05:01.340
and not sort of create
burdens for our folks
01:05:01.340 --> 01:05:04.433
to actually access these
programs through the eligibility.
01:05:05.420 --> 01:05:07.040
And so I'd love to...
01:05:07.040 --> 01:05:09.490
I want as the discussion continues
01:05:09.490 --> 01:05:11.510
what are creative solutions to help
01:05:11.510 --> 01:05:14.560
sort of streamline access
to all these programs
01:05:14.560 --> 01:05:19.300
to navigate across all the
various eligibility criteria,
01:05:19.300 --> 01:05:21.630
and make sure that our
communities are able to benefit
01:05:21.630 --> 01:05:24.453
across these programs
and maximize benefits.
01:05:25.430 --> 01:05:26.850
So I'm gonna stop there
01:05:26.850 --> 01:05:31.850
'cause I wanna make time
for the rest of the discussion
01:05:31.890 --> 01:05:33.590
and I'll pass it back to Kathleen.
01:05:34.560 --> 01:05:35.840
Awesome, thanks very much Amee.
01:05:35.840 --> 01:05:39.700
That was such a good
overview of the challenges
01:05:39.700 --> 01:05:40.970
that the community is facing,
01:05:40.970 --> 01:05:43.090
our stakeholders are facing.
01:05:43.090 --> 01:05:46.570
And maybe before getting
into some discussion
01:05:47.725 --> 01:05:48.558
with the public,
01:05:48.558 --> 01:05:49.490
I just wanted to give maybe a little bit
01:05:49.490 --> 01:05:52.930
of thinking behind
some of the next steps
01:05:52.930 --> 01:05:56.490
that we are taking at the CPUC.
01:05:58.000 --> 01:05:59.550
So as Amee has had mentioned,
01:05:59.550 --> 01:06:00.980
we do have many definitions,
01:06:00.980 --> 01:06:02.210
we have the definition
01:06:02.210 --> 01:06:05.670
in the environmental and
social justice ESJ Action Plan.
01:06:05.670 --> 01:06:07.880
We have the definition that was provided
01:06:07.880 --> 01:06:10.637
by the Disadvantaged
Community Advisory Group
01:06:10.637 --> 01:06:12.430
the DECAG Equity Framework.
01:06:12.430 --> 01:06:15.300
We have definitions that
are creative in proceedings
01:06:15.300 --> 01:06:16.940
that are assigned to
us by the legislature.
01:06:16.940 --> 01:06:19.690
We have (chuckles) definitions
borrowed from elsewhere,
01:06:19.690 --> 01:06:22.150
so many and we also
have all these terms,
01:06:22.150 --> 01:06:23.240
we've got low income,
01:06:23.240 --> 01:06:24.710
we've got disadvantaged community,
01:06:24.710 --> 01:06:26.060
we have hard to reach underserved.
01:06:26.060 --> 01:06:27.610
So we have, you know,
01:06:27.610 --> 01:06:30.270
in really all these terms
are just a little bit different
01:06:30.270 --> 01:06:32.880
which as Amee has
mentioned creates confusion
01:06:32.880 --> 01:06:36.360
not just among stakeholders
01:06:36.360 --> 01:06:40.590
but also I would say staff
and program implementers.
01:06:40.590 --> 01:06:42.410
And so a lot of...
01:06:42.410 --> 01:06:46.080
And from there also a lot
of staff resources and time
01:06:46.080 --> 01:06:49.440
is spent recreating the
wheel in every proceeding,
01:06:49.440 --> 01:06:52.240
figuring out what the
definition should be,
01:06:52.240 --> 01:06:55.110
and we understand that definitions
01:06:55.110 --> 01:06:57.850
they shift based on the
particulars of the proceeding
01:06:57.850 --> 01:07:00.640
or who the target population is.
01:07:00.640 --> 01:07:03.440
As Amee has mentioned
sometimes we wanna create
01:07:03.440 --> 01:07:05.910
eligibility for a large
portion of the state,
01:07:05.910 --> 01:07:08.080
but sometimes we wanna focus resources
01:07:08.080 --> 01:07:10.020
in the most effected areas of the state.
01:07:10.020 --> 01:07:14.670
So one of the things
that we are thinking
01:07:14.670 --> 01:07:18.440
about and wanting to get
some feedback from you all on is,
01:07:18.440 --> 01:07:21.870
whether or not we should
create some sort of framework
01:07:21.870 --> 01:07:23.410
or template like definition,
01:07:23.410 --> 01:07:25.940
not guide staff to a definition
01:07:25.940 --> 01:07:28.800
that already exists and
meets the specific needs
01:07:28.800 --> 01:07:32.223
of the policy or program
that is being created.
01:07:33.198 --> 01:07:35.610
And the first step in that,
01:07:35.610 --> 01:07:37.560
which we are kind of starting now
01:07:37.560 --> 01:07:41.250
is to catalog all the different
definitions that we have,
01:07:41.250 --> 01:07:43.790
to help even understand
the universe of definitions
01:07:43.790 --> 01:07:45.473
we have across the CPUC.
01:07:46.710 --> 01:07:48.800
And following that then,
01:07:48.800 --> 01:07:52.050
we can start to think about
what a potential baseline
01:07:52.050 --> 01:07:54.010
or a template definition could be,
01:07:54.010 --> 01:07:56.610
where we can plug in some modifications.
01:07:56.610 --> 01:07:59.730
So we have all these
income eligibility thresholds.
01:07:59.730 --> 01:08:01.860
I mean, we have some that are based
01:08:01.860 --> 01:08:03.130
on federal poverty limit,
01:08:03.130 --> 01:08:06.240
we have some that are
based on area median income,
01:08:06.240 --> 01:08:07.593
state median income.
01:08:08.630 --> 01:08:10.620
And so that would be one piece of it.
01:08:10.620 --> 01:08:13.060
Another piece that
we're thinking of including
01:08:13.060 --> 01:08:16.850
in this framework would be tools
01:08:16.850 --> 01:08:20.893
like CalEnviroScreen and
tools beyond CalEnviroScreen
01:08:20.893 --> 01:08:23.860
Amee mentioned that CalEnviroscreen
01:08:23.860 --> 01:08:24.960
doesn't capture everything.
01:08:24.960 --> 01:08:27.540
It is very focused on communities
01:08:27.540 --> 01:08:29.960
most affected by air quality burdens,
01:08:29.960 --> 01:08:34.630
but I've come up in the climate
change adaptation context
01:08:34.630 --> 01:08:37.210
there that tool doesn't capture
01:08:37.210 --> 01:08:39.583
the vulnerabilities for every situation.
01:08:41.770 --> 01:08:43.960
And so we know that
we aren't realistically
01:08:43.960 --> 01:08:46.990
going to be able to have one definition
01:08:46.990 --> 01:08:48.240
that suits every repurpose,
01:08:48.240 --> 01:08:50.120
but we are exploring the idea
01:08:50.120 --> 01:08:51.920
of having this baseline definition
01:08:51.920 --> 01:08:53.793
where we can plug in modifications.
01:08:54.840 --> 01:08:59.840
So we are kind of some
of the preliminary thinking
01:09:00.570 --> 01:09:01.720
that we have right now.
01:09:03.070 --> 01:09:06.770
And I would kind of
open it up to comments
01:09:06.770 --> 01:09:10.743
or initial feedback before
we get into some questions.
01:09:15.780 --> 01:09:17.340
Any thoughts panelists?
01:09:17.340 --> 01:09:19.193
I think we have one question.
01:09:22.620 --> 01:09:25.445
Constance I think
that your line is open.
01:09:25.445 --> 01:09:27.930
Hi, there
Constance Slider Pierre
01:09:27.930 --> 01:09:30.470
with Turn, The Utility Reform Network.
01:09:30.470 --> 01:09:34.210
I'm just curious to
know if by aggregating
01:09:34.210 --> 01:09:36.533
kind of all of these definitions,
01:09:37.580 --> 01:09:40.170
the goal is for the
Commission to come up
01:09:41.350 --> 01:09:46.350
with own definition that would
be applied in proceedings
01:09:47.600 --> 01:09:52.600
and across the different
divisions of the CPUC
01:09:57.010 --> 01:10:01.890
to kind of address
or get at these or is...
01:10:01.890 --> 01:10:03.270
Yeah, that's my question.
01:10:03.270 --> 01:10:05.140
Initial question.
01:10:05.140 --> 01:10:07.330
Just to make sure
that I'm understanding,
01:10:07.330 --> 01:10:09.840
so are you asking if we're
gonna have just one definition
01:10:09.840 --> 01:10:11.483
across the Commission?
01:10:11.483 --> 01:10:12.930
01:10:12.930 --> 01:10:14.150
01:10:14.150 --> 01:10:17.293
Maybe I'll start and welcome
Amee and others to chime in.
01:10:18.190 --> 01:10:20.120
I think that we don't think
01:10:20.120 --> 01:10:21.730
that we're gonna have one definition
01:10:21.730 --> 01:10:22.563
'cause we don't...
01:10:22.563 --> 01:10:24.990
I think they're not
gonna have one definition
01:10:24.990 --> 01:10:26.040
that suit every need.
01:10:26.040 --> 01:10:29.390
I mean, some definitions are gonna be,
01:10:29.390 --> 01:10:33.100
so for example a
program that Kapil Kulkarni
01:10:33.100 --> 01:10:35.620
is leading is the energy
assistance programs.
01:10:35.620 --> 01:10:37.900
And those we're
trying to create eligibility
01:10:37.900 --> 01:10:40.880
for that program on a
larger swath of the state
01:10:41.950 --> 01:10:44.350
so that income eligibility
will be a little bit different
01:10:44.350 --> 01:10:45.580
than eligibility for that.
01:10:45.580 --> 01:10:48.200
The definition for that
would be potentially different
01:10:48.200 --> 01:10:51.040
as opposed to the climate
change adaptation proceeding
01:10:51.040 --> 01:10:53.790
that Amee and APEN was very involved in,
01:10:53.790 --> 01:10:55.860
there was a finite set of resources
01:10:55.860 --> 01:10:58.800
that we wanted just
like very laser focus
01:10:58.800 --> 01:11:01.780
those resources into the
most effective parts of the state.
01:11:01.780 --> 01:11:04.610
So those are two separate definitions,
01:11:04.610 --> 01:11:06.910
but I think that one of the things
01:11:06.910 --> 01:11:09.110
we're trying to understand is,
01:11:09.110 --> 01:11:10.517
what is the baseline of definitions
01:11:10.517 --> 01:11:15.517
and how can we pair related
programs and proceeding,
01:11:15.650 --> 01:11:18.030
how can we pair those
definitions together?
01:11:18.030 --> 01:11:20.353
Amee I don't know if you
wanna chime in as well?
01:11:21.870 --> 01:11:23.550
No, I think that...
01:11:23.550 --> 01:11:28.150
No, it's helpful to hear from
the sort of staff perspective,
01:11:28.150 --> 01:11:32.970
because I think as I
mentioned no one definition
01:11:32.970 --> 01:11:37.840
can sort of I think apply alone across
01:11:37.840 --> 01:11:42.120
a multitude of
applications and programs.
01:11:42.120 --> 01:11:44.240
I think that could be really reductive.
01:11:44.240 --> 01:11:46.650
And part of the reason we're adoptive
01:11:46.650 --> 01:11:48.420
and maybe slightly modify,
01:11:48.420 --> 01:11:50.610
again, not only is it because
we're learning along the way,
01:11:50.610 --> 01:11:54.540
but because the problem statement,
01:11:54.540 --> 01:11:56.790
the set of issues that proceeding
01:11:56.790 --> 01:11:59.730
or program might be
trying to address are distinct.
01:11:59.730 --> 01:12:04.173
So I just wanna name
that the set of criteria,
01:12:05.110 --> 01:12:08.220
the indicators or data that
are usually depend on that.
01:12:08.220 --> 01:12:11.010
But I do think this piece
Kathleen as you mentioned
01:12:11.010 --> 01:12:13.360
of a foundation, a baseline,
01:12:13.360 --> 01:12:16.810
and even just the analysis of
where there's sort of overlap,
01:12:16.810 --> 01:12:20.070
like where there are shared
approaches and then distinctions
01:12:20.070 --> 01:12:24.130
all of that as a
foundation to guide folks
01:12:24.130 --> 01:12:27.630
as we're continuing to
engage in different proceedings
01:12:27.630 --> 01:12:29.400
will be really helpful.
01:12:29.400 --> 01:12:31.453
So yeah.
01:12:36.328 --> 01:12:38.470
All right, wanna open it
up to the next question.
01:12:38.470 --> 01:12:40.220
I think we have Martha on the line.
01:12:41.365 --> 01:12:43.950
I'm Ms. Kelly
with Catholic Charities.
01:12:43.950 --> 01:12:46.450
What I'm hearing is
really great discussion,
01:12:46.450 --> 01:12:49.140
however, one thing
that I'd like to add to that,
01:12:49.140 --> 01:12:51.450
it's not enough just to have a name,
01:12:51.450 --> 01:12:53.310
or an identity or a word
01:12:53.310 --> 01:12:56.610
or a acronym or
whatever you wanna call it.
01:12:56.610 --> 01:13:00.880
It's really putting a mindful approach
01:13:00.880 --> 01:13:03.960
to when we're even calling any one group
01:13:03.960 --> 01:13:07.880
or even identifying
one group to understand
01:13:07.880 --> 01:13:10.390
that some of those
groups have names, right?
01:13:10.390 --> 01:13:13.119
So wherever we're able to say,
01:13:13.119 --> 01:13:17.730
West Modesto or let's say Oak Park,
01:13:17.730 --> 01:13:19.050
residents in Oak Park
01:13:19.050 --> 01:13:23.540
that we'd be conscious
of their identity.
01:13:23.540 --> 01:13:25.345
If they've been identified,
01:13:25.345 --> 01:13:27.410
or they identified themselves as a group
01:13:27.410 --> 01:13:29.150
that we are consistent with that,
01:13:29.150 --> 01:13:31.180
and identifying them and giving them
01:13:31.180 --> 01:13:33.540
the due respect in who they are,
01:13:33.540 --> 01:13:36.240
and where they they identified
01:13:36.240 --> 01:13:40.220
and using the right terms so to speak.
01:13:40.220 --> 01:13:43.540
A lot of times I viewed a lot of RFPs,
01:13:43.540 --> 01:13:46.130
different documents and they say,
01:13:46.130 --> 01:13:47.490
disadvantaged communities,
01:13:47.490 --> 01:13:49.690
well, let's call them by what they are,
01:13:49.690 --> 01:13:52.460
you know, like give them their name.
01:13:52.460 --> 01:13:54.940
If we're talking about
residents in Sacramento,
01:13:54.940 --> 01:13:57.230
if we're talking about
residents in Los Angeles,
01:13:57.230 --> 01:13:59.590
wherever it is that we be conscious
01:13:59.590 --> 01:14:02.860
that these people that are
living in these environments
01:14:02.860 --> 01:14:05.920
are duly being affected
by our decision-making,
01:14:05.920 --> 01:14:07.960
and we need to be respectful.
01:14:07.960 --> 01:14:10.060
I think it's so important
01:14:10.060 --> 01:14:13.250
that we're even looking
at these paradigms
01:14:13.250 --> 01:14:15.960
of environmental justice, social equity,
01:14:15.960 --> 01:14:19.430
but what do we mean
when we say social equity?
01:14:19.430 --> 01:14:22.830
Identifying what we think and
what another person believes
01:14:22.830 --> 01:14:25.630
in as far as equity
could be very different,
01:14:25.630 --> 01:14:27.560
you know, so being mindful,
01:14:27.560 --> 01:14:29.660
letting others know as we start today
01:14:29.660 --> 01:14:31.190
we're going to look at equity,
01:14:31.190 --> 01:14:34.340
and equity to us means X, Y, and Z.
01:14:34.340 --> 01:14:37.040
It may mean ABC to you,
01:14:37.040 --> 01:14:39.630
and we're more than
willing to accept and include
01:14:39.630 --> 01:14:43.430
your connotation of
what it means to you,
01:14:43.430 --> 01:14:44.800
and being mindful and respectful.
01:14:44.800 --> 01:14:46.350
It's so important.
01:14:46.350 --> 01:14:49.600
And I'm really excited to be here today.
01:14:49.600 --> 01:14:51.580
I was looking over your budget.
01:14:51.580 --> 01:14:53.570
And one thing I did wanna say is,
01:14:53.570 --> 01:14:58.520
I noted that on the budget
for a Lifeline Program
01:14:59.360 --> 01:15:01.300
that you were having some
problems with outreach.
01:15:01.300 --> 01:15:03.630
So my thought process was like,
01:15:03.630 --> 01:15:08.630
are we really involving other
CBOs and FBOs to the table
01:15:09.660 --> 01:15:12.160
to participate in those efforts,
01:15:12.160 --> 01:15:16.200
to get those grassroots individuals
01:15:16.200 --> 01:15:19.780
to be part of your outreach?
01:15:19.780 --> 01:15:23.640
And in such are we able
to have an opportunity
01:15:23.640 --> 01:15:27.580
for compensation, or
some type of subsidies?
01:15:27.580 --> 01:15:28.750
'Cause if I see the people
01:15:28.750 --> 01:15:30.700
that are out there
promoting the free phones,
01:15:30.700 --> 01:15:32.540
and I think if these opportunities
01:15:32.540 --> 01:15:33.780
were afforded to other people
01:15:33.780 --> 01:15:36.660
that are just trying to get by,
01:15:36.660 --> 01:15:39.170
and we're respectful of their time
01:15:39.170 --> 01:15:43.280
and how they are able
to do these opportunities
01:15:43.280 --> 01:15:44.940
for our programs,
01:15:44.940 --> 01:15:48.940
let's make some provisions
so that we can stipend
01:15:48.940 --> 01:15:52.430
or actually give something back,
01:15:52.430 --> 01:15:55.300
rather than just expect
to meet our deliverables.
01:15:55.300 --> 01:15:56.584
And that's my comment.
01:15:56.584 --> 01:15:59.207
Thank you.
01:15:59.207 --> 01:16:01.183
Thank you very much, Martha.
01:16:02.065 --> 01:16:04.810
Maybe I'll offer just to
respond to Amee first,
01:16:04.810 --> 01:16:06.360
and maybe some other panelists.
01:16:07.313 --> 01:16:09.700
(indistinct) really appreciate
that you've raised that,
01:16:09.700 --> 01:16:12.260
'cause I think sometimes
in talking about definitions
01:16:12.260 --> 01:16:17.240
in particular that lens,
01:16:17.240 --> 01:16:19.710
that sort of the lived experiences,
01:16:19.710 --> 01:16:21.753
and the people that are really sort of,
01:16:22.730 --> 01:16:26.813
we're representing with
these very technical definitions,
01:16:27.804 --> 01:16:31.610
that sort of lens that it's people,
01:16:31.610 --> 01:16:32.443
these are humans,
01:16:32.443 --> 01:16:34.550
these are communities get sort of lost
01:16:34.550 --> 01:16:38.970
and I think, yeah, just wanna uplift
01:16:38.970 --> 01:16:40.150
that's part of the importance.
01:16:40.150 --> 01:16:43.320
There is also in addition
to sort of being careful
01:16:43.320 --> 01:16:44.773
about how we name,
01:16:44.773 --> 01:16:46.920
this principle of self-determination
01:16:46.920 --> 01:16:49.840
that communities are also sort of named,
01:16:49.840 --> 01:16:51.920
sort of refer to their places,
01:16:51.920 --> 01:16:54.200
their communities for themselves.
01:16:54.200 --> 01:16:58.840
And I think coupling any
sort of work around definitions
01:16:58.840 --> 01:17:03.840
and targeting of programs with
strong community leadership
01:17:04.320 --> 01:17:06.870
and participation and ground truthing
01:17:06.870 --> 01:17:08.440
I think is really, really critical.
01:17:08.440 --> 01:17:11.753
And I know CalEnviroScreen
really in its inception
01:17:11.753 --> 01:17:15.830
tried to create that tool in partnership
01:17:15.830 --> 01:17:18.483
with community leaders and advocates.
01:17:20.770 --> 01:17:21.970
Thank you.
01:17:23.380 --> 01:17:26.790
And I wanted to also
maybe put Monica on the spot
01:17:26.790 --> 01:17:28.830
to maybe if you want to respond
01:17:28.830 --> 01:17:30.693
to the compensation piece at all?
01:17:33.370 --> 01:17:34.470
Hi, can you hear me?
01:17:36.150 --> 01:17:40.400
Yeah, so I am not a
telecommunications person,
01:17:40.400 --> 01:17:42.690
but I do know there's
work happening in Lifeline
01:17:42.690 --> 01:17:44.300
to really look at that.
01:17:44.300 --> 01:17:46.530
And so the timing is
actually really good.
01:17:46.530 --> 01:17:48.390
I think there's going to
be some opportunities
01:17:48.390 --> 01:17:51.304
to think about how the
outreach can improve.
01:17:51.304 --> 01:17:54.780
So consider joining
the telecommunications
01:17:54.780 --> 01:17:56.490
breakout this afternoon.
01:17:56.490 --> 01:17:58.550
And, but yes, absolutely.
01:17:58.550 --> 01:17:59.730
In terms of how we can...
01:17:59.730 --> 01:18:00.990
We have a lot of programs
01:18:00.990 --> 01:18:03.290
that have partnerships with
community-based organizations
01:18:03.290 --> 01:18:05.640
but there's a lot of
room to improve upon
01:18:05.640 --> 01:18:08.020
what those partnerships look like.
01:18:08.020 --> 01:18:09.460
So I'll just be brief with that,
01:18:09.460 --> 01:18:11.000
and I'm happy to follow-up
01:18:11.000 --> 01:18:13.303
and connect with the
Lifeline team at this point.
01:18:15.800 --> 01:18:18.320
Yeah, I just wanna
echo Amee thanks to you
01:18:18.320 --> 01:18:20.530
for raising that the comment that's kind
01:18:20.530 --> 01:18:22.470
of very also just like really ground
01:18:22.470 --> 01:18:24.040
a lot of our work in the fact that,
01:18:24.040 --> 01:18:24.960
we're working with people
01:18:24.960 --> 01:18:25.910
and calling up the communities
01:18:25.910 --> 01:18:29.560
we really appreciate
you calling that out.
01:18:29.560 --> 01:18:31.530
And I think that's really important.
01:18:31.530 --> 01:18:34.780
One thing that I had
heard from Julia Jordan
01:18:34.780 --> 01:18:35.613
from the Leadership Council
01:18:35.613 --> 01:18:38.490
was that when she was doing
this discussion on outreach
01:18:38.490 --> 01:18:39.870
and engaging communities,
01:18:39.870 --> 01:18:42.730
she said kind of like (indistinct)
01:18:42.730 --> 01:18:43.860
you're just talking to people,
01:18:43.860 --> 01:18:45.460
it doesn't have to be
quite so complicated.
01:18:45.460 --> 01:18:48.640
And (indistinct) so
caught up in our thoughts
01:18:48.640 --> 01:18:52.010
and definitions and just
kind of also being reminded
01:18:52.010 --> 01:18:53.340
that we are dealing with people
01:18:53.340 --> 01:18:57.293
and to keep that in
the front of our minds.
01:19:00.360 --> 01:19:01.550
All right.
01:19:01.550 --> 01:19:02.956
Moving on to...
01:19:02.956 --> 01:19:05.156
Oh, Mr. Rechtschaffen
did you wanna comment?
01:19:07.420 --> 01:19:08.987
No, go ahead and get
comments from the public,
01:19:08.987 --> 01:19:12.033
I got questions for
Amee but it can wait.
01:19:12.920 --> 01:19:13.753
All right.
01:19:13.753 --> 01:19:17.703
Let's move on to Will,
your line is open I think.
01:19:20.320 --> 01:19:23.080
I think starting
with the definitions
01:19:23.080 --> 01:19:25.890
is a great place to
start really foundational
01:19:25.890 --> 01:19:27.980
to how we move forward.
01:19:27.980 --> 01:19:32.350
I just wanted to inquire in
terms of how you're looking
01:19:32.350 --> 01:19:34.500
at the definitions and
through what lens?
01:19:34.500 --> 01:19:36.660
So what's important obviously
01:19:36.660 --> 01:19:39.250
is that what the Commission comes up
01:19:39.250 --> 01:19:41.140
with is really actionable.
01:19:41.140 --> 01:19:46.140
And so what might be
environmental and social justice
01:19:46.610 --> 01:19:48.810
outside of the Commission,
01:19:48.810 --> 01:19:52.030
might not be exactly the
lens that the Commission
01:19:52.030 --> 01:19:54.000
might wanna look through.
01:19:54.000 --> 01:19:56.670
And so wanting to understand the degree
01:19:56.670 --> 01:19:59.467
to which you were thinking
about aligning these definitions
01:19:59.467 --> 01:20:03.120
with the work of the CPUC
01:20:03.120 --> 01:20:07.340
that you do in terms of the regulations.
01:20:07.340 --> 01:20:12.080
So as an example,
there are specific criteria
01:20:14.430 --> 01:20:18.380
for how we're evaluating
the credit worthiness
01:20:18.380 --> 01:20:20.410
of our utilities, right?
01:20:20.410 --> 01:20:22.680
So it's part of social justice,
01:20:22.680 --> 01:20:27.520
and how we're trying to look at this,
01:20:27.520 --> 01:20:30.490
and define this is
what it's going to be sort
01:20:30.490 --> 01:20:34.350
of the public definition
of credit worthiness.
01:20:34.350 --> 01:20:38.530
So as we're say, as an
example increasing rates
01:20:38.530 --> 01:20:41.370
and what that does
to the credit worthiness
01:20:41.370 --> 01:20:44.720
or the insurance issues
associated with utility,
01:20:44.720 --> 01:20:48.610
are we expecting that we
would have a like measure
01:20:48.610 --> 01:20:51.980
for how that affects credit worthiness
01:20:51.980 --> 01:20:56.980
and insurance issues within
a particular populations.
01:20:57.080 --> 01:21:01.390
And so we might use
a cost of living index,
01:21:01.390 --> 01:21:04.820
or other types of profiles.
01:21:04.820 --> 01:21:08.960
Again, to be actively
used within proceedings
01:21:08.960 --> 01:21:12.670
and within the Commission's deliberation
01:21:12.670 --> 01:21:17.130
so that we are looking
at what are the cost
01:21:17.130 --> 01:21:21.400
and benefits on who we're regulating
01:21:21.400 --> 01:21:25.200
and also the implications for the public
01:21:25.200 --> 01:21:26.580
and the communities we're talking about.
01:21:26.580 --> 01:21:29.480
And didn't know if you were
sort of thinking it through
01:21:29.480 --> 01:21:30.470
in those terms.
01:21:30.470 --> 01:21:31.303
Thank you.
01:21:34.992 --> 01:21:36.610
A really good comment
maybe I'll respond first,
01:21:36.610 --> 01:21:39.500
and open it up to Amee
and other panelists.
01:21:39.500 --> 01:21:41.360
I do think that's a really good point.
01:21:41.360 --> 01:21:43.281
Thank you for raising that.
01:21:43.281 --> 01:21:44.440
I think that we are looking...
01:21:44.440 --> 01:21:45.690
That's kind one of the questions
01:21:45.690 --> 01:21:47.131
that we're looking to understand
01:21:47.131 --> 01:21:48.930
is what are the other indicators?
01:21:48.930 --> 01:21:50.160
What are the other tools
01:21:50.160 --> 01:21:52.770
that we should be thinking
out of outside of the ones
01:21:52.770 --> 01:21:53.603
that we already know, you know,
01:21:53.603 --> 01:21:55.560
CalEnviroScreen was brought up,
01:21:55.560 --> 01:21:58.000
we've heard social vulnerability index,
01:21:58.000 --> 01:21:59.700
we've heard healthy places index,
01:21:59.700 --> 01:22:01.900
but bringing in these others,
01:22:01.900 --> 01:22:05.450
I think that as you
framed it like life indicators,
01:22:05.450 --> 01:22:08.180
data points, and that's
a really good point
01:22:08.180 --> 01:22:11.580
we should try to figure
out how we can incorporate
01:22:11.580 --> 01:22:16.173
some of those relevant data
sources into our definitions.
01:22:17.240 --> 01:22:18.793
That's very good feedback.
01:22:21.897 --> 01:22:23.630
(phone beeping)
01:22:23.630 --> 01:22:28.630
Thing in particular to add
there beyond what we should.
01:22:32.500 --> 01:22:34.740
All right, thank you
for your comment.
01:22:34.740 --> 01:22:36.303
Let's move on to Nathan.
01:22:42.321 --> 01:22:43.180
Hi there.
01:22:43.180 --> 01:22:45.003
Yeah, Amee already
addressed my question.
01:22:45.003 --> 01:22:48.560
This is Nathan (indistinct)
01:22:48.560 --> 01:22:51.710
I think, the definition
question is so hard
01:22:52.890 --> 01:22:57.890
and (indistinct) how does the baseline
01:22:57.960 --> 01:23:01.120
that you all develop tie
into the broader definitions
01:23:01.120 --> 01:23:03.520
that are being developed
at the other agencies?
01:23:03.520 --> 01:23:05.860
And I'm sure that's
you've all considered,
01:23:05.860 --> 01:23:08.670
but I'm curious if there's
sort of an explicit effort
01:23:08.670 --> 01:23:11.007
to think about that and (indistinct).
01:23:13.270 --> 01:23:14.260
Yeah, thanks for raising that.
01:23:14.260 --> 01:23:16.930
I'm just browsing (chuckling)
seeing your question now.
01:23:16.930 --> 01:23:20.363
I did just wanna raise that
the climate adaptation team.
01:23:21.820 --> 01:23:25.650
We did talk with ICAP and OPR
and a couple of other agencies
01:23:25.650 --> 01:23:27.470
in the creation of the definition
01:23:27.470 --> 01:23:29.310
for we have this term
01:23:29.310 --> 01:23:31.480
that was created disadvantaged,
vulnerable community.
01:23:31.480 --> 01:23:34.050
We did do a little bit of
browsing (chuckles) around,
01:23:34.050 --> 01:23:37.840
including Amee, UC Berkeley,
Leadership council, OPR.
01:23:37.840 --> 01:23:39.730
We did talk to a lot
of other folks to see
01:23:39.730 --> 01:23:42.360
how we can incorporate their definition
01:23:42.360 --> 01:23:43.930
and then the arts.
01:23:43.930 --> 01:23:45.440
And what we learned
from talking with ICAP
01:23:45.440 --> 01:23:46.870
was that they're working with APEN
01:23:46.870 --> 01:23:50.050
and others (chuckles) to
develop some kind of tool
01:23:50.050 --> 01:23:52.360
and definition for
climate vulnerability.
01:23:52.360 --> 01:23:57.130
And I think that in terms of
working with other agencies,
01:23:57.130 --> 01:24:00.550
we are that's I think that
maybe even the second part
01:24:00.550 --> 01:24:05.550
of there's this bucket of
cataloging internally CPUC
01:24:05.610 --> 01:24:06.740
what our definitions are,
01:24:06.740 --> 01:24:08.080
figuring out what the baseline is,
01:24:08.080 --> 01:24:09.390
and figuring out internally,
01:24:09.390 --> 01:24:11.383
but then also working externally,
01:24:12.490 --> 01:24:15.470
we do often work with ARB and CC
01:24:15.470 --> 01:24:18.660
but I think that's like a
very large (laughs) effort
01:24:18.660 --> 01:24:20.160
to align amongst agencies.
01:24:20.160 --> 01:24:21.810
But I think that that's a really good...
01:24:21.810 --> 01:24:23.620
We want to create more alignment,
01:24:23.620 --> 01:24:27.920
but it's a very large
effort that we are...
01:24:27.920 --> 01:24:29.320
We keep in the back of our mind,
01:24:29.320 --> 01:24:32.290
but it's right now this
this particular focus,
01:24:32.290 --> 01:24:35.590
the smallest segment we're
working on first is CPUC focus
01:24:35.590 --> 01:24:37.770
and then trying to
broaden it out to ARB.
01:24:37.770 --> 01:24:41.540
But we are in regular
contact with ARB and CDC.
01:24:41.540 --> 01:24:44.100
So thanks (indistinct)
01:24:44.100 --> 01:24:45.580
I would just add that too.
01:24:45.580 --> 01:24:49.250
I've been really
impressed with the CPUCs
01:24:49.250 --> 01:24:52.620
approach in particular
proceedings to sort of reach out
01:24:52.620 --> 01:24:55.870
and coordinate with
other agencies and offices
01:24:55.870 --> 01:24:56.990
that have more expertise.
01:24:56.990 --> 01:25:01.730
So bringing new
(indistinct) and ICAP staff
01:25:01.730 --> 01:25:05.650
to sort of just connect and
coordinate across agencies
01:25:05.650 --> 01:25:07.780
for the adaptation proceeding
01:25:07.780 --> 01:25:10.400
was really, really, really helpful.
01:25:10.400 --> 01:25:13.240
And I just appreciate
not operating in silos
01:25:13.240 --> 01:25:15.800
when we know the
Department of Public Health
01:25:15.800 --> 01:25:19.400
similarly has a lot of expertise
around these questions.
01:25:19.400 --> 01:25:20.960
But yes, as a preview,
01:25:20.960 --> 01:25:23.760
independent Greenlining
are in the process
01:25:23.760 --> 01:25:27.140
after a few years of advocacy
01:25:27.140 --> 01:25:31.270
to really realize a quantitative
data visualization platform
01:25:31.270 --> 01:25:33.300
for climate vulnerability in part
01:25:33.300 --> 01:25:36.040
because it's hard to
really operationalize
01:25:36.040 --> 01:25:39.890
to someone's point make
actionable a qualitative definition
01:25:39.890 --> 01:25:42.290
and I know that utilities are working
01:25:42.290 --> 01:25:44.210
on their own vulnerability assessments,
01:25:44.210 --> 01:25:48.190
and we hope that this can
be a resource for the work
01:25:48.190 --> 01:25:50.203
that the utilities are doing too.
01:25:54.637 --> 01:25:56.360
All right, before we
turn the next caller
01:25:56.360 --> 01:25:58.840
I just wanted to check in
if there was any comments
01:25:58.840 --> 01:26:00.590
or questions from the Spanish line?
01:26:10.000 --> 01:26:11.700
Okay. (laughs)
01:26:11.700 --> 01:26:12.720
Let move on.
01:26:12.720 --> 01:26:14.183
Bruno, I think is next.
01:26:15.690 --> 01:26:16.720
Thank you very much.
01:26:16.720 --> 01:26:20.320
I'm kinda new here to this conversation.
01:26:20.320 --> 01:26:22.330
I just happened to have
some time on my day
01:26:22.330 --> 01:26:24.070
to be able to join in and listen,
01:26:24.070 --> 01:26:27.410
I've been tryna listening
to a lot of what the CPUC
01:26:27.410 --> 01:26:28.510
has been involved with,
01:26:28.510 --> 01:26:30.960
just because it affects
my community so much.
01:26:30.960 --> 01:26:33.890
I'm a District Supervisor
for the County of Lake,
01:26:33.890 --> 01:26:38.610
and we are a raw
resource type of community
01:26:38.610 --> 01:26:42.670
where there's definitely been
some abuses in our environment
01:26:42.670 --> 01:26:47.670
and it has not helped us in
reaching our economic goals
01:26:47.930 --> 01:26:49.900
for individuals within our community
01:26:49.900 --> 01:26:54.140
and that's where I see a lot
of environmental justice issues
01:26:54.140 --> 01:26:56.000
is typically in poor areas.
01:26:56.000 --> 01:26:58.280
We'll go ahead and
install certain industries
01:26:58.280 --> 01:27:03.230
or certain types of economic drivers.
01:27:03.230 --> 01:27:05.490
But I'm seeing on the other side,
01:27:05.490 --> 01:27:08.190
which to me environmental justice,
01:27:08.190 --> 01:27:10.940
let's say if your
definition of environment
01:27:10.940 --> 01:27:14.830
includes the social economic
demographic of a community
01:27:14.830 --> 01:27:16.770
is the lack of infrastructure.
01:27:16.770 --> 01:27:20.380
And COVID-19 is
absolutely highlighting that,
01:27:20.380 --> 01:27:23.660
when we do not have the
broadband infrastructure
01:27:23.660 --> 01:27:28.090
because things have been
deployed in more affluent areas
01:27:28.090 --> 01:27:31.560
and not necessarily been
deployed in less affluent areas.
01:27:31.560 --> 01:27:34.180
And so not only do we
get knocked on one side
01:27:34.180 --> 01:27:36.530
where we may get some sort of industry
01:27:36.530 --> 01:27:38.020
that might pollute our lake,
01:27:38.020 --> 01:27:41.010
might pollute our creeks
and other things like that.
01:27:41.010 --> 01:27:43.670
But on the other end we
do not get the infrastructure
01:27:43.670 --> 01:27:46.050
to be able to move forward
01:27:46.050 --> 01:27:48.190
and keep up with the average Jones's
01:27:48.190 --> 01:27:49.480
of the state of California,
01:27:49.480 --> 01:27:51.550
which keeps us even further behind.
01:27:51.550 --> 01:27:54.010
So I don't know if that's
necessarily within the topic
01:27:54.010 --> 01:27:55.810
that you're talking about.
01:27:55.810 --> 01:27:58.480
I love the topic that
you are discussing,
01:27:58.480 --> 01:27:59.680
and we'll continue to listen.
01:27:59.680 --> 01:28:02.070
But I thought I'd at
least introduce myself
01:28:02.070 --> 01:28:04.330
and express myself
while I had the opportunity.
01:28:04.330 --> 01:28:05.230
Thank you so much.
01:28:09.320 --> 01:28:11.110
Nice to meet you virtually.
01:28:11.110 --> 01:28:13.960
I don't know Amee wanna
to respond, anybody?
01:28:13.960 --> 01:28:16.067
Panels I also invite you to respond?
01:28:16.067 --> 01:28:18.760
Go ahead Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:28:18.760 --> 01:28:21.854
Thank you for allowing me
to participate in your panel.
01:28:21.854 --> 01:28:22.687
01:28:22.687 --> 01:28:25.630
I just wanna respond
to the supervisor in that.
01:28:25.630 --> 01:28:27.020
It absolutely is,
01:28:27.020 --> 01:28:31.310
I think we see the areas of the state
01:28:31.310 --> 01:28:33.530
that are not served properly
01:28:33.530 --> 01:28:35.590
in their telecommunication needs,
01:28:35.590 --> 01:28:40.550
and it's an area that
is overripe for action.
01:28:40.550 --> 01:28:44.390
And I think as we look
at the different strategies
01:28:44.390 --> 01:28:46.933
for meeting our goals
within this action plan,
01:28:47.820 --> 01:28:49.830
we have a particular opportunity now
01:28:49.830 --> 01:28:52.620
with the new administration in DC
01:28:52.620 --> 01:28:55.400
to finally get to a place
where we can regulate
01:28:55.400 --> 01:28:57.700
and ensuring that all Californians
01:28:57.700 --> 01:29:00.020
have access to this service.
01:29:00.020 --> 01:29:01.930
So I absolutely...
01:29:03.260 --> 01:29:05.357
This is absolutely
part of the action plan
01:29:05.357 --> 01:29:09.039
and I would just encourage
you to join the breakout session.
01:29:09.039 --> 01:29:10.053
(laughs) Thank you.
01:29:15.410 --> 01:29:16.243
All right.
01:29:16.243 --> 01:29:17.890
I'm going to look through the chat.
01:29:17.890 --> 01:29:19.453
We have one question.
01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:24.870
Sorry, I just lost it. (laughs)
01:29:24.870 --> 01:29:27.030
Maybe we can get
Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:29:27.030 --> 01:29:28.857
to ask your question
and then I'll (indistinct).
01:29:31.082 --> 01:29:33.320
(indistinct) a
question or a comment
01:29:33.320 --> 01:29:37.470
or I don't know just expressing
(chuckles) a challenge
01:29:37.470 --> 01:29:39.840
in what you said, one
of the things you said.
01:29:40.760 --> 01:29:45.760
You said it's important
that we have sort of simpler
01:29:46.180 --> 01:29:48.180
less restrictive definitions
01:29:48.180 --> 01:29:49.980
because it's very hard
for some communities
01:29:49.980 --> 01:29:51.980
to access programs,
01:29:51.980 --> 01:29:53.890
but you also said it's very important
01:29:53.890 --> 01:29:57.040
to target programs at the
people who need them.
01:29:57.040 --> 01:29:59.770
And I think that's a challenge
01:29:59.770 --> 01:30:01.963
that we've seen in our programs.
01:30:03.130 --> 01:30:05.930
We wanna design programs
to get to the neediest people,
01:30:05.930 --> 01:30:08.800
to the most deserving.
01:30:08.800 --> 01:30:13.090
But when we define some of our criteria
01:30:13.090 --> 01:30:14.573
a little bit more loosely,
01:30:15.640 --> 01:30:17.850
we're not always
successful in doing that,
01:30:17.850 --> 01:30:22.850
others take up some
of the program budget.
01:30:23.130 --> 01:30:25.970
we have limited funds, and
we do wanna target them
01:30:25.970 --> 01:30:29.470
to the most disadvantaged communities.
01:30:29.470 --> 01:30:33.920
But sometimes that does
mean making the requirements
01:30:33.920 --> 01:30:35.710
more limited or restrictive.
01:30:35.710 --> 01:30:36.543
It's a dilemma.
01:30:36.543 --> 01:30:37.930
I don't know the answer,
01:30:37.930 --> 01:30:41.320
I'm just posing if you'll
just to think about,
01:30:41.320 --> 01:30:45.040
and for the larger
group and stakeholders
01:30:45.040 --> 01:30:47.900
to help us think through
how to deal with that.
01:30:47.900 --> 01:30:49.320
Because we don't
wanna be overly technical,
01:30:49.320 --> 01:30:51.620
we don't wanna exclude people
01:30:51.620 --> 01:30:54.270
because it's so
difficult and so specific.
01:30:54.270 --> 01:30:56.570
But if we don't we run the risk
01:30:56.570 --> 01:30:58.570
that the program funds will be depleted.
01:31:00.930 --> 01:31:03.410
Yes, thank you
Commissioner for that comment.
01:31:03.410 --> 01:31:07.743
And I do think that that is
a again a tricky complex.
01:31:08.869 --> 01:31:10.680
It's a wicked problem,
01:31:10.680 --> 01:31:14.060
it requires a lot of
collaboration to figure out
01:31:14.060 --> 01:31:16.693
and really land on
what's again that balance.
01:31:18.020 --> 01:31:21.760
But I do think that as I mentioned,
01:31:21.760 --> 01:31:23.810
being adaptive is really important
01:31:23.810 --> 01:31:26.570
and really think through
what are the challenges.
01:31:26.570 --> 01:31:29.940
I think sometimes the critique
01:31:29.940 --> 01:31:34.830
will be while the definition
was really restrictive
01:31:34.830 --> 01:31:36.490
but there's no applicants, right?
01:31:36.490 --> 01:31:38.990
So there, you know, and
there's other programs
01:31:38.990 --> 01:31:40.130
that are oversubscribed.
01:31:40.130 --> 01:31:43.960
So the communities
don't even want the funds
01:31:43.960 --> 01:31:45.480
or they don't need them,
01:31:45.480 --> 01:31:48.650
and that's actually the
wrong I think assumption
01:31:48.650 --> 01:31:50.880
or conclusion to make.
01:31:50.880 --> 01:31:55.010
I think sometimes even with those risks,
01:31:55.010 --> 01:31:57.790
it's not just the restricted
definition that's the problem.
01:31:57.790 --> 01:32:00.530
It could be lack of access
technical assistance
01:32:00.530 --> 01:32:02.870
and making sure that communities
01:32:02.870 --> 01:32:07.320
who are included and
eligible have the support
01:32:07.320 --> 01:32:09.710
they need to be connected
01:32:09.710 --> 01:32:11.640
and apply and secure the funding.
01:32:11.640 --> 01:32:14.090
So I do wanna offer
that to the group too,
01:32:14.090 --> 01:32:17.217
is sometimes it's
not just the definition,
01:32:17.217 --> 01:32:18.660
that's the problem,
01:32:18.660 --> 01:32:22.450
but actually the technical assistance,
01:32:22.450 --> 01:32:27.160
the barriers to applying that
might be the problem to solve.
01:32:27.160 --> 01:32:28.800
So there's a lot there,
01:32:28.800 --> 01:32:32.400
but one of the offer that
to not always sort of...
01:32:32.400 --> 01:32:34.840
We shouldn't just focus
on the definition piece
01:32:34.840 --> 01:32:37.933
as the key challenge.
01:32:40.198 --> 01:32:42.615
01:32:43.822 --> 01:32:44.670
All right.
01:32:44.670 --> 01:32:48.260
I'm gonna move to a
question from the chat
01:32:49.110 --> 01:32:50.230
but I also wanted to remind folks
01:32:50.230 --> 01:32:51.997
that if you have your hand raised
01:32:51.997 --> 01:32:53.270
and you have already spoken
01:32:53.270 --> 01:32:55.150
please put your hand down,
01:32:55.150 --> 01:32:56.565
unless you have another
question (chuckles)
01:32:56.565 --> 01:32:58.290
and then we'll get
you back in the queue.
01:32:58.290 --> 01:33:01.270
So one question that
came up was this question
01:33:01.270 --> 01:33:03.430
I wanna first post to Amee
01:33:03.430 --> 01:33:06.140
and then invite any of the
other panelists to respond.
01:33:06.140 --> 01:33:09.723
It was a question about the
term disadvantaged community,
01:33:11.770 --> 01:33:15.370
sorry, the chat is moving so
I can't see who submitted it.
01:33:15.370 --> 01:33:16.203
I'm sorry about that.
01:33:16.203 --> 01:33:17.270
But the question is basically the term
01:33:17.270 --> 01:33:20.198
disadvantaged community,
the negative term,
01:33:20.198 --> 01:33:22.110
we have heard from many folks
01:33:22.110 --> 01:33:24.020
that may not be the
appropriate term to use,
01:33:24.020 --> 01:33:26.103
and I wanted to get
your thoughts on that.
01:33:27.620 --> 01:33:31.580
Yeah, this is an ongoing
debate in conversation.
01:33:31.580 --> 01:33:35.400
And I think where we are at this stage
01:33:35.400 --> 01:33:39.330
in the sort of development
of CalEnviroScreen
01:33:39.330 --> 01:33:43.383
and the caudifying disadvantaged
communities in policy,
01:33:44.590 --> 01:33:47.510
has meant that while
that debate continues
01:33:47.510 --> 01:33:50.033
and I think is important to have,
01:33:51.060 --> 01:33:52.440
there are a lot of programs
01:33:52.440 --> 01:33:56.000
that have sort of implemented
01:33:56.000 --> 01:33:59.570
and really rely on those terms
01:33:59.570 --> 01:34:03.740
to refer to the top 25
percentile, most impacted,
01:34:03.740 --> 01:34:05.230
most burdened CalEnviroScreen
01:34:06.940 --> 01:34:09.160
community identified by CalEnviroScreen.
01:34:09.160 --> 01:34:12.160
'Cause what I just said is more loaded
01:34:12.160 --> 01:34:14.020
than just saying
disadvantaged communities.
01:34:14.020 --> 01:34:15.693
And that's been socialized too.
01:34:17.680 --> 01:34:19.650
But that doesn't mean
the debates don't continue,
01:34:19.650 --> 01:34:23.290
and I'll be honest at
APEN while we recognize
01:34:23.290 --> 01:34:27.010
that in policy and
legislation there is a need
01:34:27.010 --> 01:34:28.880
because of what people understand
01:34:28.880 --> 01:34:31.223
making it accessible
to our policy makers.
01:34:32.720 --> 01:34:34.793
In terms of our messaging,
01:34:35.810 --> 01:34:38.190
the way we talk about our communities,
01:34:38.190 --> 01:34:39.580
and talk about ourselves
01:34:39.580 --> 01:34:42.193
we don't use disadvantaged communities.
01:34:43.338 --> 01:34:45.250
It is problematic for many reasons.
01:34:45.250 --> 01:34:49.070
And again, with the
value of self-determination,
01:34:49.070 --> 01:34:51.960
you know, in our advocacy,
01:34:51.960 --> 01:34:54.720
we use environmental
justice communities,
01:34:54.720 --> 01:34:56.650
we use working class
communities of color,
01:34:56.650 --> 01:34:59.100
or communities of the
beliefs material resources.
01:34:59.100 --> 01:35:02.480
So we've thought through sort of alter,
01:35:02.480 --> 01:35:05.310
I guess adapting our language,
01:35:05.310 --> 01:35:08.580
and being fed in the places
that we organize about that,
01:35:08.580 --> 01:35:11.420
that aligns with what how
people refer to themselves.
01:35:11.420 --> 01:35:13.100
But in the policy sphere,
01:35:13.100 --> 01:35:14.850
it's a little bit more challenging.
01:35:18.750 --> 01:35:21.030
Great, thanks very much Amee.
01:35:21.030 --> 01:35:23.630
Let's move to the next comment
01:35:23.630 --> 01:35:25.843
from the verbal comment on the line.
01:35:32.057 --> 01:35:34.143
your line is active.
01:35:35.980 --> 01:35:37.580
Sorry, who's the queue?
01:35:38.658 --> 01:35:39.770
I think Daniel,
your line is acive.
01:35:39.770 --> 01:35:40.603
Okay, great,
01:35:40.603 --> 01:35:42.250
sorry, I didn't realize it was me.
01:35:42.250 --> 01:35:44.660
Thank you all for participating today
01:35:44.660 --> 01:35:47.040
and for offering this
opportunity to engage
01:35:47.040 --> 01:35:48.430
and to get our viewpoints.
01:35:48.430 --> 01:35:50.120
I think it's really important
01:35:50.120 --> 01:35:52.520
that we contextualize
where we're at today.
01:35:52.520 --> 01:35:54.800
The world is changing very fast.
01:35:54.800 --> 01:35:56.650
Climate change is moving quickly
01:35:56.650 --> 01:36:00.770
and I think we're getting
key signals from federal
01:36:00.770 --> 01:36:03.930
and even state authorities
that we need to move faster,
01:36:03.930 --> 01:36:04.990
we need to move quicker,
01:36:04.990 --> 01:36:09.820
we need to move better in our
climate, strategy and actions.
01:36:09.820 --> 01:36:13.660
And it really dovetails
with the work of the CPUC.
01:36:13.660 --> 01:36:14.690
We are working right now,
01:36:14.690 --> 01:36:16.400
I'm with the Center for Human
Rights and Environment,
01:36:16.400 --> 01:36:18.230
and also the Institute for Governance
01:36:18.230 --> 01:36:19.280
and Sustainable Development.
01:36:19.280 --> 01:36:21.050
We're working closely with CPUC
01:36:21.050 --> 01:36:25.440
and CAB to try to find
areas where collaboration
01:36:25.440 --> 01:36:28.610
interagency could really help,
01:36:28.610 --> 01:36:30.430
and we're finding spaces where
01:36:30.430 --> 01:36:31.877
that currently isn't happening.
01:36:31.877 --> 01:36:34.500
And I think it's really
important to think of ways
01:36:34.500 --> 01:36:35.690
where energy efficiency
01:36:35.690 --> 01:36:38.480
and cost benefit can
also work with air quality
01:36:38.480 --> 01:36:39.650
and climate strategies,
01:36:39.650 --> 01:36:43.030
because the push will
be to address the climate
01:36:43.030 --> 01:36:45.800
in the AV627 space, for example,
01:36:45.800 --> 01:36:47.940
air quality is so critically important,
01:36:47.940 --> 01:36:51.720
and yet it doesn't consider
urban heat as a priority.
01:36:51.720 --> 01:36:54.810
If we can promote
avoided warming strategies
01:36:54.810 --> 01:36:56.740
through public utilities
01:36:56.740 --> 01:36:58.670
that really helps bring
the temperature down
01:36:58.670 --> 01:37:00.700
for certain communities
that really need it.
01:37:00.700 --> 01:37:03.170
It's an environmental justice action,
01:37:03.170 --> 01:37:05.980
and it could lower the need for energy.
01:37:05.980 --> 01:37:08.810
We need to think about
those cross-sector,
01:37:08.810 --> 01:37:12.520
cros-program, cross-agency approaches,
01:37:12.520 --> 01:37:14.220
and ways that we can help climate change
01:37:14.220 --> 01:37:17.060
but at the same time help EJ communities
01:37:17.060 --> 01:37:20.550
while addressing it all
through things like the programs
01:37:20.550 --> 01:37:21.720
that are coming out of CPUC.
01:37:21.720 --> 01:37:25.630
So I hope that we will be
taking the emerging federal policy
01:37:25.630 --> 01:37:26.860
the executive orders,
01:37:26.860 --> 01:37:29.330
which are just rich in
this sort of approach
01:37:29.330 --> 01:37:33.670
and these issues, and
use those to think through
01:37:33.670 --> 01:37:36.650
this reform of the action strategy plan.
01:37:36.650 --> 01:37:37.650
Thank you very much.
01:37:42.240 --> 01:37:43.590
Thanks very much, Daniel.
01:37:45.950 --> 01:37:50.950
All right, let's move to the
next question on the line.
01:37:52.640 --> 01:37:54.150
We've got Leslie, your line is open,
01:37:54.150 --> 01:37:56.010
and let's follow by...
01:37:57.950 --> 01:38:01.577
Let's follow Leslie with
Central Valley Urban Institute.
01:38:02.740 --> 01:38:03.573
Hi folks.
01:38:03.573 --> 01:38:04.800
This is Leslie Martinez.
01:38:04.800 --> 01:38:06.330
I'm with Leadership Council.
01:38:06.330 --> 01:38:09.213
First of all, thanks so
much for having this Amee.
01:38:09.213 --> 01:38:11.990
I love hearing you speak
about so many of the issues
01:38:11.990 --> 01:38:16.194
that I think we collaborate
a lot in the same space.
01:38:16.194 --> 01:38:19.860
There was a few things
that through this conversation
01:38:19.860 --> 01:38:22.760
I think are important to
acknowledge a race specifically,
01:38:22.760 --> 01:38:24.563
the comment regarding barriers,
01:38:25.779 --> 01:38:27.510
you know, in the Central Valley,
01:38:27.510 --> 01:38:29.220
and then in the East Coachella Valley
01:38:29.220 --> 01:38:32.490
resources are so
limited in like just overall,
01:38:32.490 --> 01:38:34.130
that there has to be some type of way
01:38:34.130 --> 01:38:37.580
where we can get those types
of communities get feedback,
01:38:37.580 --> 01:38:39.730
to figure out how we
can get them at the table,
01:38:39.730 --> 01:38:42.817
how we can get them to
ensure that that they like
01:38:44.210 --> 01:38:45.970
what are their like really figure out
01:38:45.970 --> 01:38:47.470
what exactly are their barriers?
01:38:47.470 --> 01:38:49.340
How we overcome them?
01:38:49.340 --> 01:38:53.250
Specifically thinking
about the rural communities
01:38:53.250 --> 01:38:55.630
often in proceedings.
01:38:55.630 --> 01:39:00.350
I think a lot of the times
everyone wants a document,
01:39:00.350 --> 01:39:05.180
like a very a formal piece of
that describes the community,
01:39:05.180 --> 01:39:07.710
but the reality is that in order for us
01:39:07.710 --> 01:39:08.880
to I think...
01:39:10.800 --> 01:39:13.360
In order for us to move forward
01:39:13.360 --> 01:39:15.130
is we also have to recognize
01:39:15.130 --> 01:39:18.250
that racism red lining segregation
01:39:18.250 --> 01:39:21.710
have actually hindered so much
of these so many communities
01:39:21.710 --> 01:39:24.290
that none of this information
is available for them.
01:39:24.290 --> 01:39:27.520
When it comes to census
the actual number of folks
01:39:27.520 --> 01:39:30.890
that live in communities
what their boundaries are?
01:39:30.890 --> 01:39:34.590
And some communities
do not exist technically,
01:39:34.590 --> 01:39:36.932
but they do (chuckles)
if that makes sense.
01:39:36.932 --> 01:39:38.220
(indistinct) and that's really important
01:39:38.220 --> 01:39:39.510
for the rural context
01:39:41.000 --> 01:39:43.050
because that's what
really inhibits them.
01:39:43.932 --> 01:39:46.470
It's the idea that
they don't even exist.
01:39:46.470 --> 01:39:51.470
So really encouraging to
think about being adaptive,
01:39:52.140 --> 01:39:54.870
but also flexible to the
needs of communities
01:39:54.870 --> 01:39:56.530
to ensure that there are other ways
01:39:56.530 --> 01:40:00.780
to show that they are community.
01:40:00.780 --> 01:40:02.110
And then the other thing
01:40:02.110 --> 01:40:04.010
that I'd also like to raise
01:40:06.367 --> 01:40:08.880
is thinking about
disadvantaged communities,
01:40:08.880 --> 01:40:11.070
also including like the geography,
01:40:11.070 --> 01:40:13.830
you know, the San Joaquin
Valley turns into a bowl.
01:40:13.830 --> 01:40:17.640
So like for example,
during wildfire season
01:40:18.720 --> 01:40:20.510
a lot of resources and attention
01:40:20.510 --> 01:40:22.170
are always focused on those areas
01:40:22.170 --> 01:40:26.360
that were definitely
hit very hard by wildfire,
01:40:26.360 --> 01:40:28.380
but I think it's also
important to recognize
01:40:28.380 --> 01:40:31.120
what happens when the
smoke comes back to the Valley
01:40:31.120 --> 01:40:34.580
and it stays here for a very long time.
01:40:34.580 --> 01:40:39.203
And I agree with the comments
made before me about climate,
01:40:40.070 --> 01:40:42.730
but I also think it's
extremely important for us
01:40:42.730 --> 01:40:45.040
to not undermine the
importance of health,
01:40:45.040 --> 01:40:46.610
and what that means for communities.
01:40:46.610 --> 01:40:49.460
What disadvantage
means in terms of health,
01:40:49.460 --> 01:40:51.060
how close are folks to hospitals?
01:40:51.060 --> 01:40:53.393
Do they have access
to primary health care?
01:40:54.960 --> 01:40:58.460
And then the third part it's cost.
01:40:58.460 --> 01:41:01.930
I think that an important
thing that we need to recognize
01:41:01.930 --> 01:41:03.340
about disadvantaged communities
01:41:03.340 --> 01:41:06.150
is often specifically
during the pandemic
01:41:06.150 --> 01:41:07.770
we saw so many folks lose jobs
01:41:07.770 --> 01:41:11.183
with absolutely no lifeline to help out.
01:41:12.060 --> 01:41:15.090
And I think that's what
when I think of the definition
01:41:16.573 --> 01:41:19.693
I would like to see a
definition that includes,
01:41:21.690 --> 01:41:24.350
that targets these specific
types of communities
01:41:24.350 --> 01:41:26.410
where we know that they need extra help,
01:41:26.410 --> 01:41:28.827
but we know that the data is not there,
01:41:28.827 --> 01:41:30.303
and it needs to be,
01:41:31.190 --> 01:41:33.900
because that is where
we will create resiliency
01:41:33.900 --> 01:41:36.093
through the most deprived community.
01:41:37.150 --> 01:41:38.720
So, yes.
01:41:38.720 --> 01:41:39.553
Thank you.
01:41:42.650 --> 01:41:44.803
Great, thanks
very much, Leslie.
01:41:44.803 --> 01:41:46.300
Amee, I don't know if you
wanna come up very quickly
01:41:46.300 --> 01:41:49.020
to I'm just wanting to
know we have 10 minutes.
01:41:49.020 --> 01:41:50.229
All right.
01:41:50.229 --> 01:41:51.350
So I'm gonna do one more verbal line
01:41:51.350 --> 01:41:52.920
who knew there was
gonna be so much interest
01:41:52.920 --> 01:41:54.477
in definitions so that's great.
01:41:54.477 --> 01:41:56.005
And then I'm gonna answer
one question from the line,
01:41:56.005 --> 01:41:57.760
and I'm gonna answer
one person from the chat
01:41:57.760 --> 01:42:02.260
and then we move to
summarize the next steps.
01:42:02.260 --> 01:42:04.513
So let's move to center four.
01:42:07.270 --> 01:42:08.690
Who is it?
01:42:08.690 --> 01:42:09.523
Sorry. (laughs)
01:42:09.523 --> 01:42:10.883
Central Valley Urban Institute.
01:42:12.260 --> 01:42:13.540
My name is Eric Payne.
01:42:13.540 --> 01:42:15.520
I'm the Executive Director
of the Central Valley
01:42:15.520 --> 01:42:17.070
Urban Institute.
01:42:17.070 --> 01:42:18.750
Commissioners and staff.
01:42:18.750 --> 01:42:21.390
I wanna thank you for creating space
01:42:21.390 --> 01:42:23.200
to have this conversation
01:42:24.800 --> 01:42:28.710
and looking at this document
as a value document
01:42:28.710 --> 01:42:32.720
as it operates from a
place of equity and inclusion.
01:42:32.720 --> 01:42:36.263
I wanna center my comments on access.
01:42:37.750 --> 01:42:42.747
And my comments speak to
the full alignment of goals six,
01:42:43.600 --> 01:42:48.600
seven and four in your document.
01:42:49.930 --> 01:42:53.360
Specifically, I wanna talk about like,
01:42:53.360 --> 01:42:56.230
when we talk about our love languages,
01:42:56.230 --> 01:42:58.690
there are many different love languages.
01:42:58.690 --> 01:43:03.690
And I see this document
as the verbal communication
01:43:06.670 --> 01:43:11.670
to affirm our love for environmental
01:43:11.750 --> 01:43:14.420
and social justice communities.
01:43:14.420 --> 01:43:16.770
But I think I wanna see the action
01:43:16.770 --> 01:43:20.780
behind how this document is lived out.
01:43:20.780 --> 01:43:21.760
And when I say that,
01:43:21.760 --> 01:43:26.190
I mean looking at the
investments done specifically
01:43:26.190 --> 01:43:28.970
here in the Central Valley,
01:43:28.970 --> 01:43:32.130
I don't know, there's
not even a presence,
01:43:32.130 --> 01:43:35.803
a physical office from the CPUC.
01:43:37.110 --> 01:43:38.750
And I think that's where the rubber
01:43:38.750 --> 01:43:41.020
can begin to meet the road,
01:43:41.020 --> 01:43:44.140
in terms of investing
in those communities
01:43:44.140 --> 01:43:49.140
that see the most environmental
degradation across the state
01:43:49.700 --> 01:43:54.700
giving a community is in
this somewhat of a black box
01:43:55.360 --> 01:43:57.866
in the state and giving us access
01:43:57.866 --> 01:44:01.500
to the staff, to the leaders
01:44:01.500 --> 01:44:03.170
and give us boots on the ground
01:44:03.170 --> 01:44:06.210
so they can see firsthand the issues
01:44:06.210 --> 01:44:10.010
that we are experiencing
here in the Central Valley.
01:44:10.010 --> 01:44:12.520
And that will also, you know,
01:44:12.520 --> 01:44:15.090
it helps the organization
and meet this triple bottom line
01:44:15.090 --> 01:44:16.410
of right,
01:44:16.410 --> 01:44:19.113
the environmental and
social justice aspect of it,
01:44:20.320 --> 01:44:24.700
looking at the economic and
workforce development components
01:44:24.700 --> 01:44:27.350
of having a presence
here in the Central Valley,
01:44:27.350 --> 01:44:29.540
and then the public good
01:44:29.540 --> 01:44:32.620
and the public benefit
of giving a community
01:44:32.620 --> 01:44:36.640
that is plagued by
a public health crisis
01:44:37.490 --> 01:44:42.490
as we center around water
issues and disparities, right?
01:44:42.850 --> 01:44:44.920
In our schools, in our urban schools,
01:44:44.920 --> 01:44:48.960
looking at ensuring
that our utility companies
01:44:48.960 --> 01:44:50.570
do what they say that they're gonna do,
01:44:50.570 --> 01:44:53.430
when you have a merger
like Sprint and T-Mobile,
01:44:53.430 --> 01:44:55.370
and they say they're
gonna put a job center here
01:44:55.370 --> 01:44:56.570
in the Central Valley,
01:44:56.570 --> 01:44:58.940
and then after they get
their regulatory permits,
01:44:58.940 --> 01:45:00.957
they renege and they
take a step back and say,
01:45:00.957 --> 01:45:03.210
"Well, no now is not a good time."
01:45:03.210 --> 01:45:06.250
So I just really wanna
elevate these issues
01:45:06.250 --> 01:45:09.540
to know that we are
here for partnership.
01:45:09.540 --> 01:45:11.320
We are here to share the experiences
01:45:11.320 --> 01:45:14.681
of the residents that we
work with and that we serve.
01:45:14.681 --> 01:45:19.090
And we have seen some of
the transformational changes
01:45:20.210 --> 01:45:23.218
in this document play out in our region.
01:45:23.218 --> 01:45:24.950
Especially when you talk
01:45:24.950 --> 01:45:28.050
about having the utilities,
01:45:28.050 --> 01:45:31.440
have a presence here
with the workforce team,
01:45:32.380 --> 01:45:34.540
while they came we
haven't seen the fruits
01:45:34.540 --> 01:45:36.390
of that through
procurement opportunities
01:45:36.390 --> 01:45:38.120
for our small businesses,
01:45:38.120 --> 01:45:40.800
and building the capacity
of our micro businesses
01:45:40.800 --> 01:45:42.170
here in the Central Valley.
01:45:42.170 --> 01:45:46.540
We know that we are
at a huge disadvantage
01:45:46.540 --> 01:45:48.040
when you talk about capacity
01:45:48.040 --> 01:45:52.662
and so my hope and my
desire is that the CPUC
01:45:52.662 --> 01:45:54.770
will look to the issues
that we're experiencing
01:45:54.770 --> 01:45:57.547
and that we're elevating
here on this conversation
01:45:57.547 --> 01:46:00.440
and reach out so we can
move this work forward.
01:46:00.440 --> 01:46:01.690
Thank you, Commissioners.
01:46:05.210 --> 01:46:07.300
Great, thank you very much.
01:46:07.300 --> 01:46:09.230
All right, I'm gonna
do the last question
01:46:09.230 --> 01:46:14.020
and then moved to Kapil to
help summarize our action items.
01:46:14.020 --> 01:46:15.690
The last question that was raised
01:46:15.690 --> 01:46:18.060
was talking about
basically what the baseline
01:46:18.060 --> 01:46:20.260
of questions may look like?
01:46:20.260 --> 01:46:21.960
And how that will be structured.
01:46:21.960 --> 01:46:24.850
And that's something that
we are looking for feedback on,
01:46:24.850 --> 01:46:27.600
both from staff and from stakeholders.
01:46:27.600 --> 01:46:28.620
Our thinking is that,
01:46:28.620 --> 01:46:31.170
yes, it will be a little
bit of a plug and play,
01:46:31.170 --> 01:46:33.510
and if you can answer
some questions, okay.
01:46:33.510 --> 01:46:35.120
So you're trying to get eligibility
01:46:35.120 --> 01:46:38.410
to this percent of the state
01:46:38.410 --> 01:46:41.250
then maybe go with
this income threshold.
01:46:41.250 --> 01:46:44.450
And then if you're
looking for vulnerabilities
01:46:44.450 --> 01:46:46.300
for folks affected by climate change,
01:46:46.300 --> 01:46:47.700
look at these set of tools
01:46:47.700 --> 01:46:49.583
and these set of indicators.
01:46:50.500 --> 01:46:55.000
We are looking exploring
the development of tools
01:46:55.000 --> 01:46:58.130
to help staff make
more informed decisions.
01:46:58.130 --> 01:47:01.260
So we're trying to
build up the qualitative
01:47:01.260 --> 01:47:06.260
and quantitative kind
of knowledge, I guess.
01:47:07.420 --> 01:47:09.510
So how do we use both qualitative
01:47:09.510 --> 01:47:13.200
and quantitative information
to inform our thinking
01:47:13.200 --> 01:47:15.590
around definitions and
our creation of definition?
01:47:15.590 --> 01:47:19.500
So if we wanna use
60% area median income,
01:47:19.500 --> 01:47:20.970
how many households would that affect?
01:47:20.970 --> 01:47:23.160
What parts of the
state does that affect?
01:47:23.160 --> 01:47:25.610
And so we're we're trying to
think through all those pieces.
01:47:25.610 --> 01:47:29.970
So we don't have
necessarily like something
01:47:29.970 --> 01:47:32.170
in (indistinct) yet of what
we think it will look like,
01:47:32.170 --> 01:47:33.610
but we do think it's
gonna be a little bit
01:47:33.610 --> 01:47:35.533
of a plug and play with questions
01:47:35.533 --> 01:47:36.860
that will help you decide,
01:47:36.860 --> 01:47:39.683
okay, this is how you gonna plug it in.
01:47:40.840 --> 01:47:41.833
One of the things that
I've been thinking about
01:47:41.833 --> 01:47:43.260
it's a little bit like Madlib,
01:47:43.260 --> 01:47:46.090
but I don't know if that's kind
of like (laughs) an ancient,
01:47:46.090 --> 01:47:47.420
like reference now but a little bit
01:47:47.420 --> 01:47:48.310
of just like plugging in.
01:47:48.310 --> 01:47:49.640
Okay, these are the
options that you have,
01:47:49.640 --> 01:47:50.890
you can plug in this way.
01:47:51.890 --> 01:47:53.350
And others one last
question on the line,
01:47:53.350 --> 01:47:54.300
but we're gonna have to skip it,
01:47:54.300 --> 01:47:56.200
because we are only
have four minutes left.
01:47:56.200 --> 01:47:58.150
So I'm going to move to Kapil,
01:47:58.150 --> 01:47:59.733
if you can help us summarize,
01:48:00.620 --> 01:48:02.090
highlight the key action items
01:48:02.090 --> 01:48:04.553
or next steps from the conversation.
01:48:05.760 --> 01:48:07.068
Sure, thanks everyone.
01:48:07.068 --> 01:48:08.010
There are a lot of good comments.
01:48:08.010 --> 01:48:10.560
So I'm gonna try and get through kind
01:48:10.560 --> 01:48:13.070
of a high level summary
as well as some action items.
01:48:13.070 --> 01:48:15.370
So Amee talked about how the tool
01:48:15.370 --> 01:48:18.890
is very useful at the organization level
01:48:18.890 --> 01:48:23.430
for identifying where
actions should be taken,
01:48:23.430 --> 01:48:25.800
and that the tool should be adaptive
01:48:26.680 --> 01:48:30.443
to be able to include...
Be more inclusive
01:48:30.443 --> 01:48:33.070
or whether it should
be kind of targeting
01:48:33.070 --> 01:48:34.300
certain communities.
01:48:34.300 --> 01:48:36.020
And then also what are the data sources
01:48:36.020 --> 01:48:39.693
that can be used to
make it a holistic exercise?
01:48:40.960 --> 01:48:43.077
The question about whether
there's gonna be one definition
01:48:43.077 --> 01:48:46.490
and I think the overall consensus
01:48:46.490 --> 01:48:49.390
was that the there won't
be one specific definition
01:48:49.390 --> 01:48:50.710
but that it will be inclusive
01:48:50.710 --> 01:48:53.680
of all the information out there.
01:48:53.680 --> 01:48:56.680
And based on what
Kathleen just mentioned about
01:48:56.680 --> 01:49:00.473
using the Mad Lips approach to inform,
01:49:02.320 --> 01:49:06.130
what are the different
impacts of area median income
01:49:06.130 --> 01:49:08.040
versus federal poverty guidelines
01:49:08.040 --> 01:49:10.490
and all the different
definitions out there
01:49:10.490 --> 01:49:13.060
that right now are
determining eligibility
01:49:13.060 --> 01:49:15.120
for many of these programs.
01:49:15.120 --> 01:49:18.510
Martha from Catholic Charities
had a good comment about,
01:49:18.510 --> 01:49:21.220
how the names of these definitions
01:49:21.220 --> 01:49:23.090
can impact the communities
01:49:23.090 --> 01:49:26.510
and to make sure that there
are names and communities
01:49:26.510 --> 01:49:27.810
behind these definitions
01:49:27.810 --> 01:49:30.460
that we're not just using
the technical definition
01:49:30.460 --> 01:49:32.320
when we're trying to do outreach
01:49:32.320 --> 01:49:34.603
or include these
communities in programs.
01:49:37.600 --> 01:49:41.890
Let's see there's discussion
from Nathan and Amee
01:49:41.890 --> 01:49:45.550
about definitions from
other organizations
01:49:45.550 --> 01:49:50.550
and trying to make sure all
of the different information
01:49:51.090 --> 01:49:53.190
out there can be utilized
01:49:53.190 --> 01:49:57.020
and not wanting for each organization
01:49:57.020 --> 01:49:58.520
to have their own definitions,
01:49:59.510 --> 01:50:03.220
comments about aligning
definitions inside and outside
01:50:03.220 --> 01:50:06.820
the PUC relating to
credit worthiness of utilities
01:50:06.820 --> 01:50:09.670
versus wholesome credit
worthiness of communities
01:50:09.670 --> 01:50:10.603
or households,
01:50:11.630 --> 01:50:15.310
comments from Daniel and
Commissioner Guzman Aceves
01:50:15.310 --> 01:50:19.540
about making sure that the action plan
01:50:19.540 --> 01:50:23.340
can adapt to changing
political considerations
01:50:23.340 --> 01:50:26.600
and kind of a new
political environment for us
01:50:26.600 --> 01:50:29.580
to meet and to address
the supervisor's point
01:50:29.580 --> 01:50:32.363
about bringing more resource to areas
01:50:32.363 --> 01:50:35.993
that have been neglected in the past.
01:50:39.660 --> 01:50:40.890
So that's...
01:50:42.202 --> 01:50:44.960
And then Daniel's point
about inter-agency collaboration
01:50:44.960 --> 01:50:48.810
which is something that I
think we can all improve upon
01:50:48.810 --> 01:50:52.660
to make sure that if our goal
01:50:52.660 --> 01:50:57.520
is to increase climate resiliency
01:50:57.520 --> 01:50:59.720
that we're looking at
both say energy efficiency
01:50:59.720 --> 01:51:00.810
and air quality.
01:51:03.870 --> 01:51:06.200
Awesome, thanks
very much Kapil.
01:51:06.200 --> 01:51:09.707
Wanna thank everyone
specially Amee for joining us today.
01:51:09.707 --> 01:51:11.250
It was a great conversation,
01:51:11.250 --> 01:51:13.670
who knew that there was gonna
be so much interest (chuckles)
01:51:13.670 --> 01:51:14.700
around definitions.
01:51:14.700 --> 01:51:17.550
I just wanna ask if you
did make a comment,
01:51:17.550 --> 01:51:19.978
please lower your hand,
01:51:19.978 --> 01:51:22.670
this helps our IT
process the next session.
01:51:22.670 --> 01:51:25.800
If we did not get to you
today, I'm very sorry,
01:51:25.800 --> 01:51:28.010
but please do some of
your comments in the...
01:51:28.010 --> 01:51:29.210
Please join the other sessions,
01:51:29.210 --> 01:51:30.150
make your comments there.
01:51:30.150 --> 01:51:33.520
Please send your
comments to us via email,
01:51:33.520 --> 01:51:35.470
your comments and
feedback will be considered
01:51:35.470 --> 01:51:37.530
in the update to the plan.
01:51:37.530 --> 01:51:40.010
We intend to release a
draft of the updated plan
01:51:40.010 --> 01:51:42.700
later this spring, maybe
early summer (chuckles)
01:51:42.700 --> 01:51:43.810
depending on how things go,
01:51:43.810 --> 01:51:45.840
and that will allow for
additional public comment
01:51:45.840 --> 01:51:47.190
at that time.
01:51:47.190 --> 01:51:49.100
So thank you again very much for joining
01:51:49.100 --> 01:51:50.913
and we will see you next time.
01:51:53.750 --> 01:51:57.810
Thank you, Amee,
Kathleen, and Kapil for that.
01:51:57.810 --> 01:51:59.440
And thank you
everybody for participating.
01:51:59.440 --> 01:52:00.750
That was the first session.
01:52:00.750 --> 01:52:02.850
So glad that we were able to figure out
01:52:02.850 --> 01:52:05.053
how to work all the different pieces.
01:52:06.393 --> 01:52:07.360
And it looks like just making sure
01:52:07.360 --> 01:52:09.270
that we don't have any
comments on the Spanish line
01:52:09.270 --> 01:52:10.550
so we're okay.
01:52:10.550 --> 01:52:12.580
So all right, so we
will capture the chat
01:52:12.580 --> 01:52:13.970
and make sure all of that is saved.
01:52:13.970 --> 01:52:15.090
So if you have any last thoughts,
01:52:15.090 --> 01:52:17.260
please feel free to type them in.
01:52:17.260 --> 01:52:20.450
And now we're gonna take
a lunch break from 12 to one,
01:52:20.450 --> 01:52:22.960
at one o'clock we will
be in breakout sessions.
01:52:22.960 --> 01:52:26.484
So we will have a
flight up in this WebEx
01:52:26.484 --> 01:52:30.640
that has the links to the
individual breakout sessions.
01:52:30.640 --> 01:52:33.280
Unfortunately, they're in
individual WebEx meetings.
01:52:33.280 --> 01:52:35.860
And we'll also make sure
the links are in the chat
01:52:37.298 --> 01:52:39.230
so that you can just
directly link to them.
01:52:39.230 --> 01:52:41.020
They're also directly
linked on our website
01:52:41.020 --> 01:52:41.880
and on the agenda.
01:52:41.880 --> 01:52:44.920
So hopefully everybody
can find those easily.
01:52:44.920 --> 01:52:48.739
And then we will be back
at 2:00 p.m in this venue
01:52:48.739 --> 01:52:52.070
to talk about incorporating
environmental and social justice
01:52:52.070 --> 01:52:55.520
into scoping memos and
toward decision-making process
01:52:55.520 --> 01:52:57.070
more broadly.
01:52:57.070 --> 01:52:58.330
So thank you so much.
01:52:58.330 --> 01:53:02.195
And we will see you
at one in the breakouts.
01:53:02.195 --> 01:53:03.028
01:53:14.653 --> 01:53:17.070
01:57:06.900 --> 01:57:10.550
Judge Ava Tran from our
Administrative Law Judge Division
01:57:10.550 --> 01:57:13.070
at the CPUC as well as Mad Stano
01:57:13.070 --> 01:57:15.380
from the Greenlining Institute.
01:57:15.380 --> 01:57:16.790
We also have Nicole Cropper are helping
01:57:16.790 --> 01:57:19.460
to catch those action
items on those chats
01:57:19.460 --> 01:57:21.060
and summarize at the end
01:57:21.060 --> 01:57:23.673
so asset to judge transfers.
01:57:27.610 --> 01:57:28.670
Good morning.
01:57:28.670 --> 01:57:30.750
Think, oh no, good afternoon. (laughs)
01:57:30.750 --> 01:57:32.233
And thank you, Monica.
01:57:33.530 --> 01:57:34.670
Good afternoon, everyone.
01:57:34.670 --> 01:57:37.320
Thank you for joining our
breakout session today.
01:57:37.320 --> 01:57:39.110
My name is Ava Tran,
01:57:39.110 --> 01:57:41.770
and I am one of the
Administrative Law Judges here
01:57:41.770 --> 01:57:43.450
at the Commission.
01:57:43.450 --> 01:57:46.960
I am excited to be co-facilitating
this afternoon sessions
01:57:46.960 --> 01:57:50.620
with Mad Stano from
the Greenlining Institute.
01:57:50.620 --> 01:57:52.310
During the session we will focus
01:57:52.310 --> 01:57:56.360
on the issue of systemizing
ESJ considerations,
01:57:56.360 --> 01:57:58.750
and how we can do a better job
01:57:58.750 --> 01:58:00.530
of incorporating yesterday issues
01:58:00.530 --> 01:58:03.283
into our proceedings and processes.
01:58:04.393 --> 01:58:06.490
As we discussed briefly this morning
01:58:06.490 --> 01:58:08.080
the Commission is making stripes
01:58:08.080 --> 01:58:10.050
to scope leadership considerations
01:58:10.050 --> 01:58:12.830
into relevant proceedings.
01:58:12.830 --> 01:58:15.550
The staff here and our leadership teams
01:58:17.300 --> 01:58:19.547
have been encouraged
to discuss the goals
01:58:19.547 --> 01:58:22.900
of the ESJ Action
Plan, and weed issues
01:58:22.900 --> 01:58:25.370
and potential impacts to ESJ communities
01:58:25.370 --> 01:58:28.730
into our proceedings were appropriate.
01:58:28.730 --> 01:58:30.880
During the session we will discuss
01:58:30.880 --> 01:58:35.260
how this is being undertaken
internally as the CPUC,
01:58:35.260 --> 01:58:37.150
we would like to bring some with parties
01:58:37.150 --> 01:58:38.980
on how we can get work parties
01:58:38.980 --> 01:58:43.000
and other stakeholders
to help support this effort,
01:58:43.000 --> 01:58:46.060
and also identify what
other ways the CPUC
01:58:47.027 --> 01:58:49.040
can ensure that your
share considerations
01:58:49.040 --> 01:58:50.773
are being taken into account.
01:58:52.070 --> 01:58:54.670
Our goal of course,
is to be able to get out
01:58:54.670 --> 01:58:58.500
of this session some
new potential action items
01:58:58.500 --> 01:59:03.257
that we can use to update
our ESJ Actions Plan.
01:59:04.380 --> 01:59:06.320
So before I turn this over to Matt
01:59:06.320 --> 01:59:08.410
who will help frame the discussion,
01:59:08.410 --> 01:59:11.470
and wanna note that we
really hope to make this session
01:59:11.470 --> 01:59:13.840
as interactive as possible.
01:59:13.840 --> 01:59:15.440
I'm sure we're all familiar by now,
01:59:15.440 --> 01:59:16.720
but just a few reminders
01:59:16.720 --> 01:59:20.080
on how you can participate
during the session.
01:59:20.080 --> 01:59:22.310
First, you can provide a verbal comment
01:59:22.310 --> 01:59:26.090
or ask the question by
clicking the hand next the name
01:59:26.090 --> 01:59:27.840
in the participant list.
01:59:27.840 --> 01:59:30.573
The event hosts will call
your name and unmute you
01:59:30.573 --> 01:59:32.200
when it's your time to speak.
01:59:32.200 --> 01:59:35.640
And we apologize
because we will not always
01:59:35.640 --> 01:59:36.920
be able to get to everybody,
01:59:36.920 --> 01:59:39.690
but we'll do our best to
get to as many comments
01:59:39.690 --> 01:59:42.440
and questions as possible.
01:59:42.440 --> 01:59:44.830
Second, if you would like
to make a written comment
01:59:44.830 --> 01:59:45.947
or question,
01:59:45.947 --> 01:59:48.650
you can type your comment
or question into the chat box,
01:59:48.650 --> 01:59:51.590
and send it to all participants.
01:59:51.590 --> 01:59:53.293
Again, we will try to
leave as much as we can
01:59:53.293 --> 01:59:56.450
from the chat box into
our discussion today,
01:59:56.450 --> 01:59:58.180
but if you're not able
to leave a comment
01:59:58.180 --> 01:59:59.520
into the discussion,
01:59:59.520 --> 02:00:02.063
the chat will be saved
and we will (indistinct).
02:00:03.770 --> 02:00:06.340
And third, if you would like
to submit written comments
02:00:06.340 --> 02:00:08.053
via email do that as well.
02:00:08.053 --> 02:00:11.847
You can send your comments to
02:00:17.130 --> 02:00:19.730
And lastly, I will remind
folks that this session
02:00:19.730 --> 02:00:22.790
is being recorded so that we can save
02:00:22.790 --> 02:00:25.501
all of our feedback and comments.
02:00:25.501 --> 02:00:28.440
With that I will turn it over
to my co-facilitator, Mad.
02:00:31.438 --> 02:00:32.390
Thank you so much, Judge Tran,
02:00:32.390 --> 02:00:33.410
and thank you all.
02:00:33.410 --> 02:00:36.550
And thank you to the CPUC
02:00:36.550 --> 02:00:38.973
for organizing this incredible event.
02:00:39.950 --> 02:00:41.230
My name is Mad Stano
02:00:41.230 --> 02:00:44.087
and I'm senior legal counsel
on the energy equity team
02:00:44.087 --> 02:00:45.760
at the Greenlining Institute.
02:00:45.760 --> 02:00:47.830
We are racial justice nonprofit
02:00:47.830 --> 02:00:50.010
working on community led solutions
02:00:50.010 --> 02:00:52.640
to the ongoing impacts of red lining
02:00:52.640 --> 02:00:56.440
on communities of color
located in Oakland, California.
02:00:56.440 --> 02:00:59.637
I personally came to
energy work at the CPUC
02:00:59.637 --> 02:01:02.020
and this conversation
due to my experiences
02:01:02.020 --> 02:01:04.440
working in partnership
with environmental justice
02:01:04.440 --> 02:01:07.800
communities largely in
California, San Joaquin Valley
02:01:07.800 --> 02:01:09.370
as a community-based attorney
02:01:09.370 --> 02:01:11.670
at the center on race
poverty and environment,
02:01:12.600 --> 02:01:13.950
and then theater in my career
02:01:13.950 --> 02:01:17.490
with California
Environmental Justice Alliance.
02:01:17.490 --> 02:01:20.840
(indistinct) attorney but
wanted to offer a brief grounding
02:01:20.840 --> 02:01:22.460
on the themes of this sessions
02:01:22.460 --> 02:01:24.830
before opening the
conversation to you all
02:01:24.830 --> 02:01:28.680
just really wanna tee
up some of the things
02:01:28.680 --> 02:01:30.793
that stand out to me,
some of the tensions,
02:01:31.900 --> 02:01:34.030
some of the possible solutions,
02:01:34.030 --> 02:01:38.310
and really just give you
some food for thought
02:01:38.310 --> 02:01:39.950
to stimulate your own brainstorming
02:01:39.950 --> 02:01:42.123
on these important questions.
02:01:42.123 --> 02:01:44.420
And those themes are why
we should be incorporating
02:01:44.420 --> 02:01:46.870
environmental and social
justice considerations
02:01:46.870 --> 02:01:49.510
into policymaking at the Commission?
02:01:49.510 --> 02:01:52.090
How we can all do that
from our respective roles
02:01:52.090 --> 02:01:54.140
and contribute to treating that?
02:01:54.140 --> 02:01:57.410
And the importance of
a flexible yet systemic
02:01:57.410 --> 02:01:59.410
consistent approach to incorporating
02:01:59.410 --> 02:02:02.320
environmental and social
justice at the Commission.
02:02:02.320 --> 02:02:04.263
A couple of thoughts on why,
02:02:05.370 --> 02:02:07.160
as has already been highlighted
02:02:07.160 --> 02:02:09.750
and as many of you are aware,
02:02:09.750 --> 02:02:14.691
but it's important to always
bring in this space service.
02:02:14.691 --> 02:02:18.040
(indistinct) burdens
related to utility service
02:02:18.040 --> 02:02:19.170
are inequitable.
02:02:19.170 --> 02:02:21.750
The pollution
burdens, the reliability,
02:02:21.750 --> 02:02:24.880
the ability to influence
decisions at the Commission
02:02:24.880 --> 02:02:26.700
are currently an equitable.
02:02:26.700 --> 02:02:28.870
While the Commission and many of you all
02:02:28.870 --> 02:02:31.810
in this virtual space
are doing incredible work
02:02:31.810 --> 02:02:35.040
to change that, that
is our starting point.
02:02:35.040 --> 02:02:37.050
The burdens of utility, cost, pollution,
02:02:37.050 --> 02:02:39.990
access, safety and reliability
for some communities
02:02:39.990 --> 02:02:41.460
are truly life-threatening,
02:02:41.460 --> 02:02:44.470
and deeply impact folks quality of life.
02:02:44.470 --> 02:02:48.870
And I think it's important
to root our thinking on this,
02:02:48.870 --> 02:02:52.348
not just in processes
and regulatory approaches
02:02:52.348 --> 02:02:55.490
but actually on improving and responding
02:02:55.490 --> 02:02:58.263
to real life and community impacts.
02:03:00.430 --> 02:03:02.580
One can and we often do make the case
02:03:02.580 --> 02:03:06.710
that some of these
disparities are illegal
02:03:06.710 --> 02:03:09.030
under civil rights, legal analysis,
02:03:09.030 --> 02:03:11.440
and counter to the Commission's mission
02:03:11.440 --> 02:03:13.260
and regulatory scope.
02:03:13.260 --> 02:03:15.510
So that's some of the why,
02:03:15.510 --> 02:03:18.560
we also have guidance from AB 1628
02:03:18.560 --> 02:03:20.220
defining environmental justice
02:03:20.220 --> 02:03:24.480
that requires the
meaningful consideration
02:03:24.480 --> 02:03:26.780
of recommendations from populations
02:03:26.780 --> 02:03:30.080
and communities most
impacted by pollution
02:03:30.080 --> 02:03:34.410
into environmental and land
use decisions across California.
02:03:34.410 --> 02:03:37.740
Those are some of the justifications,
02:03:37.740 --> 02:03:38.760
but also right.
02:03:38.760 --> 02:03:40.390
There's always the moral case
02:03:40.390 --> 02:03:42.880
that these disparities are wrong.
02:03:42.880 --> 02:03:47.650
And I think it's okay to
enter this conversation
02:03:47.650 --> 02:03:50.920
around justice from a value standpoint.
02:03:50.920 --> 02:03:52.680
So whatever the statutory.
02:03:52.680 --> 02:03:56.120
Then you also have
kind of the efficiency
02:03:56.120 --> 02:03:57.940
or the business case,
02:03:57.940 --> 02:04:00.437
whatever the statutory target
02:04:00.437 --> 02:04:05.437
or regulatory requirements
going on in a particular
02:04:05.518 --> 02:04:09.020
proceeding at the Commission targeting
02:04:09.020 --> 02:04:11.750
and achieving environmental
and social justice
02:04:11.750 --> 02:04:16.110
is essential to reaching
whatever goals are.
02:04:16.110 --> 02:04:17.240
We can't decarbonize,
02:04:17.240 --> 02:04:18.520
we can't achieve (indistinct),
02:04:18.520 --> 02:04:20.140
we can't mitigate wildfires,
02:04:20.140 --> 02:04:22.430
we can't just have in reasonable rates
02:04:22.430 --> 02:04:24.520
or universal service without centering
02:04:24.520 --> 02:04:27.820
those most impacted
and their leadership.
02:04:27.820 --> 02:04:29.270
So thinking about the how,
02:04:29.270 --> 02:04:33.830
how do we achieve
environmental and social justice
02:04:33.830 --> 02:04:38.200
from an incredibly large
active decision maker
02:04:39.600 --> 02:04:42.300
and body like the Commission?
02:04:42.300 --> 02:04:45.510
Making the case for
systematizing this approach.
02:04:45.510 --> 02:04:48.020
So how do we ensure
that the three justices,
02:04:48.020 --> 02:04:51.770
so distributive, procedural
and corrective justice
02:04:51.770 --> 02:04:53.570
are meaningfully considered,
02:04:53.570 --> 02:04:56.320
are able to be achieved,
are able to be furthered
02:04:56.320 --> 02:05:00.660
through the Commission's
activities and actions?
02:05:00.660 --> 02:05:05.340
So thinking about how do
we reform the processes?
02:05:05.340 --> 02:05:08.220
How do we reform the criteria
02:05:08.220 --> 02:05:10.630
of which decision-makers are held
02:05:10.630 --> 02:05:13.580
to in their decision-making?
02:05:13.580 --> 02:05:16.950
And then evaluate the success
02:05:16.950 --> 02:05:20.433
following the leadership
of those environmental
02:05:20.433 --> 02:05:22.363
and social justice communities.
02:05:24.140 --> 02:05:26.980
So if I'm part of being a facilitators,
02:05:26.980 --> 02:05:28.710
you get to ask those giant questions
02:05:28.710 --> 02:05:30.310
and then just walk away (laughs)
02:05:30.310 --> 02:05:34.380
and rely on the collective
wisdom of the room.
02:05:34.380 --> 02:05:39.380
So with that we'll open
up the conversation here
02:05:44.850 --> 02:05:46.903
and... Mad.
02:05:46.903 --> 02:05:47.979
Yeah, yeah.
02:05:47.979 --> 02:05:50.462
(indistinct) (laughs)
02:05:50.462 --> 02:05:54.850
Before we open up the the
discussion in the Q&A session,
02:05:54.850 --> 02:05:58.380
I just wanted to spend a
couple of minutes updating folks
02:05:58.380 --> 02:06:01.150
on what we're doing here internally
02:06:01.150 --> 02:06:03.310
at the Commission,
02:06:03.310 --> 02:06:07.163
since we officially
launched the ESJ effort.
02:06:10.301 --> 02:06:13.770
Probably, over the last
six plus months or so,
02:06:13.770 --> 02:06:16.030
the Administrative Law Judge division
02:06:16.030 --> 02:06:18.580
our there's Commissioner offices
02:06:18.580 --> 02:06:21.020
in all of our industry division
02:06:21.020 --> 02:06:23.280
we've been working pretty closely
02:06:23.280 --> 02:06:26.050
on how we as a Commission can work
02:06:26.050 --> 02:06:28.440
we're actively approach the ESJ issues
02:06:28.440 --> 02:06:29.740
in all of our proceedings.
02:06:30.830 --> 02:06:33.290
So for, you know,
some of the proceedings
02:06:34.270 --> 02:06:37.610
that we oversee the
scope of issues of inquests
02:06:37.610 --> 02:06:40.390
naturally lends itself
to ESJ considerations,
02:06:40.390 --> 02:06:43.410
and those are the ones
that are specifically targeting
02:06:43.410 --> 02:06:45.810
either low income or
vulnerable populations.
02:06:45.810 --> 02:06:48.174
So it's been a little bit easier there.
02:06:48.174 --> 02:06:52.180
However, there are so many,
many more other proceedings
02:06:52.180 --> 02:06:55.620
that we had over where
it may not be as obvious
02:06:55.620 --> 02:06:59.076
that there are impacts to communities
02:06:59.076 --> 02:07:01.490
and it's within these proceedings
02:07:01.490 --> 02:07:05.270
that we really need to be
more proactive and ensure
02:07:05.270 --> 02:07:07.650
that they are not overlooked.
02:07:07.650 --> 02:07:12.580
So what we started
doing internally is to require
02:07:12.580 --> 02:07:14.330
at the onset of every new proceeding
02:07:14.330 --> 02:07:18.222
that we received the assigned judge,
02:07:18.222 --> 02:07:19.520
the assigned Commissioner
02:07:19.520 --> 02:07:22.260
in consultation with our
industry division (indistinct),
02:07:22.260 --> 02:07:24.230
we have a discussion on the onset
02:07:24.230 --> 02:07:26.710
and (indistinct) pretty
early determination
02:07:26.710 --> 02:07:30.390
as to whether or not there
any (indistinct) impacts
02:07:30.390 --> 02:07:33.767
that need to be included in
the scope of the proceeding.
02:07:33.767 --> 02:07:35.710
And at that very pleriminary stage,
02:07:35.710 --> 02:07:38.320
the goal is not to
identify all of the impacts
02:07:38.320 --> 02:07:41.550
because it would be
probably too premature
02:07:41.550 --> 02:07:43.130
to identify them all.
02:07:43.130 --> 02:07:46.360
But the goal is really
to simply identify
02:07:46.360 --> 02:07:47.193
if there are impacts,
02:07:47.193 --> 02:07:51.400
and if so then the theme
of initial considerations
02:07:51.400 --> 02:07:53.350
will be included in the scope
02:07:53.350 --> 02:07:57.320
so that we know that
we're getting, you know,
02:07:57.320 --> 02:08:01.270
not only the folks
internally at (indistinct)
02:08:01.270 --> 02:08:04.140
also all the parties on
alert that this is something
02:08:04.140 --> 02:08:07.510
that we'll consider within
the scope of the proceeding.
02:08:07.510 --> 02:08:11.380
So there's been a lot
of discussions internally
02:08:11.380 --> 02:08:13.590
and we've actually developed
a guidance document
02:08:13.590 --> 02:08:18.180
to sort of help guide
some of the the analysts,
02:08:18.180 --> 02:08:20.090
our Commissioners, and our advisors
02:08:20.090 --> 02:08:21.620
and even the LJ division
02:08:21.620 --> 02:08:25.630
on how to go about identifying
some of these issues,
02:08:25.630 --> 02:08:28.970
seeing whether or not
we have the right party
02:08:28.970 --> 02:08:31.230
present in our proceedings
02:08:31.230 --> 02:08:34.570
and sort of how to go about ensuring
02:08:34.570 --> 02:08:37.274
that we are capturing as much as we can,
02:08:37.274 --> 02:08:41.020
and not overlooking into impacts
02:08:41.020 --> 02:08:44.850
that might be within our
proceedings that's hidden.
02:08:44.850 --> 02:08:47.820
So one of the active rules
02:08:47.820 --> 02:08:51.450
that we will be doing is
to determine the parties
02:08:51.450 --> 02:08:53.080
to any proceedings directly
02:08:53.080 --> 02:08:56.160
represent the potentially
impacted communities.
02:08:56.160 --> 02:08:58.900
And if it's determined that it's not
02:08:58.900 --> 02:09:01.720
then the Commission work specifically
02:09:01.720 --> 02:09:05.300
the news and outreach team
would be looking to develop
02:09:05.300 --> 02:09:06.870
some sort of outreach plan
02:09:06.870 --> 02:09:10.760
to make sure that informing
the interested groups
02:09:10.760 --> 02:09:11.720
about the proceeding,
02:09:11.720 --> 02:09:14.680
and Commissioning them
on how to become a party
02:09:14.680 --> 02:09:15.513
to the proceeding,
02:09:15.513 --> 02:09:18.350
or how to provide public comments.
02:09:18.350 --> 02:09:20.510
I know that Nicole
spoke earlier this morning
02:09:20.510 --> 02:09:22.130
about a couple of comments portal
02:09:22.130 --> 02:09:24.400
and how we've been using that.
02:09:24.400 --> 02:09:26.840
So that's always
another great option for us
02:09:26.840 --> 02:09:28.610
to be participating in.
02:09:28.610 --> 02:09:31.668
We just need to
educate folks (indistinct)
02:09:31.668 --> 02:09:33.073
there are other options.
02:09:35.020 --> 02:09:37.700
But even with sort of the process
02:09:37.700 --> 02:09:39.960
that we build out internally,
02:09:39.960 --> 02:09:42.800
I will note that there
still are challenges,
02:09:42.800 --> 02:09:45.660
and those challenges is how do we ensure
02:09:45.660 --> 02:09:48.920
that we've have
sufficient representation
02:09:48.920 --> 02:09:51.170
in our proceedings.
02:09:51.170 --> 02:09:54.570
And I don't wanna say
that we need more parties
02:09:54.570 --> 02:09:56.720
in our proceedings although
that might be the case
02:09:56.720 --> 02:09:58.530
for some proceedings.
02:09:58.530 --> 02:10:01.400
But I think (indistinct) think
about how do we make sure
02:10:01.400 --> 02:10:04.440
that we have the right
parties in right interests
02:10:04.440 --> 02:10:05.980
or various interests represented.
02:10:05.980 --> 02:10:06.890
So at the end of the day
02:10:06.890 --> 02:10:09.210
the decision makers are receiving
02:10:09.210 --> 02:10:10.973
a full balanced perspective.
02:10:11.970 --> 02:10:15.380
So I just wanted to
provide a really quick update
02:10:15.380 --> 02:10:17.180
on what we've been doing internally,
02:10:17.180 --> 02:10:18.907
but I'll turn it back to you Mad
02:10:18.907 --> 02:10:21.953
to start off the discussion
and Q&A session.
02:10:23.010 --> 02:10:23.843
Thank you so much.
02:10:23.843 --> 02:10:26.163
And thank you for sharing those updates.
02:10:28.130 --> 02:10:28.963
02:10:28.963 --> 02:10:32.880
Well, getting into our
first question for you all.
02:10:32.880 --> 02:10:35.170
So can we better scope environmental
02:10:35.170 --> 02:10:38.640
and social justice considerations
into the proceedings?
02:10:38.640 --> 02:10:42.006
We just heard a little bit
about the approach now,
02:10:42.006 --> 02:10:45.240
what should we be looking
at when we open proceedings
02:10:45.240 --> 02:10:47.700
to help understand it
impacts maybe there,
02:10:47.700 --> 02:10:52.700
so to Judge Tran's point
there's internal analysis
02:10:55.290 --> 02:10:59.390
going on to see whether
or not environmental
02:10:59.390 --> 02:11:00.990
and social justice themes are present
02:11:00.990 --> 02:11:03.760
in any given proceeding.
02:11:03.760 --> 02:11:07.230
And then there's the
decision of how to apply
02:11:07.230 --> 02:11:09.050
that in scoping the proceeding.
02:11:09.050 --> 02:11:11.310
If folks have thoughts
that they wanna share
02:11:12.540 --> 02:11:14.740
on those questions,
02:11:14.740 --> 02:11:18.030
and it looks (indistinct)
some comments too
02:11:18.030 --> 02:11:19.283
in the chat as well.
02:11:20.980 --> 02:11:23.410
But we'll open up our
first set of questions
02:11:23.410 --> 02:11:27.613
on scoping considerations
and how to approach that?
02:11:29.761 --> 02:11:32.300
I'm gonna ask that IT
open line for Leslie Martinez.
02:11:32.300 --> 02:11:34.593
I see she has her hand raised.
02:11:36.472 --> 02:11:37.760
It's Leslie Martinez
02:11:37.760 --> 02:11:41.090
with Leadership Council
for justice and accountability.
02:11:41.090 --> 02:11:43.800
I think the first, you know,
02:11:43.800 --> 02:11:45.640
we're an advocacy organization,
02:11:45.640 --> 02:11:48.820
but also we're organizers at hearts.
02:11:48.820 --> 02:11:51.750
And I think when I hear the word scoping
02:11:51.750 --> 02:11:54.240
my first comment would be,
02:11:54.240 --> 02:11:56.560
it's not very difficult to know
02:11:56.560 --> 02:11:58.200
where some of these proceedings
02:11:58.200 --> 02:12:03.150
are going to be what
locations are going to affect.
02:12:03.150 --> 02:12:06.555
And I also think that
with that being said,
02:12:06.555 --> 02:12:09.470
there needs to be a greater
emphasis on hearing directly
02:12:09.470 --> 02:12:12.000
from the people that
are going to be affected
02:12:12.000 --> 02:12:15.140
by the decisions that
this body is making.
02:12:15.140 --> 02:12:18.520
I think that as someone
who has recently started
02:12:18.520 --> 02:12:20.290
to engage with the CPUC,
02:12:20.290 --> 02:12:22.820
and has had to work with the CPUC
02:12:22.820 --> 02:12:24.620
alongside community residents,
02:12:24.620 --> 02:12:27.020
it is one of the hardest organizations
02:12:27.020 --> 02:12:29.520
for the Commissioners to hear directly
02:12:29.520 --> 02:12:33.163
from residents in the San
Joaquin and East Coachella Valley.
02:12:34.379 --> 02:12:37.490
I give a lot of kudos to
Commissioner Acaves Guzman
02:12:37.490 --> 02:12:42.490
who was so accessible
to community residents
02:12:43.093 --> 02:12:45.040
that they were allowed to feel heard.
02:12:45.040 --> 02:12:46.420
And I think that that went a long way
02:12:46.420 --> 02:12:48.070
in the San Joaquin Valley proceeding.
02:12:48.070 --> 02:12:51.260
But it's unfortunate
that as an exception
02:12:51.260 --> 02:12:54.363
and not just a good practice,
02:12:55.230 --> 02:12:57.721
I think that in order for us to...
02:12:57.721 --> 02:13:00.490
And this goes far beyond
just proceedings in general,
02:13:00.490 --> 02:13:04.450
but as we're thinking
about projects and programs
02:13:04.450 --> 02:13:05.880
that are being implemented,
02:13:05.880 --> 02:13:07.720
frankly, all of us on the phone here,
02:13:07.720 --> 02:13:09.890
or most of us probably do not benefit
02:13:09.890 --> 02:13:11.320
from any of the programs.
02:13:11.320 --> 02:13:13.940
We work with people who
benefit from the programs.
02:13:13.940 --> 02:13:17.860
And I think that it is our role
to connect agencies directly
02:13:17.860 --> 02:13:20.660
to those who are going to
be using these programs.
02:13:20.660 --> 02:13:21.810
What is the reality?
02:13:21.810 --> 02:13:24.390
What do they look like on the ground?
02:13:24.390 --> 02:13:27.140
How are they affecting lives of people?
02:13:27.140 --> 02:13:28.590
I don't think that these programs
02:13:28.590 --> 02:13:32.380
can genuinely be better or grow better,
02:13:32.380 --> 02:13:34.000
or be adjusted at all
02:13:34.000 --> 02:13:36.480
if we don't hear from
those at the front.
02:13:36.480 --> 02:13:39.320
Meaning black indigenous
and people of color
02:13:39.320 --> 02:13:41.160
specifically mobile home parks,
02:13:41.160 --> 02:13:42.810
I'm thinking the East Coachella Valley
02:13:42.810 --> 02:13:46.170
that I feel it often is
not being highlighted,
02:13:46.170 --> 02:13:49.080
even though they have
some of the most extreme
02:13:49.080 --> 02:13:52.430
climate issues, and there
are frontline community.
02:13:52.430 --> 02:13:55.160
So long story short,
02:13:55.160 --> 02:13:57.760
I really think that there
needs to be a practice
02:13:57.760 --> 02:14:00.820
that there is a difference
between notification
02:14:00.820 --> 02:14:04.650
and that's the list that's
emails that's called,
02:14:04.650 --> 02:14:06.210
and there's a difference
between outreach.
02:14:06.210 --> 02:14:07.840
And outreach takes a long time,
02:14:07.840 --> 02:14:08.950
it takes door knocking,
02:14:08.950 --> 02:14:11.360
it takes directly engaging with people.
02:14:11.360 --> 02:14:13.800
And I don't want the two to be confused
02:14:13.800 --> 02:14:18.116
because I think that if we
continue to confuse the two,
02:14:18.116 --> 02:14:20.040
we're not gonna be able to achieve
02:14:20.040 --> 02:14:21.500
what we genuinely want to achieve
02:14:21.500 --> 02:14:25.070
which is real meaningful
input from community.
02:14:25.070 --> 02:14:29.950
Thank you.
02:14:29.950 --> 02:14:33.510
Thank you you Leslie for
that really thoughtful comments.
02:14:33.510 --> 02:14:37.700
And I think that we...
02:14:37.700 --> 02:14:39.850
I think probably lessons
learned specifically
02:14:39.850 --> 02:14:43.110
from what Commissioner Aceves has done
02:14:43.110 --> 02:14:45.227
and with the proceedings
02:14:45.227 --> 02:14:49.550
and how we do want to hear
more from the communities
02:14:49.550 --> 02:14:51.040
that are directly affected
02:14:51.040 --> 02:14:54.390
and that's why we have
began thinking about
02:14:54.390 --> 02:14:57.260
how we plan the outreach
to these communities?
02:14:57.260 --> 02:14:59.776
So as we begin to sort of flash out
02:14:59.776 --> 02:15:02.650
some of the details of how
our news and outreach team
02:15:02.650 --> 02:15:04.763
we'll go about meeting these efforts
02:15:04.763 --> 02:15:07.340
and see which groups
to (indistinct) with.
02:15:07.340 --> 02:15:09.520
You'll probably hear
a little bit more from us
02:15:09.520 --> 02:15:11.537
as we reach out to some
of the community groups
02:15:11.537 --> 02:15:13.880
and how to make sure that these efforts
02:15:14.871 --> 02:15:15.821
are more effective.
02:15:22.480 --> 02:15:23.880
That's reflections, Leslie.
02:15:23.880 --> 02:15:28.880
And I think some of the pieces
02:15:29.410 --> 02:15:31.830
that stood out to me in that reflection
02:15:31.830 --> 02:15:36.400
are the community engagement
02:15:37.800 --> 02:15:40.080
in terms of sequencing needs to occur
02:15:40.080 --> 02:15:42.330
throughout the entire process, right?
02:15:42.330 --> 02:15:46.060
Ideally in the policy development,
02:15:46.060 --> 02:15:47.790
once we're at the CPUC
02:15:47.790 --> 02:15:50.520
we're getting towards
that implementation phase
02:15:51.780 --> 02:15:54.410
that geographic analysis can influence
02:15:54.410 --> 02:15:57.180
that stakeholder engagement
and community outreach
02:15:57.180 --> 02:15:59.540
but it has to be a substantive
02:15:59.540 --> 02:16:01.940
and longstanding commitment that starts
02:16:01.940 --> 02:16:04.750
before that scoping that
should inform the scoping
02:16:04.750 --> 02:16:08.200
not just how the Commission responds
02:16:08.200 --> 02:16:10.300
to whatever the issues are in the scope.
02:16:10.300 --> 02:16:12.690
And I think certainly as a practitioner
02:16:12.690 --> 02:16:14.840
or folks that are practicing at the CPUC
02:16:14.840 --> 02:16:18.740
we've all seen the
gap from where we feel
02:16:18.740 --> 02:16:21.830
like we're trying to force environmental
02:16:21.830 --> 02:16:25.230
and social justice issues
in once the Commission
02:16:25.230 --> 02:16:27.770
has already committed to a narrower
02:16:27.770 --> 02:16:29.900
or distinct scope.
02:16:29.900 --> 02:16:34.320
So thank you so much
for that reflection to folks.
02:16:34.320 --> 02:16:37.850
Other folks on the line have reflections
02:16:37.850 --> 02:16:40.830
on the scoping portion too
02:16:40.830 --> 02:16:43.030
and what should we
be looking to in addition
02:16:43.030 --> 02:16:46.583
to impacted community expertise,
02:16:48.155 --> 02:16:50.760
and just noting the
difficulties of navigating
02:16:50.760 --> 02:16:53.370
and participating in the existing system
02:16:53.370 --> 02:16:56.920
for environmental and
social justice communities
02:16:56.920 --> 02:17:00.840
despite some of the
public outreach efforts
02:17:00.840 --> 02:17:04.360
that the Commission has
engaged in over the last few years
02:17:04.360 --> 02:17:09.360
especially other reflections
or answers to this question.
02:17:25.140 --> 02:17:27.520
Feel free to call out the name.
02:17:27.520 --> 02:17:29.200
If IT actually could unmute Daniel
02:17:29.200 --> 02:17:30.200
that would be great.
02:17:34.381 --> 02:17:39.381
(clears throat)
So just a little further
02:17:39.960 --> 02:17:42.969
to the comment I made
earlier on this point,
02:17:42.969 --> 02:17:46.160
you know, one way to go
about this in terms of scope
02:17:46.160 --> 02:17:49.760
is to look at where
environmental justice policy is,
02:17:49.760 --> 02:17:52.220
and social justice policy plays out
02:17:52.220 --> 02:17:55.220
in California policy like (indistinct)
02:17:55.220 --> 02:17:56.663
or in the cap and trade,
02:17:57.740 --> 02:17:59.680
transformative climate communities,
02:17:59.680 --> 02:18:01.300
in all of those spaces,
02:18:01.300 --> 02:18:02.900
you're dealing with EJ policies,
02:18:02.900 --> 02:18:05.060
and grant making and
community engagement.
02:18:05.060 --> 02:18:07.910
And it would be interesting
to try to understand
02:18:07.910 --> 02:18:12.300
where CPUC policy dovetails with those.
02:18:12.300 --> 02:18:16.010
And maybe through some of the
community steering committees
02:18:16.010 --> 02:18:18.700
for example, in the
(indistinct) process,
02:18:18.700 --> 02:18:21.540
I'm sure you're gonna
be able to find people
02:18:21.540 --> 02:18:25.160
that are engaged on public utilities
02:18:25.160 --> 02:18:29.570
relevant dynamics and
actions that are happening.
02:18:29.570 --> 02:18:32.560
And it's gonna require
a little bit of outreach
02:18:32.560 --> 02:18:34.590
and thinking about
where to find those spaces,
02:18:34.590 --> 02:18:35.870
but they are out there.
02:18:35.870 --> 02:18:39.370
That's important that
you are sort of bridging
02:18:39.370 --> 02:18:42.267
to those other spheres of
action and policy (indistinct).
02:18:53.590 --> 02:18:54.943
Thank you, Daniel.
02:18:56.290 --> 02:18:59.780
So thinking about how other
agencies are approaching it,
02:18:59.780 --> 02:19:04.470
community experts that
are active with other agencies
02:19:04.470 --> 02:19:09.244
what are the major
environmental justice policy spaces
02:19:09.244 --> 02:19:13.570
and how can CPUC both
learn and integrate with them?
02:19:13.570 --> 02:19:14.403
Thank you.
02:19:14.403 --> 02:19:17.340
Okay, it looks like we have Abigail.
02:19:17.340 --> 02:19:18.540
So (indistinct) as well.
02:19:21.474 --> 02:19:22.853
Yes, thanks Mad.
02:19:22.853 --> 02:19:25.673
This is Abigail Solis with
Self- Help Enterprises.
02:19:26.920 --> 02:19:30.270
So I think this is the right time for me
02:19:30.270 --> 02:19:31.950
to make this comment.
02:19:31.950 --> 02:19:33.860
When you think about how the CPUC
02:19:34.910 --> 02:19:36.247
can work better with communities
02:19:36.247 --> 02:19:41.247
and what they can do to
encourage participation.
02:19:41.530 --> 02:19:43.550
One thing, really,
02:19:43.550 --> 02:19:45.420
in addition to the things
that Leslie mentioned
02:19:45.420 --> 02:19:48.290
and others about
obviously the difference
02:19:48.290 --> 02:19:51.090
between just a service list
02:19:51.090 --> 02:19:53.967
and actually engaging with communities
02:19:53.967 --> 02:19:55.510
and a true community engagement
02:19:55.510 --> 02:19:58.050
and through community outreach.
02:19:58.050 --> 02:20:00.900
You know, when you think
about the small group of people
02:20:00.900 --> 02:20:03.350
that influence these proceedings,
02:20:03.350 --> 02:20:04.690
and the small group of people
02:20:04.690 --> 02:20:08.030
that are actually involved in
the decisions that are made,
02:20:08.030 --> 02:20:09.640
it's actually quite scary
02:20:10.620 --> 02:20:12.987
when there's such a
huge community out there
02:20:12.987 --> 02:20:17.280
and other residents that
are not part of the process.
02:20:17.280 --> 02:20:19.620
But one of the things
that has in my experience
02:20:19.620 --> 02:20:23.090
kept community-based
organizations from participating
02:20:23.090 --> 02:20:28.090
is the long wait time to receive
intervener compensation.
02:20:28.540 --> 02:20:33.540
Now, maybe it's just my
organization's personal experience.
02:20:33.960 --> 02:20:36.040
We began to engage in a proceeding
02:20:36.040 --> 02:20:37.810
about three or four years ago,
02:20:37.810 --> 02:20:41.660
and submitted for
intervener compensation
02:20:41.660 --> 02:20:45.180
for that proceeding
about I think two years ago
02:20:45.180 --> 02:20:48.963
have yet to receive any
of that compensation.
02:20:49.880 --> 02:20:52.020
You know, not that we do,
02:20:52.020 --> 02:20:55.710
you know, obviously
CBOs (indistinct) participate,
02:20:55.710 --> 02:20:57.960
even if we do a lot of things for free,
02:20:57.960 --> 02:21:00.720
but sometimes we spend
a lot of time and energy
02:21:00.720 --> 02:21:03.620
on certain proceedings
and it would really help
02:21:03.620 --> 02:21:08.620
if this process was expedited
or maybe made easier.
02:21:09.300 --> 02:21:11.190
I think that would really
encourage participation
02:21:11.190 --> 02:21:12.063
moving forward.
02:21:17.858 --> 02:21:20.520
Thank you Abigail
for that comment.
02:21:20.520 --> 02:21:23.890
I don't have too much
to say about the process
02:21:23.890 --> 02:21:26.090
because I know that there is a process
02:21:26.090 --> 02:21:29.700
for how intervenor
compensation is allocated,
02:21:29.700 --> 02:21:32.980
but I will say that we
are very well aware
02:21:32.980 --> 02:21:36.590
of the issue and we understand
that it is a major barrier
02:21:36.590 --> 02:21:41.150
into getting parties
involved in our proceeding.
02:21:41.150 --> 02:21:43.499
So I just wanted to
note that we definitely
02:21:43.499 --> 02:21:44.399
acknowledged that.
02:21:50.390 --> 02:21:52.370
Absolutely huge barrier,
02:21:52.370 --> 02:21:57.370
I think even filing that
Icomp request (chuckles)
02:21:57.370 --> 02:21:59.890
is a very detailed and
challenging endeavor
02:21:59.890 --> 02:22:02.270
especially for community organizations
02:22:02.270 --> 02:22:05.270
that are focused on many other things
02:22:05.270 --> 02:22:09.260
in addition to CPUC engagement.
02:22:09.260 --> 02:22:13.840
And we also have agreement
from Laura from NRDC
02:22:13.840 --> 02:22:16.840
on IComp improvements,
02:22:16.840 --> 02:22:19.430
and reaching out offering
contact information
02:22:20.610 --> 02:22:23.620
to (indistinct) on some solutions there.
02:22:23.620 --> 02:22:27.760
And I think we had lead
hand also from James
02:22:28.670 --> 02:22:30.933
and then maybe we'll
move onto our next question.
02:22:41.990 --> 02:22:43.190
You're unmuted.
02:22:53.370 --> 02:22:55.033
James, do you have a comment?
02:23:00.730 --> 02:23:04.690
All right, well maybe
we can catch you in a few
02:23:04.690 --> 02:23:06.510
but in the interest of time we'll move.
02:23:06.510 --> 02:23:09.680
And I think both... (indistinct)
02:23:09.680 --> 02:23:10.820
Yes, yep.
02:23:10.820 --> 02:23:12.250
Oh, we have another hand.
02:23:12.250 --> 02:23:14.143
It's Marybel Batjer.
02:23:15.070 --> 02:23:19.520
I just want to respond
about the slowness
02:23:19.520 --> 02:23:22.620
in the intervener compensation
02:23:22.620 --> 02:23:27.620
and the commenters
are absolutely correct.
02:23:27.640 --> 02:23:30.550
I just called to the
statistics the other day.
02:23:30.550 --> 02:23:31.573
They're not good.
02:23:32.700 --> 02:23:37.700
We have three people
and a supervisor in that unit,
02:23:38.460 --> 02:23:41.300
and that's two limited resources.
02:23:41.300 --> 02:23:43.280
And I think it's been
that way for awhile.
02:23:43.280 --> 02:23:47.873
And I plan to put forward a request
02:23:49.680 --> 02:23:53.190
from the Department of
Finance to improve that.
02:23:53.190 --> 02:23:55.187
It's been a concern of mine and ours,
02:23:55.187 --> 02:23:57.120
the Commissioners.
02:23:57.120 --> 02:24:02.120
We have comments occasionally
in the public comment period
02:24:02.300 --> 02:24:05.120
of our Commission meetings
that raises the same issue.
02:24:05.120 --> 02:24:08.100
That's why I called for the
statistics and watch over them,
02:24:08.100 --> 02:24:11.640
and see where we are in
terms of tardiness and lightness
02:24:11.640 --> 02:24:14.230
and meeting the schedule.
02:24:14.230 --> 02:24:15.960
And we're very behind.
02:24:15.960 --> 02:24:18.220
And that's inexcusable
02:24:18.220 --> 02:24:20.830
and we're going to work hard to change.
02:24:20.830 --> 02:24:23.083
I know many of the interveners,
02:24:24.170 --> 02:24:29.170
non-profits, small budgets
dependent on contributions,
02:24:29.600 --> 02:24:33.180
and they run on a very slim margin.
02:24:33.180 --> 02:24:34.210
I'm very aware of it,
02:24:34.210 --> 02:24:36.330
I've worked in the nonprofit world.
02:24:36.330 --> 02:24:37.720
It's difficult.
02:24:37.720 --> 02:24:39.727
So I wanna thank you for your comments
02:24:39.727 --> 02:24:42.803
and I wanna assure
you that I understand.
02:24:48.290 --> 02:24:49.673
Wonderful, thank you.
02:24:50.740 --> 02:24:55.300
And relatedly to the last few offerings
02:24:55.300 --> 02:24:57.690
to what can the Commission do,
02:24:57.690 --> 02:25:00.950
or what can we do as a
professional community
02:25:00.950 --> 02:25:04.430
to get more parties and
stakeholders involved?
02:25:04.430 --> 02:25:07.970
So in addition to kind of Icomp reform
02:25:07.970 --> 02:25:09.630
and financial support,
02:25:09.630 --> 02:25:13.250
Leslie also mentioned some
of the procedural barriers
02:25:13.250 --> 02:25:15.573
that exist to participation,
02:25:16.430 --> 02:25:19.193
geographic timelines,
02:25:20.230 --> 02:25:21.080
all (indistinct).
02:25:23.117 --> 02:25:26.140
So how can we get more
parties and stakeholders involved
02:25:26.140 --> 02:25:29.860
or I guess broadening the
question too is that a solution?
02:25:29.860 --> 02:25:31.460
Is that the correct pathway
02:25:31.460 --> 02:25:36.460
to ensure achievement of
environmental social justice
02:25:36.780 --> 02:25:39.400
or do folks have other suggestions?
02:25:39.400 --> 02:25:42.180
But thinking about quality
02:25:42.180 --> 02:25:44.880
and meaningful stakeholder engagement
02:25:44.880 --> 02:25:47.500
and knowing too that those processes
02:25:47.500 --> 02:25:50.010
are time and resource intensive.
02:25:50.010 --> 02:25:52.930
So how to balance some
of those tensions there.
02:25:52.930 --> 02:25:55.143
Folks have comments or reflections?
02:26:01.590 --> 02:26:04.283
Leslie Martinez
has raised her hand again.
02:26:06.874 --> 02:26:08.600
Hi, this is
Leslie Martinez
02:26:08.600 --> 02:26:09.863
with Leadership Council.
02:26:10.880 --> 02:26:13.230
I think about this
question a lot as someone
02:26:13.230 --> 02:26:16.310
who came into proceeding
and kind of in the middle
02:26:16.310 --> 02:26:19.127
of and trying to understand
what was happening?
02:26:19.127 --> 02:26:20.210
(chuckles) (indistinct)
02:26:20.210 --> 02:26:21.700
I think that one of the first things
02:26:21.700 --> 02:26:26.760
was important to recognize
is how attorneys are...
02:26:26.760 --> 02:26:29.460
Attorneys who have CPUC experience
02:26:29.460 --> 02:26:32.020
and understand how
to go through the system
02:26:32.020 --> 02:26:37.020
are those that are
often in nonprofit CBOs
02:26:37.336 --> 02:26:39.390
often rely on those folks,
02:26:39.390 --> 02:26:40.900
and if those folks are at capacity
02:26:40.900 --> 02:26:43.560
then there's no way
for smaller organizations
02:26:43.560 --> 02:26:47.670
to be a part of the
CPUC experience really.
02:26:47.670 --> 02:26:49.470
I think that's something that is really,
02:26:49.470 --> 02:26:51.120
that I would...
02:26:51.120 --> 02:26:56.120
I think is needed is how
to technical assistance
02:26:56.670 --> 02:26:59.690
for organizations
who filing their Icomps
02:26:59.690 --> 02:27:02.260
technical assistance for smaller CBOs
02:27:02.260 --> 02:27:03.450
that want to be involved,
02:27:03.450 --> 02:27:06.290
but perhaps do not have the funding
02:27:07.828 --> 02:27:09.320
to have an attorney.
02:27:09.320 --> 02:27:11.950
I think of smaller organizations
who work with folks,
02:27:11.950 --> 02:27:13.603
who like work with monks,
02:27:14.460 --> 02:27:16.683
monk community members, Cambodian,
02:27:19.397 --> 02:27:21.630
that I think the CPUC needs those voices
02:27:21.630 --> 02:27:23.090
and they are not being heard,
02:27:23.090 --> 02:27:25.430
because of the various barriers.
02:27:25.430 --> 02:27:28.390
The other thing that I
think is also really important
02:27:28.390 --> 02:27:30.460
to recognize is that,
02:27:30.460 --> 02:27:35.460
if the CPUC wants to engage
with community residents more,
02:27:35.510 --> 02:27:38.550
I think that one thing that
has to be recognized is that,
02:27:38.550 --> 02:27:42.540
the time that residents give to CPUC
02:27:42.540 --> 02:27:46.810
often folks who are living
under the poverty line,
02:27:46.810 --> 02:27:49.220
folks who are farm
workers who have to come
02:27:49.220 --> 02:27:50.820
straight from work to a meeting,
02:27:53.660 --> 02:27:56.970
like CPUC doesn't doesn't fund outreach,
02:27:56.970 --> 02:27:59.943
they don't fund like a space
02:27:59.943 --> 02:28:04.943
like if a CBO would like to
provide dinner for residents
02:28:05.260 --> 02:28:07.110
who they know that are coming straight
02:28:07.110 --> 02:28:09.820
from a day in the field,
02:28:09.820 --> 02:28:12.640
that's something that the
organization has to cover
02:28:12.640 --> 02:28:15.213
and that's not possible
for all the small ones.
02:28:16.140 --> 02:28:21.140
And finally I really think
that in order for the CPUC
02:28:22.760 --> 02:28:25.923
to hear more often for
community members,
02:28:26.950 --> 02:28:28.740
there needs to be more access.
02:28:28.740 --> 02:28:32.330
I think of how CAB but not I'm sorry.
02:28:32.330 --> 02:28:35.520
I think how the San
Joaquin regional air district
02:28:35.520 --> 02:28:37.450
is huge air basin.
02:28:37.450 --> 02:28:39.250
And they have three separate offices,
02:28:39.250 --> 02:28:43.364
where folks are able to connect
02:28:43.364 --> 02:28:45.570
through the three regions.
02:28:45.570 --> 02:28:46.900
And I think that's really impressive.
02:28:46.900 --> 02:28:49.300
And I think that we need
to figure out more ways
02:28:51.413 --> 02:28:56.413
to leverage, sorry, like
our distance (giggles)
02:28:59.500 --> 02:29:01.720
what we've learned through
this COVID experience
02:29:01.720 --> 02:29:04.720
in a way that we can
create more access to folks
02:29:05.850 --> 02:29:08.290
while also recognizing
that they're still folks
02:29:08.290 --> 02:29:10.083
who don't have access to broadband.
02:29:15.620 --> 02:29:17.230
Thank you.
02:29:17.230 --> 02:29:18.380
Awesome, thank you so much, Leslie.
02:29:18.380 --> 02:29:20.970
Fantastic suggestions and reflections
02:29:23.670 --> 02:29:24.840
solutions oriented
02:29:24.840 --> 02:29:27.420
and yeah excited to
continue talking more about
02:29:27.420 --> 02:29:28.253
some of the specifics.
02:29:28.253 --> 02:29:29.960
Do folks have other suggestions
02:29:29.960 --> 02:29:34.430
on stakeholder engagement
and supporting engagement?
02:29:44.570 --> 02:29:45.403
Hey, this is Monica.
02:29:45.403 --> 02:29:46.885
Sorry to chime in.
02:29:46.885 --> 02:29:49.620
I think you have three folks queued up.
02:29:49.620 --> 02:29:51.756
Oh, (giggles) all right.
02:29:51.756 --> 02:29:53.521
I think (indistinct)
02:29:53.521 --> 02:29:54.354
(indistinct) (laughs)
02:29:54.354 --> 02:29:57.840
No, I'm sorry (indistinct).
02:29:57.840 --> 02:29:58.673
02:29:59.620 --> 02:30:00.453
Go for it.
02:30:03.845 --> 02:30:06.990
02:30:06.990 --> 02:30:08.180
Hi, this is Martha
02:30:08.180 --> 02:30:10.860
I'm Ms. Kelly and excuse my
nickname being on my phone
02:30:10.860 --> 02:30:12.483
but I had to drop someone off.
02:30:13.550 --> 02:30:17.880
I just wanna say that for us at CBOs
02:30:17.880 --> 02:30:21.980
it's important for our residents
and community groups
02:30:21.980 --> 02:30:23.993
to understand what your role is.
02:30:25.140 --> 02:30:27.550
I know for my own understanding,
02:30:27.550 --> 02:30:29.480
but I would prefer for most (indistinct)
02:30:29.480 --> 02:30:31.940
they don't know how
to protect connection,
02:30:31.940 --> 02:30:34.330
and if I think more folks were aware
02:30:34.330 --> 02:30:35.770
and you did more of a campaign
02:30:35.770 --> 02:30:38.840
or letting people understand
the importance of your role
02:30:38.840 --> 02:30:41.120
and how you affected decision-making
02:30:41.120 --> 02:30:42.623
for their communication,
02:30:43.680 --> 02:30:45.860
that would be the start.
02:30:45.860 --> 02:30:50.123
And again, I'm in total agreement
with the previous speaker,
02:30:51.610 --> 02:30:54.330
we're always... My
Boulevard agendas
02:30:55.718 --> 02:30:57.030
and on our deliverables
that we wanna meet
02:30:57.030 --> 02:30:59.560
but we don't really take time
to engage with the community
02:30:59.560 --> 02:31:03.660
by rewarding them or
even acknowledging them
02:31:03.660 --> 02:31:05.270
or their participation.
02:31:05.270 --> 02:31:09.940
And right now with COVID
like for myself and my own work,
02:31:09.940 --> 02:31:11.007
I sometimes have to say,
02:31:11.007 --> 02:31:12.937
"Hey, it's not about my deliverables.
02:31:12.937 --> 02:31:14.560
"It's about how can I meet the needs
02:31:14.560 --> 02:31:16.450
so they could even attend
02:31:16.450 --> 02:31:19.221
or be part of these tables?
02:31:19.221 --> 02:31:22.420
If want them to engage
and they're hungry
02:31:22.420 --> 02:31:24.630
I better show them resources.
02:31:24.630 --> 02:31:26.000
I better give them opportunities
02:31:26.000 --> 02:31:27.040
so that they can engage
02:31:27.040 --> 02:31:28.750
and they're going to be full
02:31:28.750 --> 02:31:30.090
or their bills get paid
02:31:30.090 --> 02:31:32.960
or something where there's
some type of an exchange.
02:31:32.960 --> 02:31:35.260
And information is crucial,
02:31:35.260 --> 02:31:36.840
not just what we want to give
02:31:36.840 --> 02:31:39.250
but what all the other
information that's available
02:31:39.250 --> 02:31:40.220
through your department,
02:31:40.220 --> 02:31:43.080
you have a bevy of knowledge
02:31:43.080 --> 02:31:45.410
with other departments
of things and resources
02:31:45.410 --> 02:31:46.840
that they could receive.
02:31:46.840 --> 02:31:48.990
If in a meeting you
would provide something
02:31:50.030 --> 02:31:52.890
as a support to those
residents understanding
02:31:52.890 --> 02:31:55.330
that they are in... Their
climate has changed.
02:31:55.330 --> 02:31:57.230
You know, their environment has changed,
02:31:57.230 --> 02:31:58.770
their needs have changed,
02:31:58.770 --> 02:32:00.520
and you're cognizant of that,
02:32:00.520 --> 02:32:04.370
then that makes that
level of integration
02:32:04.370 --> 02:32:07.820
just that more rich for
our community residents
02:32:07.820 --> 02:32:10.930
and those that may be participating.
02:32:10.930 --> 02:32:13.070
So that's really important.
02:32:13.070 --> 02:32:13.903
Thank you.
02:32:15.832 --> 02:32:18.380
Thank you so much for the
super thoughtful reflections
02:32:19.430 --> 02:32:24.430
and getting to, yeah, the why
the stakeholder engagement,
02:32:25.630 --> 02:32:26.550
not just to engage,
02:32:26.550 --> 02:32:28.690
but really making sure
that that engagement
02:32:28.690 --> 02:32:31.346
is rooted in in those tangible benefits
02:32:31.346 --> 02:32:33.520
that we're encouraging to participate.
02:32:33.520 --> 02:32:35.890
So thank you so much for sharing that.
02:32:35.890 --> 02:32:38.713
Stan and then Debra.
02:32:43.660 --> 02:32:46.900
Hi, this may
be slightly beyond
02:32:46.900 --> 02:32:48.980
the purview of your the CPUC
02:32:48.980 --> 02:32:53.230
but you know, I've been
doing this for a couple of years
02:32:53.230 --> 02:32:56.090
and I've seen funding
sources, for example
02:32:56.090 --> 02:33:00.830
like the USDA in a meeting
a couple of years ago
02:33:00.830 --> 02:33:02.500
giving their report of
the amount of monies
02:33:02.500 --> 02:33:07.150
that were given for the
broadband infrastructure programs
02:33:07.150 --> 02:33:09.290
were underserved communities.
02:33:09.290 --> 02:33:11.980
And I looked around the room
02:33:11.980 --> 02:33:15.830
when the representative said that,
02:33:15.830 --> 02:33:19.200
they have not given any
grants to the Central Valley
02:33:19.200 --> 02:33:21.410
and only like one state in California,
02:33:21.410 --> 02:33:22.838
I can't remember it's officials
02:33:22.838 --> 02:33:27.730
but 2019 planning cycle, I think.
02:33:27.730 --> 02:33:31.870
So then in 2020, I thought,
02:33:31.870 --> 02:33:34.310
well let's work on a grant
for a small community,
02:33:34.310 --> 02:33:37.230
a farmer community of about 7,000.
02:33:37.230 --> 02:33:40.420
But we're already up against the clock
02:33:40.420 --> 02:33:42.820
and then there's a 15% matching,
02:33:42.820 --> 02:33:44.965
it's up to $3 million dollars
02:33:44.965 --> 02:33:47.420
that you can get for projects
02:33:47.420 --> 02:33:52.250
to bring a broadband to an
underserved or unserved community
02:33:52.250 --> 02:33:54.770
or section of that population.
02:33:54.770 --> 02:33:58.370
We had overcome first,
well the definition of need,
02:33:58.370 --> 02:34:01.657
and once again, we're
up against the ISP saying,
02:34:01.657 --> 02:34:03.510
are we providing it to that area?
02:34:03.510 --> 02:34:04.617
And then I look at their (indistinct),
02:34:04.617 --> 02:34:06.500
and I say, "No, you don't."
02:34:06.500 --> 02:34:09.540
And it doesn't meet
the minimum definition,
02:34:09.540 --> 02:34:12.170
but okay, so we got through that,
02:34:12.170 --> 02:34:13.670
but then there's just a question
02:34:13.670 --> 02:34:17.264
of you have to almost
go back to the same ISP
02:34:17.264 --> 02:34:21.290
to ask them to collaborate
on a funding application.
02:34:21.290 --> 02:34:22.723
I guess my point is this,
02:34:23.920 --> 02:34:26.897
I think communities and
community groups, CBOs,
02:34:26.897 --> 02:34:29.490
and a lot of people out there,
02:34:29.490 --> 02:34:32.470
there's a lot of money right
now because of COVID.
02:34:32.470 --> 02:34:35.090
It brought to light all the disparities
02:34:37.770 --> 02:34:42.770
and the injustice in the
what I call the digital desert.
02:34:45.120 --> 02:34:48.680
And so now that we need to address it,
02:34:48.680 --> 02:34:53.110
we see large amounts
of funding available
02:34:53.110 --> 02:34:56.240
through the FCC to the
I think the Employment
02:34:56.240 --> 02:34:59.583
Development Administration,
the CPUC itself,
02:35:00.612 --> 02:35:03.990
through CASF or CASF
funds or whatever the case is,
02:35:03.990 --> 02:35:07.450
but and the USDA has
a huge amounts money,
02:35:07.450 --> 02:35:10.090
but we don't have the expertise
02:35:10.090 --> 02:35:12.980
to say just even put
together an application.
02:35:12.980 --> 02:35:16.400
You're almost forced to
go out and hire a consultant
02:35:16.400 --> 02:35:19.310
paying $50,000 to put
together an application
02:35:19.310 --> 02:35:20.870
be very complex.
02:35:20.870 --> 02:35:22.470
You don't necessarily get the buy-in,
02:35:22.470 --> 02:35:24.720
from the internet service providers.
02:35:24.720 --> 02:35:26.650
So then you gotta deal with that.
02:35:26.650 --> 02:35:27.640
There's a lot of things there,
02:35:27.640 --> 02:35:30.960
but now is it within
the CPUC's for example
02:35:30.960 --> 02:35:34.750
agenda or something
to maybe provide training
02:35:34.750 --> 02:35:39.070
and help to facilitate through
any types of either funding
02:35:39.070 --> 02:35:41.140
or just their expertise.
02:35:41.140 --> 02:35:42.460
Really, this is the
funds that are available
02:35:42.460 --> 02:35:44.690
in California to Central Valley,
02:35:44.690 --> 02:35:46.613
these are the
programs, the category,
02:35:46.613 --> 02:35:50.360
this is how you apply some
workshops on how to do that,
02:35:50.360 --> 02:35:52.780
because otherwise it's gonna be a repeat
02:35:52.780 --> 02:35:53.740
of that same cycle,
02:35:53.740 --> 02:35:56.760
and truly unfortunate right
now in the time of need.
02:35:56.760 --> 02:35:58.390
So if I could,
02:35:58.390 --> 02:35:59.440
or you may not be able to answer that,
02:35:59.440 --> 02:36:01.390
but I mean, if we could just keep that,
02:36:02.800 --> 02:36:04.154
thank you.
02:36:04.154 --> 02:36:05.373
Thank you so much.
02:36:05.373 --> 02:36:06.540
And then in the interest of time,
02:36:06.540 --> 02:36:08.093
we'll move to Debra.
02:36:16.538 --> 02:36:20.020
First, I wanna thank
everyone for this panel
02:36:20.020 --> 02:36:21.900
and this discussion today.
02:36:21.900 --> 02:36:23.300
My name is Deborah Bayles.
02:36:23.300 --> 02:36:26.201
I represent the California
Environmental Justice
02:36:26.201 --> 02:36:29.053
(indistinct) in a number of
Commission proceedings.
02:36:30.298 --> 02:36:32.574
And just wanna echo some of the points.
02:36:32.574 --> 02:36:34.991
02:36:36.238 --> 02:36:38.480
And I think there's
somebody on this phone.
02:36:40.190 --> 02:36:41.641
02:36:41.641 --> 02:36:44.575
02:36:44.575 --> 02:36:47.380
(indistinct) I'm gonna
remind all attendees,
02:36:47.380 --> 02:36:48.250
if you're not speaking,
02:36:48.250 --> 02:36:50.000
if you could please mute your line.
02:36:52.361 --> 02:36:53.194
02:36:53.194 --> 02:36:55.231
Nicole, I'm going
through the roaster
02:36:55.231 --> 02:36:56.189
and looking for them.
02:36:56.189 --> 02:36:57.897
It's (indistinct).
02:36:57.897 --> 02:37:02.730
It's (indistinct)
02:37:05.030 --> 02:37:07.330
Mark, I can see her
microphone (indistinct).
02:37:11.940 --> 02:37:13.090
I'm sorry.
02:37:13.090 --> 02:37:15.193
Go ahead. (laughs)
02:37:22.300 --> 02:37:23.370
Looks like
we're all sorted out.
02:37:23.370 --> 02:37:24.203
Thank you.
02:37:24.203 --> 02:37:25.623
Apologies for the interruption.
02:37:28.330 --> 02:37:29.890
Can we get Debra back on?
02:37:29.890 --> 02:37:31.423
Back to you, Deborah?
02:37:40.660 --> 02:37:42.490
I don't know
where I stopped,
02:37:42.490 --> 02:37:44.150
but I'm at Deborah Bayles.
02:37:44.150 --> 02:37:46.580
I represent the California
Environmental Justice Alliance
02:37:46.580 --> 02:37:47.940
in a number of proceedings.
02:37:47.940 --> 02:37:51.510
And I wanna echo some of
the statements that Leslie made.
02:37:51.510 --> 02:37:54.620
It takes an incredible
amount of resources
02:37:54.620 --> 02:37:58.910
to fully participate in a
Commission proceeding.
02:37:58.910 --> 02:38:03.170
And every year there's
way more proceedings
02:38:03.170 --> 02:38:07.430
that we are interested
in participating in,
02:38:07.430 --> 02:38:09.510
than we have resources for.
02:38:09.510 --> 02:38:13.470
Many organizations
don't have full-time staff
02:38:13.470 --> 02:38:16.720
that they can devote to
Commission proceedings,
02:38:16.720 --> 02:38:21.660
and so if there is a way to make
proceedings more accessible
02:38:21.660 --> 02:38:25.360
so that community-based organizations
02:38:25.360 --> 02:38:28.510
and community members
can give meaningful comments
02:38:28.510 --> 02:38:31.240
that will be used to influence decisions
02:38:32.470 --> 02:38:35.950
that would be a positive change.
02:38:35.950 --> 02:38:37.730
I know that there were changes,
02:38:37.730 --> 02:38:39.730
the public comments are now considered
02:38:39.730 --> 02:38:42.130
and included in the docket,
02:38:42.130 --> 02:38:44.030
but it's still very hard, for example,
02:38:44.030 --> 02:38:47.420
for community member
to navigate the docket.
02:38:47.420 --> 02:38:50.520
It's very hard for a community
member to figure out,
02:38:50.520 --> 02:38:52.250
it's even hard for me to figure out
02:38:52.250 --> 02:38:55.720
which advice letters
impact which proceedings
02:38:55.720 --> 02:38:58.350
and which areas of the state?
02:38:58.350 --> 02:39:00.490
And so I encourage the Commission
02:39:00.490 --> 02:39:04.300
to think of ways to make
all of this more accessible.
02:39:04.300 --> 02:39:07.383
More accessible to the community,
02:39:08.340 --> 02:39:11.780
it's a visualization
tool, it's an outreach.
02:39:11.780 --> 02:39:13.670
There are a number of different methods
02:39:13.670 --> 02:39:15.720
that other agencies have used
02:39:15.720 --> 02:39:18.100
to make their information
more accessible.
02:39:18.100 --> 02:39:19.720
And by making it more accessible
02:39:19.720 --> 02:39:23.220
that'll empower communities
to be able to have a voice.
02:39:23.220 --> 02:39:26.210
But if we don't know
where to find the information,
02:39:26.210 --> 02:39:28.030
and what decisions are being made
02:39:28.930 --> 02:39:31.710
then we don't have
the tools that we need
02:39:31.710 --> 02:39:33.990
to be able to influence those decisions.
02:39:33.990 --> 02:39:36.790
And thank you again for
having all of these discussions.
02:39:37.648 --> 02:39:39.840
Debra, can I keep you on
the line for just a moment?
02:39:39.840 --> 02:39:40.870
This is Nicole.
02:39:40.870 --> 02:39:43.530
Would you be able to provide
examples of organizations
02:39:43.530 --> 02:39:45.440
that have those kinds of resources?
02:39:45.440 --> 02:39:48.792
I think that would be helpful
for us and as moving forward.
02:39:48.792 --> 02:39:52.273
That have
resources to participate or?
02:39:52.273 --> 02:39:54.100
Yes, because the examples
02:39:54.100 --> 02:39:57.023
that you were just outlining here.
02:39:58.400 --> 02:40:01.250
Yeah, so, like I mentioned,
02:40:01.250 --> 02:40:03.330
I've been representing
California Environmental
02:40:03.330 --> 02:40:04.403
Justice Alliance.
02:40:06.310 --> 02:40:08.120
California Environmental
Justice Alliance
02:40:08.120 --> 02:40:11.550
has 10 members including
leadership consoles.
02:40:11.550 --> 02:40:13.020
And so we're able to draw
02:40:13.020 --> 02:40:16.120
on each of those
community-based organizations
02:40:17.070 --> 02:40:19.230
to help provide resources
02:40:19.230 --> 02:40:22.153
to participate within the
Commission proceeding,
02:40:23.570 --> 02:40:25.820
but where we are to able to participate
02:40:25.820 --> 02:40:27.320
in some Commission proceedings,
02:40:27.320 --> 02:40:30.620
we by no means have enough resources
02:40:30.620 --> 02:40:33.500
to participate in every
Commission proceeding
02:40:33.500 --> 02:40:35.910
that potentially impacts
the community members
02:40:35.910 --> 02:40:36.903
that we work with.
02:40:37.952 --> 02:40:40.303
And that's because of resources,
02:40:41.415 --> 02:40:44.640
and it's because we obviously
know that in order to be able
02:40:44.640 --> 02:40:47.440
to participate, we
need to fully participate
02:40:47.440 --> 02:40:48.420
for the most of the proceedings
02:40:48.420 --> 02:40:51.918
we can't drop in and provide a comment,
02:40:51.918 --> 02:40:56.918
which would be a better
way for us to have a voice
02:40:58.210 --> 02:40:59.150
and more decisions.
02:40:59.150 --> 02:41:02.470
But it doesn't appear that
those substantively change
02:41:02.470 --> 02:41:03.840
the decision-making process.
02:41:03.840 --> 02:41:07.460
So that's... I guess
what I'm asking,
02:41:07.460 --> 02:41:09.400
are there other state agencies
02:41:09.400 --> 02:41:11.690
who are doing a good job about that?
02:41:11.690 --> 02:41:14.930
I think, for us the agency,
02:41:14.930 --> 02:41:18.858
I think it's hard to navigate,
02:41:18.858 --> 02:41:20.280
but there are examples
of other state in the future
02:41:20.280 --> 02:41:22.760
do it really well because I
have to take those examples
02:41:22.760 --> 02:41:25.585
and see how to implement that here.
02:41:25.585 --> 02:41:28.790
Yeah, that's a
really good question.
02:41:29.790 --> 02:41:31.410
I will talk to the members about
02:41:31.410 --> 02:41:34.490
and see if we can put in
some comments on that.
02:41:34.490 --> 02:41:35.550
Absolutely, that'd be great.
02:41:35.550 --> 02:41:36.383
Thank you.
02:41:43.230 --> 02:41:46.040
I'm just gonna reach
out to judge Tran and Mad.
02:41:46.040 --> 02:41:46.873
We need to wrap up,
02:41:46.873 --> 02:41:49.440
and move on to
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:41:55.430 --> 02:41:58.210
Great, Nicole, I know I
have you on the agenda
02:41:58.210 --> 02:42:03.210
to do a quick summary and takeaways
02:42:03.310 --> 02:42:05.480
and maybe list some
potential action items.
02:42:05.480 --> 02:42:08.180
Do you have anything
to report or shall we?
02:42:08.180 --> 02:42:09.570
I'll be really fast.
02:42:09.570 --> 02:42:10.850
I can (indistinct).
02:42:10.850 --> 02:42:13.940
So I won't reiterate everything
that we spoke about today
02:42:13.940 --> 02:42:16.143
but it definitely sounds
like finding a way
02:42:16.143 --> 02:42:19.010
to provide resources
for folks to participate
02:42:19.010 --> 02:42:22.140
in our proceedings,
making it easier,
02:42:22.140 --> 02:42:23.020
doing fact sheets,
02:42:23.020 --> 02:42:25.080
doing more meaningful
engagement outreach,
02:42:25.080 --> 02:42:28.640
probably some tangible
things that we can do.
02:42:28.640 --> 02:42:31.460
I do look forward to getting examples
02:42:31.460 --> 02:42:35.220
of other state agencies
that do do a good job of this,
02:42:35.220 --> 02:42:36.905
because I do think that would help us
02:42:36.905 --> 02:42:38.833
figure out how we can do better.
02:42:40.840 --> 02:42:43.420
I think generally speaking
02:42:43.420 --> 02:42:45.550
those are all kind of the action.
02:42:45.550 --> 02:42:47.000
And then also the Icomp program
02:42:47.000 --> 02:42:49.602
that was another item that IMF folks
02:42:49.602 --> 02:42:50.620
that we need to revisit.
02:42:50.620 --> 02:42:54.033
So I think those two are the
largest takeaways from this.
02:42:55.860 --> 02:42:58.880
Okay, thank you Nicole.
02:42:58.880 --> 02:43:01.150
So I just wanted to
take this opportunity
02:43:01.150 --> 02:43:04.590
to thank everyone for participating
02:43:04.590 --> 02:43:08.840
to Mad for helping
facilitate this section.
02:43:08.840 --> 02:43:11.480
This is really valuable
feedback that we received.
02:43:11.480 --> 02:43:14.230
We hear you loud and clear. (giggles)
02:43:14.230 --> 02:43:17.365
And I just wanted to note
that all of your comments
02:43:17.365 --> 02:43:21.490
and feedback will be considered
in how we move forward
02:43:21.490 --> 02:43:23.443
to updating our ESJ Actions Plan.
02:43:24.490 --> 02:43:26.080
We will be releasing a draft.
02:43:26.080 --> 02:43:30.120
I know they've mentioned
either late spring or early summer.
02:43:30.120 --> 02:43:32.280
So look out for that.
02:43:32.280 --> 02:43:34.930
And in the meantime if there
are any additional comments
02:43:34.930 --> 02:43:36.180
that we're not able to get through
02:43:36.180 --> 02:43:39.330
but you would like to
submit through email as well,
02:43:39.330 --> 02:43:44.330
it's www.esjactionplan@cpuc.ca.gov.
02:43:44.630 --> 02:43:46.000
And with that I thank you all
02:43:46.000 --> 02:43:47.550
and I turn this back to Monica.
02:43:49.370 --> 02:43:50.547
Thank you so much.
02:43:50.547 --> 02:43:52.080
And thank you everyone.
02:43:52.080 --> 02:43:54.520
I know there's still a few hands up
02:43:54.520 --> 02:43:56.230
and we were trying to figure out
02:43:56.230 --> 02:43:58.800
some other logistics in the chat box.
02:43:58.800 --> 02:44:01.370
So apologies we weren't
able to get to you, please.
02:44:01.370 --> 02:44:03.140
You can put it in the chat now,
02:44:03.140 --> 02:44:04.490
that chat will be captured
02:44:04.490 --> 02:44:07.040
or emails just like Judge Tran said.
02:44:07.040 --> 02:44:09.060
So we have only about 10 minutes left.
02:44:09.060 --> 02:44:12.230
We are lucky to have
Commissioner Guzman Aceves
02:44:12.230 --> 02:44:15.390
on the line, and we
will turn it over to her
02:44:15.390 --> 02:44:17.340
to give us some closing remarks.
02:44:17.340 --> 02:44:18.750
And then I'll talk a little bit
02:44:18.750 --> 02:44:21.070
about what to expect for tomorrow.
02:44:21.070 --> 02:44:22.110
Take it away.
02:44:22.110 --> 02:44:23.930
Thank you, Monica.
02:44:23.930 --> 02:44:25.870
Well, first let me thank our staff
02:44:25.870 --> 02:44:27.760
for putting all of this together
02:44:27.760 --> 02:44:31.680
and for really taking the lead
on updating the work plan.
02:44:31.680 --> 02:44:35.730
We have as President Batjer
mentioned the ESJ Liaisons
02:44:35.730 --> 02:44:37.410
from each of the divisions,
02:44:37.410 --> 02:44:39.780
and the facilitators
and really the core team
02:44:39.780 --> 02:44:41.660
that you have met today.
02:44:41.660 --> 02:44:44.660
Sarah, Yuliya, Kathleen, and Amy
02:44:44.660 --> 02:44:47.690
and I did wanna
recognize a couple of folks
02:44:47.690 --> 02:44:50.303
who are now CPUC alumni,
02:44:50.303 --> 02:44:53.000
Adenike Adeyeye my former chief of staff
02:44:53.000 --> 02:44:57.060
and Alice Glassner the former
Energy Division staff person
02:44:57.060 --> 02:45:01.020
who really did a lot to get
this to where it's at today.
02:45:01.020 --> 02:45:03.077
And of course, special,
thanks to you, Monica
02:45:03.077 --> 02:45:05.100
and all of the substantive
02:45:05.100 --> 02:45:09.540
and non-substantive
needs to get to today.
02:45:09.540 --> 02:45:14.050
I just wanna reflect a little
bit about where we are today,
02:45:14.050 --> 02:45:16.130
as opposed to two years ago
02:45:16.130 --> 02:45:21.130
and obviously the events of
our world over the last year
02:45:21.370 --> 02:45:23.930
both COVID, Black Lives Matter,
02:45:23.930 --> 02:45:27.380
all the unrest in our
democracy (chuckles)
02:45:27.380 --> 02:45:31.360
has really provided us
an even greater clarity
02:45:31.360 --> 02:45:33.430
and purpose for this plan.
02:45:33.430 --> 02:45:35.170
And all the work that all of us do
02:45:35.170 --> 02:45:38.620
to make greater social
and environmental justice.
02:45:38.620 --> 02:45:41.430
So it's actually a very exciting time
02:45:41.430 --> 02:45:45.030
with so much pain in the world.
02:45:45.030 --> 02:45:50.030
It's very clear that more
direct action needs to happen.
02:45:50.160 --> 02:45:53.240
So I wanna thank you for
the discussion this morning
02:45:53.240 --> 02:45:56.530
that we had on really
how we define communities
02:45:56.530 --> 02:46:00.520
particularly heartfelt
when somebody discuss
02:46:00.520 --> 02:46:03.780
the importance of
naming the communities,
02:46:03.780 --> 02:46:07.180
which is something that
I absolutely agree with,
02:46:07.180 --> 02:46:09.440
as we look at these
macro level statistics
02:46:09.440 --> 02:46:10.800
and really going back down
02:46:10.800 --> 02:46:13.460
to what is the actual community impact?
02:46:13.460 --> 02:46:15.180
We heard in my breakout session
02:46:15.180 --> 02:46:18.150
that I participated in a
lot of recommendations
02:46:18.150 --> 02:46:20.240
on the telecommunication sector
02:46:20.240 --> 02:46:24.350
and really the continued
gaps in service.
02:46:24.350 --> 02:46:26.840
So lots of work to do.
02:46:26.840 --> 02:46:29.570
I really encourage you to come tomorrow
02:46:29.570 --> 02:46:32.990
and continue to engage
all of your thoughts,
02:46:32.990 --> 02:46:37.540
both verbal written and
hopefully an email will be updated
02:46:37.540 --> 02:46:39.960
and I can't tell you
how much we appreciate
02:46:39.960 --> 02:46:41.920
really hearing from you directly
02:46:41.920 --> 02:46:44.210
on some of the small and big pieces
02:46:44.210 --> 02:46:45.700
that we can work on.
02:46:45.700 --> 02:46:49.160
So thank you very much
for all of your time today
02:46:49.160 --> 02:46:51.093
and I hope to see you all tomorrow.
02:46:53.740 --> 02:46:54.753
Thank you so much.
02:46:55.800 --> 02:46:57.290
Commissioner Rechtschaffen
not to call you out
02:46:57.290 --> 02:46:58.150
but you are here.
02:46:58.150 --> 02:46:58.990
Just wanna make sure
02:46:58.990 --> 02:47:00.780
if you wanna say anything, (laughs)
02:47:00.780 --> 02:47:02.290
feel free to chime in before--
02:47:02.290 --> 02:47:04.970
No, I appreciate everything
02:47:04.970 --> 02:47:06.470
Commissioner Guzman Aceves said
02:47:06.470 --> 02:47:08.060
and I don't wanna say anything
02:47:08.060 --> 02:47:10.510
because I want people
to come back tomorrow
02:47:10.510 --> 02:47:11.750
'cause they'll hear it from me
02:47:11.750 --> 02:47:13.110
at the end of the day tomorrow
02:47:13.110 --> 02:47:14.860
and I don't wanna put a spoil that.
02:47:16.420 --> 02:47:17.253
02:47:17.253 --> 02:47:20.930
I appreciate the cliffhanger for that.
02:47:20.930 --> 02:47:22.530
Okay, so thank you everyone again.
02:47:22.530 --> 02:47:26.010
So tomorrow it will be a similar format
02:47:26.010 --> 02:47:28.760
as today where we will
be in the WebEx event
02:47:28.760 --> 02:47:31.160
for a morning session.
02:47:31.160 --> 02:47:33.810
We will have 1:00 p.m breakout,
02:47:33.810 --> 02:47:38.810
and then we'll be back in
the session here at 2:00 p.m.
02:47:38.920 --> 02:47:42.967
Yeah, and so the links
are all in the agenda.
02:47:42.967 --> 02:47:46.240
Please keep us posted on logistics.
02:47:46.240 --> 02:47:48.640
We're gonna be continuing
to try to triage those
02:47:48.640 --> 02:47:50.235
as much as we can.
02:47:50.235 --> 02:47:53.140
The morning session
tomorrow is on data collection.
02:47:53.140 --> 02:47:56.677
So how we take in so
much data here at the CPUC
02:47:56.677 --> 02:47:58.687
and across all across our divisions.
02:47:58.687 --> 02:48:03.290
And so how can we do better
by incorporating environmental
02:48:03.290 --> 02:48:04.840
and social justice kinds of analyses?
02:48:04.840 --> 02:48:06.463
And what do we need
to do to facilitate that,
02:48:06.463 --> 02:48:09.480
will be the first
session led by Kathleen
02:48:09.480 --> 02:48:12.570
who facilitated one of
the sessions this morning.
02:48:12.570 --> 02:48:15.490
That session will be a
little bit more of a panel.
02:48:15.490 --> 02:48:17.790
So there's definitely still
will be question and answer
02:48:17.790 --> 02:48:18.623
and discussion,
02:48:18.623 --> 02:48:20.640
but there'll be a
little bit more framing
02:48:20.640 --> 02:48:23.120
and perspective from the panelists.
02:48:23.120 --> 02:48:26.764
And then we'll have our
breakout on energy, water
02:48:26.764 --> 02:48:29.350
and safety and enforcement.
02:48:29.350 --> 02:48:32.210
So those are the three
breakouts at 1:00 p.m tomorrow.
02:48:32.210 --> 02:48:33.580
And we're gonna close talking
02:48:33.580 --> 02:48:36.510
about marketing education
and outreach plans.
02:48:36.510 --> 02:48:38.510
So if folks have been involved at CPUC,
02:48:38.510 --> 02:48:40.570
you know that all a lot of our programs
02:48:40.570 --> 02:48:43.610
and incentives and
whatnot have these Emmy
02:48:43.610 --> 02:48:45.550
and our marketing
education outreach plan
02:48:45.550 --> 02:48:47.420
but there's not always
a lot of coordination
02:48:47.420 --> 02:48:49.810
across them or an
evaluation of their impact.
02:48:49.810 --> 02:48:54.610
So we wanna think about how
we can maximize those resources
02:48:54.610 --> 02:48:55.853
are going through those.
02:48:56.740 --> 02:48:58.433
So that's for tomorrow.
02:48:59.650 --> 02:49:02.760
And so with that, with
a few minutes to spare
02:49:02.760 --> 02:49:03.950
thank you all so much
02:49:03.950 --> 02:49:07.680
and we will see you back
here at 10:00 a.m tomorrow.
02:49:07.680 --> 02:49:08.513
Take care.
02:49:10.861 --> 02:49:13.111